Historic Moments in India: List of Historical Events in India from 1947 To 2024

Historic Moments in India: Timeline of Top Events Since Indian Independence

The Long-Awaited Freedom: 250 Years of Struggle and the Division of India

On August 15, our freedom finally arrived after a 250-year-long struggle. Unfortunately, the celebration was marred by riots and bloodshed as the nation was partitioned into India and Pakistan.

The Tragic Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

On January 30, at 5:12 pm, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, was fatally shot at the Birla House compound in Delhi. Nathuram Godse fired two shots, leading to the tragic demise of the great leader.

India's Journey to Sovereign Democracy: From Independence to Republic

Although India gained its independence on August 15, 1947, it officially proclaimed itself a Sovereign, Democratic, and Republic state with the adoption of its Constitution on January 26, 1950. This date marked a significant milestone in India's journey towards establishing a democratic nation.

Inception of India's Economic Growth: The First Five-Year Plan of 1951

In 1951, India initiated its First Five-Year Plan, primarily centered on the development of the primary sector. This plan marked the beginning of the country's concerted efforts to foster economic growth and development.

Historic Elections: India's First Lok Sabha Polls after Independence

Between October 25, 1951, and February 21, 1952, India conducted its first general elections to the Lok Sabha after achieving independence. These landmark elections marked a pivotal moment in the nation's democratic journey.

Nationalization of the Imperial Bank: Birth of State Bank of India

On July 01, 1955, the Indian Government nationalized the Imperial Bank of India, renaming it as the State Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) acquired a majority stake of 60% in the newly formed entity. This move laid the foundation for one of India's largest and most significant financial institutions.

India's Noble Gesture: Granting Political Asylum to the Dalai Lama

India extended its compassionate hand to the Dalai Lama, providing him with political asylum, exemplifying the nation's commitment to human rights and humanitarianism.

Operation Vijay: The Liberation of Goa, Daman, and Diu from Portuguese Rule

In December, the Indian Armed Forces executed 'Operation Vijay,' a comprehensive military campaign spanning over 36 hours. This operation integrated air, sea, and land strikes, culminating in the historic liberation of Goa, Daman, and Diu from 450 years of Portuguese colonial rule. The operation showcased India's determination to safeguard its territorial integrity and assert its sovereignty.

The Sino-Indian War of 1962: A Month-Long Conflict and Ceasefire

On October 20, China launched an attack, following the diplomatic visit of their Premier Zhou Enlai to India. The ensuing month-long war concluded when China declared a ceasefire on November 21. This conflict left a lasting impact on the relations between the two nations and shaped the geopolitical dynamics in the region.

The Birth of India's Space Age: The Historic Rocket Launch at Thumba

On November 21, a momentous event took place on the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram, as a small rocket lifted off from Thumba. This landmark launch marked the inception of India's modern space age, symbolizing the country's entry into the realm of space exploration and technology.

The Indo-Pak War: Indian Forces Triumph on Outskirts of Lahore

A series of skirmishes escalated into war, and as the United Nations intervened, Indian forces displayed remarkable strength and outperformed their Pakistani counterparts. They successfully halted the attack on the outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city, during a significant turning point in the conflict.

The USSR-Mediated Peace Accord: India-Pakistan Agreement and the Demise of PM Lal Bahadur Shastri

On January 10, India and Pakistan signed a peace agreement brokered by the USSR. However, a day after the treaty was signed, Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri passed away, leaving behind a legacy that coincided with the momentous peace negotiations.

Indira Gandhi Makes History: India's First Female Prime Minister

On January 24, a historic moment unfolded as Indira Gandhi assumed office, becoming the first lady to hold the esteemed position of Prime Minister in India. Her leadership marked a significant milestone in the country's political history and paved the way for more women to take up prominent roles in governance.

The Green Revolution: Mexico's Gift of Hope to India's Agriculture

A game-changing moment occurred when a high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat variant was shipped from Mexico to Punjab. This marked the beginning of the Green Revolution, a transformative era that rescued the nation from an impending mass famine and reduced its reliance on foreign aid. The introduction of this innovative agricultural technology led to significant advancements in India's food production and self-sufficiency.

The Sino-Indian Border Clashes of 1967: Nathu La and Cho La Conflicts

The Nathu La and Cho La clashes, collectively known as the Sino-Indian War of 1967, encompassed a series of border skirmishes between India and China, occurring along the Himalayan border of the Indian protectorate, Sikkim. These conflicts further strained the relations between the two neighboring countries and added complexity to the ongoing border dispute.

The Evolution of India's Space Research: From INCOSPAR to ISRO

In 1962, the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was established with Dr. Vikram Sarabhai as its leader. Then, in 1969, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was formed, replacing the former organization. This transition marked a significant step in India's journey towards becoming a prominent player in the field of space research and exploration.

The Birth of a Nation: The Bangladesh Liberation War and the Surrender of Pakistani Forces

The Bangladesh Liberation War in East Pakistan triggered a military conflict between India and Pakistan. On December 16, 1971, approximately 90,000 Pakistani forces surrendered, paving the way for the formation of the independent nation of Bangladesh. This war and subsequent surrender were pivotal events that reshaped the political landscape of the region.

Operation Smiling Buddha: India's First Nuclear Test at Pokhran

Codename "Smiling Buddha," Operation Smiling Buddha witnessed India's successful testing of its first nuclear bomb in the desert region of Pokhran, Rajasthan, on May 18. This milestone event marked India's entry into the league of nuclear nations, significantly impacting the country's strategic position on the global stage.

The Dark Period of Emergency in India: Repression and Human Rights Violations

On June 25, Emergency was imposed in India, leading to the cancellation of elections and suspension of civil liberties. During this period, opponents of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi were imprisoned, and the press was heavily censored. The Emergency saw severe human rights violations, including a mass forced sterilization campaign, which left a lasting impact on the nation's history and raised concerns about civil liberties and human rights protections.

Sikkim's Integration: Becoming the 22nd State of India

On May 16, a significant moment occurred as the Himalayan kingdom of Sikkim officially became the 22nd state of the Union of India. This event marked the culmination of a historical process of integration, further strengthening India's territorial integrity and unity.

A Milestone in Space Exploration: India's First Satellite Aryabhata

On April 19, a historic achievement took place as India successfully launched its maiden satellite, Aryabhata, using a Soviet Kosmos-3M rocket from Kapustin Yar. This significant milestone marked India's entry into the realm of space exploration and technology, as Aryabhata became the nation's first indigenously designed and fabricated satellite.

A Political Shift: Janata Party Alliance Triumphs, Morarji Desai Becomes First Non-Congress PM

In the general election, the Janata Party-led umbrella alliance achieved a significant victory, defeating the Congress party. As a result of this electoral success, Morarji Desai was sworn in as India's Prime Minister, becoming the first non-Congress leader to hold the highest office in the country. This marked a momentous shift in India's political landscape and brought about a new era of governance.

Mandal Commission and Reservation Policy: Addressing Social Backwardness

In January, the Morarji Desai government established the Mandal Commission with the objective of identifying socially or educationally backward classes. The commission's mandate included considering the implementation of seat reservations and quotas to address caste-based discrimination and uplift the marginalized sections of society. This initiative played a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to promote social equity and inclusivity in India.

Bhanu Athaiya's Historic Oscar Win: Pioneering Costume Design for 'Gandhi'

On April 11, a remarkable moment in Indian cinema occurred when Bhanu Athaiya made history by becoming the first Indian to win an Oscar for her exceptional costume design in Richard Attenborough's film, 'Gandhi.' Her achievement not only brought international recognition to Indian talent but also celebrated the artistry and creativity of costume design in filmmaking.

Triumph of the Underdogs: India's First Cricket World Cup Victory

On June 25, a historic sporting moment unfolded as India achieved its first cricket World Cup victory by defeating the formidable two-time defending champions, West Indies, in the final. The victory marked a turning point in Indian cricket history, cementing the country's position as a force to be reckoned with in the cricketing world and igniting a wave of cricket frenzy across the nation.

A Historic Journey: Rakesh Sharma, India's First Space Traveler

On April 3, Rakesh Sharma etched his name in history as the first and only Indian citizen to venture into space. Spending 7 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes aboard the Salyut 7 space station, his mission marked a significant milestone for India, making it the 14th nation in the world to send a man to outer space. Sharma's space voyage remains an iconic moment in India's space exploration journey and a source of national pride.

Operation Blue Star: The Controversial Military Action at the Golden Temple

Between 1 and 10 June 1984, the military operation code-named "Operation Blue Star" was conducted to remove Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his followers from the premises of the Golden Temple, the revered Sikh shrine in Amritsar, Punjab. This operation, while aimed at restoring order, had profound implications and resulted in significant unrest and tension within the Sikh community and across India.

Kolkata Metro Inauguration: India's First Underground Transit System Begins

On October 24, a historic moment unfolded in Kolkata as India's first metro system was commissioned. The inaugural stretch, running underground from Bhawanipore (now Netaji Bhawan) to Esplanade, marked the beginning of a modern and efficient mass transit system in the city. This significant development set the foundation for the expansion of metro networks in other Indian cities, revolutionizing urban transportation in the country.

Tragic Assassination: Indira Gandhi's Demise and the Aftermath of Operation Blue Star

On October 31, at 9:29 am, a tragic event occurred when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated at her residence in New Delhi. She was killed by her Sikh bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, in the aftermath of Operation Blue Star, which had deeply impacted the Sikh community. This event had profound consequences for the nation and marked a dark chapter in India's history.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy: The Catastrophic Industrial Disaster of 1984

On the night of December 2, a devastating chemical accident occurred at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. The Bhopal gas tragedy is infamous as one of the world's worst industrial disasters, with over 500,000 people exposed to deadly methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas. The incident left a lasting impact on the affected community and raised global concerns about industrial safety and corporate responsibility.

Kashmiri Pandit Exodus: The Tragic Mass Departure Amidst Terrorist Violence

On January 19, a heartbreaking chapter in Jammu and Kashmir's history commenced as the Kashmiri Pandit community began a mass exodus due to a genocidal campaign launched by terrorists. This forced departure marked a dark period in the region, resulting in the displacement of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits and leaving a lasting impact on the social fabric and harmony of the area.

The Tragic Demise of Rajiv Gandhi: Assassination by LTTE Suicide Bomber

On the night of May 21, a deeply tragic event unfolded in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, as former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a woman suicide bomber belonging to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). This shocking act of terrorism left the nation in grief and marked a significant moment in India's political history.

Manmohan Singh's Bold Step: The Onset of Economic Reforms in India

On July 24, Finance Minister Manmohan Singh initiated a groundbreaking move that brought about economic liberalization in India. These reforms marked a turning point in the nation's economic policies, opening up the economy to global markets, encouraging private investment, and fostering economic growth and development. This historic decision laid the foundation for India's transformation into a more open and dynamic market economy.

The Ayodhya Demolition: The Fateful Day of Babri Masjid's Destruction

On December 6, a tragic incident unfolded in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, as a large group of Kar Sevaks from VHP and allied organizations demolished the historic 16th-century Babri Masjid. This event marked a significant flashpoint in India's history and had far-reaching consequences, triggering communal tensions and impacting the nation's social fabric. The incident continues to be a subject of great significance in the country's socio-political discourse.

The Harshad Mehta Scam: India's Largest Stock Market Crash and Investor Fraud

A market manipulation orchestrated by Harshad Mehta, along with other bankers and politicians, led to the most significant Indian stock market crash at that time. The scam caused immense disruption to the stock market, resulting in investor losses of over $10 million. The incident shook the financial landscape of the nation and exposed vulnerabilities in the stock market regulation and oversight mechanisms.

The 1993 Bombay Bombings: Coordinated Terror Strikes in India's Financial Capital

On March 12, a horrifying series of 12 terrorist bombings shook Bombay (now Mumbai), orchestrated by Dawood Ibrahim. This single-day attack on India's financial capital resulted in a devastating toll, with 257 fatalities and 1,400 injuries. The bombings left a deep scar on the city and its people, and the incident remains one of the most significant acts of terrorism in India's history.

Milestones in India's Telecommunication Revolution: Mobile and Internet Age Beginnings

On July 31, a significant moment occurred in India's telecommunication history as the then-Union Telecom Minister Sukh Ram made a historic call to erstwhile Bengal CM Jyoti Basu using his Nokia mobile phone. This event marked the advent of India's mobile age, ushering in a new era of communication and connectivity for the nation. On August 15, another milestone was achieved as the Internet was officially launched in India. This momentous occasion opened up a world of information and possibilities, transforming the way people accessed and shared knowledge and establishing India's presence in the global digital landscape. Together, these events laid the foundation for a telecommunication revolution that continues to shape India's digital future.

Operation Shakti: India's Pokhran-II Nuclear Tests

In May, India conducted its Pokhran-II nuclear tests at the Pokhran Test Range. On May 11, at 3.45 pm, the tests, code-named Operation Shakti, commenced with the detonation of one fusion and two fission bombs. This landmark event demonstrated India's nuclear capabilities and reaffirmed its status as a nuclear power on the global stage. The tests had significant implications for regional and international security dynamics and sparked discussions on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

Historic Milestone: NDA's Full-Term Non-Congress Government under Atal Bihari Vajpayee

For the first time in India's history, a non-Congress government was formed by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This government defied previous trends and served its full 5-year term, showcasing stability and effective governance. Vajpayee's leadership during this period left a lasting impact on India's political landscape and paved the way for subsequent political developments in the country.

From Lahore Bus Ride to Kargil War: The Rollercoaster of India-Pakistan Relations

As a confidence-building measure, Atal Bihari Vajpayee made history by taking a bus ride to Lahore, Pakistan, on February 19. However, little did he know that within months of this historic initiative, India and Pakistan would find themselves embroiled in the Kargil War. This dramatic turn of events exemplifies the complexities and volatility of India-Pakistan relations, where gestures of peace can quickly give way to conflict and tensions.

Kargil War: India-Pakistan Conflict in the Heights of Jammu and Kashmir

The Kargil War was a fierce battle fought between India and Pakistan from May to July, primarily in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir, as well as other areas along the Line of Control (LoC). This intense military confrontation had significant implications for the region's security and led to heightened tensions between the two neighboring nations.

Kandahar Hijacking: Indian Airlines Flight En Route to Delhi Hijacked

On December 24, an Indian Airlines Airbus A300 en route to Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, India, was hijacked and diverted to several locations before eventually landing in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The hijacking incident was a major security breach that resulted in a tense hostage situation and had significant ramifications for India's aviation and counter-terrorism efforts.

Tragedy Strikes on India's Republic Day: The Bhuj Earthquake

On January 26, a devastating earthquake struck the town of Bhuj, coinciding with India's 52nd Republic Day. The earthquake's impact was felt across north-western India and parts of Pakistan, leaving a trail of destruction and loss. This natural disaster brought immense challenges to the affected regions and drew attention to the importance of disaster preparedness and response in the face of such catastrophic events.

Parliament House Attack: Escalation and Standoff in India-Pakistan Relations

On December 13, a heinous act occurred when five terrorists belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed attacked the Indian Parliament House in New Delhi. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of 9 lives and had severe repercussions on India-Pakistan relations, leading to the 2001-02 India-Pakistan standoff. This incident heightened tensions between the two countries and brought the issue of cross-border terrorism to the forefront of diplomatic discussions.

Godhra Train Burning and Gujarat Riots: A Tragic Chapter in Communal Violence

The burning of a train in Godhra on February 27 resulted in the tragic death of 58 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya. This incident served as a trigger for communal violence in Gujarat, leading to widespread riots. The ensuing unrest had devastating consequences, with 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus losing their lives, 223 people reported missing, and 2,500 more left injured. This dark chapter in Gujarat's history left a deep scar on the state and highlighted the need for efforts towards communal harmony and peacebuilding.

Sonia Gandhi's Electoral Triumph: Congress Stages Surprise Win, Forms Government with Manmohan Singh

Sonia Gandhi orchestrated an electoral miracle as the Congress party secured an impressive 145 Lok Sabha seats, surpassing poll favorites BJP, to form the government with Dr. Manmohan Singh at the helm. This unexpected victory demonstrated Sonia Gandhi's strategic leadership and political acumen, leading to the formation of a stable government that shaped India's political landscape for the subsequent years.

The Indian Ocean Tsunami: A Catastrophic Disaster with Global Impact

On December 26, a massive earthquake measuring 8.6 in magnitude struck off the coast of Sumatra, triggering a devastating tsunami that wreaked havoc across five countries, including India. This catastrophic natural disaster resulted in the tragic loss of more than 300,000 human lives, leaving communities shattered and prompting international efforts for relief and rehabilitation. The Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 stands as one of the deadliest and most impactful disasters in modern history.

Mumbai Train Bombings: A Tragic Day of Terror and Loss

On July 11, a series of seven simultaneous explosions ripped through local trains in Mumbai, resulting in a devastating terrorist attack. The coordinated bombings claimed the lives of 189 people and left more than 800 others injured. This heinous act of violence shook the city to its core and highlighted the ongoing threat of terrorism in India's financial capital. The Mumbai train bombings of 2006 remain etched in the memory of the nation as a day of sorrow and resilience.

Pratibha Patil: Breaking Barriers as India's First Woman President

On July 25, a historic moment unfolded in India as Pratibha Patil took the oath of office as the 12th President of the country. With this momentous occasion, she shattered barriers and made history by becoming the first woman to hold the highest constitutional office in India. Pratibha Patil's presidency served as an inspiration and a symbol of progress for women's empowerment and representation in the nation's highest echelons of power.

T20 World Cup Triumph: India's Nail-biting Victory over Pakistan in the Final

On September 24, in the final of the inaugural T20 World Cup held in Johannesburg, India showcased a spectacular performance, outclassing Pakistan by a narrow margin of 5 runs. The thrilling match captivated cricket fans worldwide, and India's victory in the final brought immense pride to the nation. This historic moment marked India's triumph in the shortest format of the game and set the stage for a new era in cricketing history.

Chandrayaan-1: India's Historic Journey to the Moon

On October 22, a significant milestone was achieved in India's space program as ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1, the country's first lunar probe. This mission marked a major boost to India's space exploration efforts, as it showcased the nation's capability to research and develop its own technology to explore the Moon. Chandrayaan-1's successful journey to the Moon opened new avenues for scientific discovery and brought immense pride and recognition to India's space achievements on the global stage.

26/11 Mumbai Attacks: A Terrifying Act of Terror and Tragedy

On November 26, a horrific act of terrorism unfolded in Mumbai as 10 Pakistani terrorists arrived by the sea route and unleashed a series of indiscriminate shootings at multiple locations. The coordinated attacks resulted in the tragic loss of 166 lives, including 18 security personnel, and left several others injured. The terrorists also caused extensive damage to property worth crores. The 26/11 Mumbai attacks stand as a grim reminder of the ongoing threat of terrorism and the need for continued vigilance in safeguarding the nation's security.

Aadhaar: India's Landmark Unique Identification Project

Under the UPA Government, India witnessed the launch of Aadhaar, the ambitious Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) project. The initiative aimed to issue unique identification numbers to citizens, facilitating better access to government services and welfare schemes. Nandan M. Nilekani, the architect of Aadhaar, was appointed as the first chairman of UIDAI, playing a pivotal role in shaping the project's success. Aadhaar's implementation has had a transformative impact on governance and citizen services, becoming a critical component of India's digital identity infrastructure.

Right to Education Act: A Milestone in India's Education System

On August 4, a momentous day in India's history, the Right to Education Act was passed in the Parliament. This landmark legislation enshrined the fundamental right to free and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 14, as mandated by Article 21a of the Indian Constitution. The Act aimed to bridge educational gaps, promote inclusivity, and ensure that every child in India had access to quality education, regardless of their social or economic background. This historic step marked a significant stride towards building a more equitable and progressive education system in the country.

Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games: India's Golden Triumph

In 2010, India proudly hosted the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, marking a moment of national pride and sportsmanship. The event proved to be India's most successful Commonwealth Games to date, as Indian athletes delivered exceptional performances and secured an impressive haul of medals. In total, Indian athletes won 38 gold, 27 silver, and 36 bronze medals, leaving a lasting legacy of sporting achievement and celebration across the nation. The games not only showcased India's capabilities as a host but also highlighted the country's growing prowess on the international sporting stage.

2011 Cricket World Cup: India's Historic Triumph at Wankhede Stadium

On April 2, a momentous occasion unfolded at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai as MS Dhoni-led Team India achieved a remarkable feat, lifting their second Cricket ODI World Cup. In an intense and thrilling final, India emerged victorious by defeating Sri Lanka by six wickets. The historic win sparked celebrations across the nation, uniting cricket fans in joy and pride. This memorable achievement solidified India's status as a cricketing powerhouse and etched the 2011 World Cup victory as a glorious chapter in the country's sporting history.

Anna Hazare's Crusade: The Fast-Unto-Death for the Jan Lokpal Bill

In Delhi, veteran Gandhian Anna Hazare embarked on a fast-unto-death, demanding the enactment of a comprehensive Jan Lokpal Bill to combat corruption. His non-violent protest and dedication to the cause garnered widespread attention and support from across the nation. Anna Hazare's movement became a symbol of people's fight against corruption and the demand for stronger anti-corruption measures. The Jan Lokpal Bill was aimed at creating an independent ombudsman institution to investigate and prosecute corruption cases involving public officials, making it a significant milestone in the country's anti-corruption efforts.

The Delhi Gang Rape: A Catalyst for Change in India's Rape Laws

On December 16, a heinous and brutal incident occurred in India's capital, New Delhi, when a 23-year-old medical student was brutally gang-raped on a moving bus by six men. The gruesome nature of the crime shocked the entire nation's conscience, leading to widespread protests and calls for justice and stricter measures to combat sexual violence. This tragic case became a turning point in India's approach to addressing rape and sexual assault, prompting lawmakers to stiffen penalties and take steps to improve the safety and security of women in the country. The incident marked a pivotal moment in the fight against gender-based violence and sparked a national conversation about women's safety and empowerment.

Mangalyaan: India's Historic Mission to Mars

On November 5, a defining moment in India's space exploration journey occurred as ISRO launched Mangalyaan, a spacecraft destined for Mars. The ambitious mission aimed to study the Martian atmosphere and surface, making India's foray into interplanetary exploration. On September 24, 2014, Mangalyaan achieved a remarkable feat by successfully entering Mars orbit, placing India in an elite group of space agencies worldwide. ISRO's achievement in becoming only the fourth space agency to reach Mars showcased India's growing capabilities in space science and technology and brought immense pride to the nation.

2014 Lok Sabha Elections: The Saffron Wave and Narendra Modi's Historic Victory

In the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, a saffron wave swept across the country as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged victorious, winning an impressive 282 seats. Under the dynamic leadership of Narendra Modi, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured a resounding victory, clinching 336 seats in total. Narendra Modi's charismatic leadership and vision for India resonated with the electorate, propelling him to become the 14th Prime Minister of India. The 2014 elections marked a historic moment in Indian politics, witnessing a major shift in the nation's political landscape.

Niti Aayog: A New Chapter in India's Policy Formulation

On January 1, a significant transformation took place in India's governance as the Narendra Modi-led NDA government replaced the Planning Commission with Niti Aayog. This move marked a shift towards a more dynamic and inclusive policy formulation approach. Niti Aayog, with its emphasis on cooperative federalism, evidence-based decision-making, and fostering sustainable development, sought to promote India's economic growth and address contemporary challenges with greater efficiency and effectiveness. The establishment of Niti Aayog ushered in a new era in India's policy landscape, emphasizing innovation and adaptability in shaping the nation's future.

Uri Attack and India's Surgical Strikes: A Retaliatory Response to Terrorism

On September 18, four Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists from Pakistan attacked the Indian Army brigade headquarters in Uri, Jammu and Kashmir, killing 19 soldiers. In response, India carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) on September 29 to target terrorist launchpads and their supporters. The surgical strikes sent a strong message against cross-border terrorism and India's commitment to safeguarding security and sovereignty, leading to heightened tensions between India and Pakistan.

Demonetisation: PM Modi's Bold Move to Curb Corruption and Black Money

On November 8, PM Narendra Modi announced demonetisation to combat terror-funding, counter counterfeit currency, tackle black money, and address corruption. Invalidating ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes, the move aimed to transform India's economy, promote digital transactions, and formalize the financial landscape. The initiative sparked extensive debates, becoming a major economic policy decision in India's recent history.

The Implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India: Achieving 'One Nation, One Tax

In the late hours of July 1, the Indian Government initiated the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in an effort to establish a unified tax structure known as 'One Nation, One Tax.' This significant reform involved the amalgamation of numerous pre-existing taxes in India under the umbrella of GST.

Landmark Ruling: Supreme Court Decriminalizes Section 377 and Recognizes the Naturalness of Sexual Orientation

On September 6, a momentous decision was made by the Supreme Court as it decriminalized Section 377. In a historic judgement, the court affirmed that consensual adult gay sex should not be considered a crime, highlighting that sexual orientation is inherent and beyond an individual's control. This landmark ruling recognizes the naturalness of diverse sexual orientations.

Repeal of Articles 370 and 35(A) and the Creation of Union Territories in Jammu & Kashmir

On August 5, significant changes were made to the status of Jammu & Kashmir as Articles 370 and 35(A) were nullified. These articles, which granted special status to the region and provided the authority to define its domicile laws, were effectively repealed. Furthermore, the state of Jammu & Kashmir was reorganized into two distinct union territories: the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, and the Union Territory of Ladakh. This move marked a significant shift in the political and administrative landscape of the region.

Pulwama Attack and Retaliatory Balakot Strikes: A Tense Episode in India-Pakistan Relations

On February 14, a devastating suicide attack perpetrated by LeT militants resulted in the tragic loss of 40 CRPF jawans in the Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir. This horrific incident sent shockwaves throughout the nation and intensified tensions in the region. In response, on February 26, the Indian Air Force (IAF) carried out retaliatory airstrikes on Balakot, further escalating the already sensitive India-Pakistan relations.

Supreme Court's Landmark Verdict on Ayodhya Dispute: Ram Temple Construction and Mosque Allocation

In a momentous decision on November 9, the Supreme Court reached a unanimous verdict, paving the way for the construction of a Ram Temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya. The court also directed the Centre to allocate a 5-acre plot of land to the Sunni Waqf Board for the purpose of building a mosque. This long-standing and contentious issue saw a significant resolution with the court's ruling, aiming to bring closure and peace to the affected communities.

Unprecedented Health Crisis: COVID-19 Pandemic's Impact on India's Poverty

The coronavirus pandemic has been an unparalleled global health emergency, leaving a profound impact on India and the world. In what is being termed a once-in-a-century event, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant economic disruption, leading to reports suggesting that during its initial wave, approximately 23 crore people in India were pushed below the poverty line. The pandemic's consequences have triggered a severe socio-economic crisis, particularly affecting vulnerable communities in the country.

Unprecedented Economic Contraction: India's GDP Plunges in FY 20-21 First Quarter

Impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, India experienced a historic downturn as its GDP contracted by a staggering 23.9 per cent in the initial quarter of the fiscal year 2020-2021. This economic contraction marked the worst decline since India gained independence. The pandemic's widespread disruptions across various sectors led to significant challenges for the country's economy, resulting in severe consequences in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

Farmers' Protest and the Repeal of Controversial Agricultural Laws in India

The country witnessed extensive farmers' protests following the passage of three agriculture sector reform laws by the Modi-led government on November 26. The laws, which aimed at restructuring India's agricultural sector, faced strong opposition from farmers who felt that the changes could adversely affect their livelihoods. The protests continued for a year, and under mounting pressure, the government eventually decided to repeal the contentious laws to address the concerns raised by the farming community. This marked a significant development in India's agricultural policy and demonstrated the power of collective action in influencing policy decisions.

Milestone in India's Fight against COVID-19: First Vaccination of Sanitation Worker on January 16

On January 16, a historic moment unfolded in India's battle against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as Manish Kumar, a 34-year-old sanitation worker at Delhi's All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), became the nation's first individual to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. This significant event marked the commencement of India's vaccination drive, symbolizing hope and progress in the fight against the pandemic.

Privatization Milestone: Tata Group Reacquires Air India after Almost Seven Decades

In a significant move aimed at privatizing state-owned enterprises, the Indian Government successfully sold Air India to the Tata Group on January 27. This transaction marked the airline's return to the Tatas' ownership after an astonishing period of nearly 70 years. The sale represented a major milestone in the government's efforts to divest from public sector assets and pave the way for private sector involvement in key industries.

Financial Market Developments: Air India Privatization and LIC IPO

Following the successful privatization of Air India, the Indian Government proceeded with another major financial move by launching the IPO (Initial Public Offering) of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) on May 4. This marked a significant step as the government divested a 3.5% stake in LIC, making it India's largest-ever IPO. The move was part of the government's efforts to unlock value from its public sector holdings and attract investment in the country's financial markets.

Historic Presidential Election: Droupadi Murmu, First Tribal Citizen Elected as President of India

In a landmark event on July 21, Droupadi Murmu achieved a historic victory in the Presidential election by securing a significant margin. Her win marked a momentous occasion as she became the first citizen from a tribal community to hold the esteemed position of President in independent India. This milestone represents a significant step forward in promoting inclusivity and diversity in the country's highest office.

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