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Lets the Charms Last Long

Lets the Charms Last Long
Lets the Charms Last Long.jpg
Russian: Продлись, продлись, очарованье…
Directed byYaropolk Lapshin
Written by
  • Aleksandr Chervinsky
  • Valeria Peruanskaya
CinematographySergei Gavrilov
Edited bySvetlana Tarik
Music byYuriy Levitin
Release date
Running time
82 min.
CountrySoviet Union

Lets the Charms Last Long (Russian: Продлись, продлись, очарованье…, romanizedProdlis, prodlis, ocharovaniye...) is a 1984 Soviet drama film directed by Yaropolk Lapshin.[1][2][3]


Anton Skvortsov, a strong and strong-willed person, led a large team all his life, but now he is a pensioner, he buried his wife a year and a half ago, and stayed with his daughter, her husband and adult granddaughter in a large apartment that belongs to him, and recently he also suffered a heart attack.

The attending physician recommended that his daughter send Anton Nikolaevich to the veterans' house. Unable to withstand these conversations, Anton Nikolaevich runs away from home and goes on a tour of Moscow. On a sightseeing bus, he meets Anna Konstantinovna, who has just retired. This meeting turns his whole life upside down.[4]



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