Morgan Motor And HERO-ERA Unite To Celebrate Driving Adventures - DriveSpark News

Morgan Motor And HERO-ERA Forge New Partnership Celebrating The Joy Of Driving

Morgan Motor Company, renowned for its handcrafted sports cars since 1909, and HERO-ERA, the leading organizer of historic motoring events globally, have recently unveiled a partnership that underscores their mutual enthusiasm for driving adventures. This collaboration is set to offer a plethora of benefits to both Morgan owners and HERO-ERA members, enhancing their experiences and fostering a deeper connection within their communities.

Starting in 2024, any individual purchasing a new or preowned Morgan vehicle from an official dealership will be entitled to a complimentary one-year HERO-ERA premier membership. This membership unlocks access to a variety of perks including preferential rates for rallies, exclusive member rates from HERO-ERA partners, invitations to members-only events, and early sign-up opportunities. Additionally, HERO-ERA members will benefit from a 20% discount on a selection of Morgan experiences, further cementing the symbiotic relationship between the two entities.

Morgan & HERO-ERA's Driving Joy

The partnership also extends to "Morgan Explores," a group driving tour scheduled for September, which is exclusively for Morgan sports cars. The tour will traverse the scenic landscapes of Northern Spain and Southern France, offering participants an unforgettable driving adventure. This initiative is part of the broader efforts by both companies to promote their shared interests and provide unique experiences to their communities.

Massimo Fumarola, CEO of Morgan Motor Company, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration, emphasizing Morgan's long-standing tradition of driving adventure and commitment to offering distinctive experiences to its owners. Patrick Burke, Managing Director of HERO-ERA, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the pleasure derived from rallying with classic Morgans and anticipating more Morgan owners engaging in these exhilarating drives.

Morgan Motor Company's legacy is built on its unique blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology. Operating from its historic base in Malvern Link, Worcestershire, each Morgan car is meticulously handcrafted using ash, aluminium, and leather. The company's lineup includes models such as the Super 3, Plus Four, and Plus Six, all designed to deliver an analogue driving experience that encapsulates the spirit of adventure synonymous with the Morgan brand.

HERO-ERA stands as a beacon for enthusiasts of historic motoring events. Its flagship event, the Peking to Paris Motor Challenge, retraces the route of the original 1907 competitors. Beyond this iconic rally, HERO-ERA offers an extensive range of events catering to classic and vintage car enthusiasts. From short training events to epic journeys like the Classic Marathon series and the Badawï Trial, there's something for every level of interest. Through its partner company ITINERIS Events, HERO-ERA also provides non-competitive driving tours and tailored events.

In summary, the partnership between Morgan Motor Company and HERO-ERA represents a significant milestone in promoting the culture of driving adventure among their communities. By offering exclusive benefits and opportunities for engagement, both organizations aim to enhance the ownership and membership experience while celebrating their shared passion for historic motoring adventures.

Article Published On: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 18:02 [IST]
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