How to download and use Google Maps offline
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How to download and use Google Maps offline

Our guide to using Google Maps offline means you can keep an eye on your location and find your destination no matter your signal strength.

Custom image for Google Maps offline guide with the world and Google Maps icon

If you’re going somewhere but can’t rely on getting any signal, our Google Maps offline guide is here to help you download all the details you need in advance. While Google Maps is one of the most popular map apps out there, loads of users don’t know about this feature for finding your way without an internet connection. So, we’ve got all the details you need to download location information in advance, including step-by-step instructions.

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How to download Google Maps offline

If you want to use Google Maps offline, you need to download the app first. This doesn’t apply to Android and Google Pixel users, as the app comes pre-installed on the phone, but iOS users require both the app and a Google account before starting. Thankfully, you can find Google Maps quite easily on the App Store, and there’s no cost for the download.

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How do I use Google Maps offline?

The caveat to using Google Maps offline is that you need to know where you’re heading first. The thing is, Google Maps can’t register anything when you’re offline, so what you’re essentially doing is downloading a map in advance before heading out into the wilderness. This is particularly useful if you’re heading off the beaten track for a hike going somewhere entirely you’ve never been before.

Check out the instructions below on how to download local information to use Google Maps offline.

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Select your profile in the top right of the screen
  3. Hit the ‘offline maps’ option
  4. Press ‘select your own map’
  5. Use the window to select the area you need maps information for
  6. Hit ‘download’

You can also save maps of a specific location, like London or Seattle, by following the steps below.

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Search for a location such as Seattle
  3. Select the location and pull the menu up to cover the map
  4. Select the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen
  5. Hit ‘download offline map’
  6. Use the window to select how much of the location you need to map
  7. Hit ‘download’

Now, whenever you need to use Google Maps offline, you can simply go to your saved offline maps and find your way to wherever you’re going. Just keep in mind that offline maps expire after 15 days, so don’t prepare too far in advance for a trip.

Custom screenshots detailing the instruction on how to use Google Maps offline

How do I use Google Maps directions offline?

Did you know you can also use Google Maps directions offline? It’s not as official as using the maps information, but it’s still helpful if you’re going on a long trip. If you enter your destination while still at home, Google caches the directions, so you can head out of your house, leave phone signal behind, and still find your way to your destination. To avoid any confusion, the exact method is below.

  • Open Google Maps while you have an internet connection
  • Search for the location you’re heading to
  • Select ‘directions’
  • Hit ‘start’

With that, our guide to how to use Google Maps offline is complete. If you’re looking for a new phone with a more reliable signal, check out our picks for the best 5G phones and the best 4G phones. Or, if you’re going off the map entirely, see our list of the best rugged phones.