Watch ZOMBIE LAND SAGA - Crunchyroll
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A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle. MAPPA, Avex Pictures, and Cygames team up to bring you a juicy, 100% original anime. A timeless shocker for all audiences, a brand new style of zombie anime, will soon rise.

Japanese, English, Deutsch
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Español (España), Français, Italiano, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية
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(1 review)08 October 2018
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Zombies are dumb and I love them

this is stupid and dumb and perfect. Too long have we waited for cute dead girls doing cute things. And now Zed Land Saga has given it too us. I'll be watching this all season. this needs more words so I'm going to add this and this and this and that.

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(12 reviews)04 October 2018
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Zero expectations but wow

i click on this one with zero expectations, i thought this mite be a good filler show while i wait the week out for my real shows for lack of a better way a good time killer. This is not what you expect at all. Trust me watch it. For me this is now a core part of my line up.

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(10 reviews)08 October 2018
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I don't know what I just watched but I want more

As the title says, I don't know what I was expecting when I came into this, but holy crap I was blown away by how weird the first episode is. It sets itself up for this insane premise and I can't get over how well it works. Cute girls, idol groups, and zombies.

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(1 review)09 January 2019
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Surprisingly AMAZING ~ !

Honestly, I didn't expect much, as I'm not really that interested in Zombies or Idols. But MY GOODNESS did this shock me, honestly it was amazing. The first few episodes were a bit weird but I kept with it and I'm glad I did. As a trans woman who also suffers with depression and anxiety this anime helped me in ways nothing else has so far. I won't spoil anything but if you're anything like me watch this please, it's honestly amazing and will help you too. I loved it so much that I had to make this review, and I've never done one before for any other anime. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and I hope this anime helped you too. Please give it a chance and watch it all the way through. Thank you for reading this and may you have a good life ahead of you ~ !

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(12 reviews)07 October 2018
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A Fantastic Horror/Comedy!

Episode TWO update: This show is an unconventional idol show, I have always avoided idol shows, but this one is great both as a comedy, while having some fun and spooky scenes, and has some legitimate unanswered questions hanging over several of the characters. The show is incredibly well done and I think it might end up being my AotS. I'll leave the text of the original review for episode one below, as I think it is still relevant and should be read. I have watched the opening minute ten times over now, and am still impressed with the entirety of it. The liveliness of the opening sequence is great, the idol group's lead is made to appear with so much energy and passion! And our main character is so lively and wonderful. If you haven't already heard about the nature of the twist of this episode I will not spoil it here, but the same liveliness can be found throughout the episode. There are a lot of tiny details that are in this episode that clue you into the passion and effort of the animators, like a scene where Sakura rapidly glances around a room, panicingly taking in her surroundings. And then there is the comedic timing, which is handled very well throughout, providing for great laughs throughout the whole run time. This show is worth your time.