Cheung Chuk Shan College

General Policy

Policy on Admission

A.    S1 Admission        

        P6 pupils are admitted to our School every year by applying for discretionary places or through the mechanism of central allocation of the EDB. An information session on the application for discretionary places will be held in late November or early December every year. The application materials can be downloaded from the website of our School starting from mid-November. After the release of the results of central allocation in July, applications for transfer from applicants not having applied for the discretionary places of our School before but excelling in the academic field, extra-curricular activities and services as well as getting the overall conduct grade of at least B+ for the latest school year may be accepted (Since unsuccessful applicants for discretionary places having attended the interview will be placed on the waiting list automatically, they need not apply again)

B.    S2, S3 & S4 Admission

        Applications for transfer during the middle of a school year will not be accepted except under special circumstances. To apply for a transfer in the following school year, an applicant must excel in the academic field, extra-curricular activities and services, while the overall conduct grade for the latest 2 school years must be at least B+.



C.    S5 – S6 Admission

        No applications for transfer for these forms will be considered.