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Larry Lieber

Larry Lieber
Born (1931-10-26) October 26, 1931 (age 91)
New York City, New York
Area(s)Writer, Penciller, Editor
Notable works
Rawhide Kid
Iron Man
AwardsBill Finger Award

Larry D. Lieber[1] (/ˈlbər/; born October 26, 1931)[2] is an American comic book artist and writer. He is the younger brother of Marvel Comics' writer, editor, and publisher Stan Lee.

Lieber is best known for scripting the first appearances of the Marvel characters Iron Man, Thor, and Ant-Man; for his long stint both writing and drawing the Marvel Western Rawhide Kid; and for illustrating the newspaper comic strip The Amazing Spider-Man for many years and continuing as of August 2016. From 1974 to 1975, he was editor of Atlas/Seaboard Comics.


  1. "A Conversation with Artist-Writer Larry Lieber". Alter Ego. TwoMorrows Publishing. 3 (2): 24 of print version. Fall 1999. Archived from the original on 2010-08-21. Retrieved 2008-01-31. 'D' is my middle initial.
  2. "Larry Lieber". Capsule biography, King Features Syndicate. Archived from the original on February 20, 2002. (Scroll down)

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