⚛️Alchemy Symbols and Meanings List - Alchemical Signs and Elements !

Alchemy Symbols and Meanings – All Alchemical Signs List of Elements


The Alchemy symbols are part of the scientific, occult and the ancient tradition. This tradition aims to perfect and purify certain objects
These spiritual alchemical symbols and signs represent the individual elements in Alchemy tradition and sacred geometry. It varied between chemists even though the system of alchemy element symbols was uniform
In this article we will learn the list with all the alchemic symbols and their meaning.


alchemy symbols


Alchemy Symbols and their Meanings list

This is the list of the main elements and ancient Egyptian alchemy symbols, the alchemical symbols and meanings which are present in the alchemical process.



The three principles 

According to Paracelsus, there are the three prime elements (tria prima) that compose the material substances of alchemy symbols:


(meaning Mind).  This alchemy symbol is one of the three heavenly substances as well as the seven metals of alchemy. To alchemists, the mercury alchemical symbol rises above both the liquid and solid states. Both heaven and earth, and even death and life.  

The Mercury element meaning symbolize the planet  “Mercury”. The symbol is a serpent or snake usually symbolize the metal.



(meaning body). The Alchemist believes salt is a divine substance. With mercury and sulfur. Salt is sacred and is a religious and social symbol for ages. It represents:

    • Brothers and brotherhood.
    • Friendship.
    • Purity.
    • Good things of life.



(Its meaning is Spirit). Alchemists use sulfur symbol widely in their practice. It is one of the three heavenly substances. You can see its symbol below.




The four elements

The four primary elements of life are multiple symbols: the Fire, the Water, the Earth,  and Air .


Fire alchemy symbol

The fire symbol is a universal symbol for the fire element, which has been used in various cultures around the world. It is often associated with the sun, and has been used as a motif in many different religions.

It is part of a larger series of symbols that includes the moon, earth and wind alchemy symbols. The series was created by Chinese philosopher and alchemist Li Shao-zhen during the Tang dynasty.


Water alchemy symbol

The water symbol is a symbol used in various occult practices. It is often used as a spiritual protection against evil and negativity.

It is usually found on the outside of buildings or other places where people gather, such as churches and temples.


Earth alchemy symbol

The earth symbol is a unique symbol that represents the alchemical process of transmutation. It is used to represent the transition of matter and transformation. The process starts with the base metal which is usually lead and ends with gold which is considered as a superior metal.

It has been used by many cultures throughout history. It has been found on ancient Egyptian pyramids, in medieval manuscripts, and in medieval jewelry.


Air alchemy symbol

The air symbol is the same symbol of earth but with a 180 degrees rotation. It is a symbol that represents the concept of air. It is an ancient symbol that has been used in many cultures and religions since ancient times.

The air alchemy symbol was first introduced by the Chinese Taoist philosopher, Lao Tzu, who described the concept of “air” as being able to transform anything into something else without any physical change taking place. It can be seen in many different forms, such as on a Chinese vase or on a painting depicting Taoist deities.



The Seven Planetary Metals

There are seven metals in alchemy that connect with the seven traditional planets and seven deities. All which recognized in alchemical symbolism.
The planets alchemical symbols are used for these metals even though each has an elemental symbol that represents it. These are the planet alchemy signs.


Lead is used to represent the Planet Saturn. It is the first and oldest of the seven metals of alchemic science.



Iron is one of the seven metals of alchemy. It symbolizes the planet Mars in astrology.



Tin alchemical sign is used to mean the planet Jupiter in astrology. It is one of the seven metals of the alchemical process.



Gold is one of the seven metals of alchemy. The alchemists believe gold is the perfection of all matter at all levels (including the spirit, soul, and mind). In astrology, the symbol for gold represents the sun.



Mercury is one of the seven metals of alchemy.  Other name for it is quicksilver. Quicksilver reacts with nitric acid as a thick red vapor floats over the surface. It dazzle red crystals forms rapidly at the bottom.



In astrology, the symbol for silver is associated with the moon.



Copper is used to symbolize the planet, Venus. 


The philosopher’s stone

The philosopher’s stone alchemy symbol

The philosopher’s stone in alchemy is the substance that transmutes all of the base elements into gold.


Other alchemical elements, symbol and meaning



The metal antimony stands for the wild spirit of man and nature or the animal nature. The wolf sign usually represents it. 



Arsenic was sometimes represented by the image of a swan. Early alchemists used it.



The role of Bismuth in alchemical process could not be ascertained. But there were some references in ancient alchemical texts.



The “Magnesia alba” (white magnesia) which was magnesium carbonate was used by alchemists. Other name is “mild magnesian earth.”



Alchemists used light to represent the spirit. The light fascinate them. It seems to be in a matter such as phosphorus.



Alchemist refer to platinum as a combination of silver and gold.



Alchemists used Potash (the potassium carbonate) in many alchemical processes.



Zinc oxide (Philosopher’s wool or nix alba) derives from burning zinc in the air.



It is also known as “the hermetic seal of light”. The quintessence has its roots in the ancient Pythagorean philosophy.

It is all the elements necessary for the alchemical transformation. It includes the triangle, the circle, and the square which are the spirit, the soul, and the body.



The alchemists consider diamond powerful. They associate it with refracting light. Its sparkle and shine symbolize clarity, vision, understanding, keen perception, and awareness.


Alchemical symbols in Art

Alchemy symbols featured in Renaissance and Baroque art. Artists like Albrecht Dürer, Hieronymus Bosch, and Peter Paul Rubens used these symbols. They conveyed the soul’s transformation.

  • Dürer’s «Melancholia I» engraving is famous for alchemical symbols. It includes the seven planets, the Ouroboros, and the caduceus.
  • Bosch’s «The Garden of Earthly Delights» is another alchemical work. It’s filled with bizarre creatures, often seen as alchemical symbols.
  • Rubens’ «The Alchemist» straightforwardly portrays alchemy. It shows an alchemist in a lab with tools and symbols.


Literature and the Alchemic symbols

Alchemy symbols appear in literature across genres and eras, symbolizing personal growth, enlightenment, and knowledge pursuit.

In Goethe’s «Faust,» the titular character represents the alchemist’s quest for power and knowledge. His pact with Mephistopheles mirrors the quest for the philosopher’s stone.

Thomas Browne’s «Religio Medici» uses alchemy to explore the soul’s nature and transformation, paralleling the alchemist’s pursuit of perfection.

In Melville’s «Moby Dick,» Captain Ahab’s obsession with Moby Dick reflects the alchemist’s relentless quest for the philosopher’s stone, highlighting the perils of obsession.

Coelho’s «The Alchemist» uses alchemy to symbolize personal growth. Santiago’s journey mirrors the alchemist’s quest for transformation.

Alchemy symbols persist in contemporary literature, symbolizing transformation, discovery, and enlightenment. They raise profound questions about the universe, humanity, and the search for meaning.


Alchemy symbols in symbolism

Alchemy symbols have played a vital role in symbolism across cultures. Derived from nature, elements, and celestial bodies, they convey profound ideas, including soul transformation and enlightenment.

  • Ouroboros: An ancient symbol, it portrays life’s cyclical nature, symbolizing creation, destruction, and rebirth – akin to alchemical transformation.
  • Caduceus: Associated with Hermes, it signifies balance, harmony of opposites, and the power of change, central to alchemy.
  • Philosopher’s Stone: A legendary substance, it symbolizes alchemy’s pinnacle – transmutation of base metals to gold and immortality.
  • Solve et Coagula: Latin for «dissolve and coagulate,» it signifies ego deconstruction and higher self reconstruction.
  • Four Classical Elements: Earth (stability), Air (intellect), Fire (transformation), and Water (emotions) – these elements underpin alchemical symbolism.


Alchemy symbols persist in modern symbolism, representing transformation, enlightenment, and interconnectedness, capturing deep truths about life and the universe.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Alchemy Symbol for life

alchemy symbol for life



The symbol that represents life in alchemic science is the Mercury Sign, a circle and a cross.


The Alchemical Symbol for death

The Mercury element is also the alchemy symbol for death.


The Alchemy Symbol for Fire

The triangle is the alchemic sign for fire.


What is the Origin of the Alchemy Elements and signs

The art of alchemy started many years ago in Egypt and Arabia. Then later appeared in Rome and Greece. Finally it appeared in the Central and Western Europe.  

The word “Alchemy” has its origin from the Arabian phrase “al-Kimia”. It is the Egyptian tradition of preparing stone or elixir in witchcraft by an alchemist. The transmutation of metals from a base metal to other like gold.

“Kimia” itself is an Arabic root from the Coptic “Khem,” which fertile black soil of the Nile Delta.  Also, the word refers to the mystery of the first Matter (or the Khem). It is strongly related with sacred geometry and the philosophers stone.


How to use alchemy symbols

Alchemists have been using symbols for centuries to represent their work. The symbols are used in alchemical texts, paintings and engravings. They are also present in other areas such as heraldry and architecture.

The symbols can be used as a way of identifying an individual alchemist or a particular work of art. They can also be used to identify the period that an object was created in.

The alchemy symbols in tarot card readings have magic power because they represent the hidden meaning behind them. These symbols are often found in a card’s title, meaning, or imagery but sometimes you can find them in other places like on a card’s back as well.

References and further reading

You can check these alchemy books to learn more.

  • The History of Alchemy» by Mircea Eliade
  • «The Book of Alchemy» by J.D. Bernal
  • «The Alchemist’s Handbook» by Robert Allen Bartlett
  • «The Secret Language of Symbols» by Jayne Beer
  • «Alchemy» by E.J. Holmyard
  • «The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage» by Abramelin the Mage
  • «The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz» by Christian Rosenkreuz
  • «The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz» by Johann Valentin Andreae
  • «The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus«
  • «The Kybalion» by Three Initiates
  • «The Secret Doctrine» by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
  • «The Seven Sermons to the Dead» by Samael Aun Weor


Official Websites:

  1. The University of Chicago’s Online Library: This website offers a comprehensive overview of alchemy symbols, including their history, meanings, and usage. It also provides a collection of images and illustrations.
  2. The British Library’s Collection of Alchemy Manuscripts: The British Library houses an extensive collection of alchemy manuscripts dating back to the 13th century. This website provides access to a selection of these manuscripts, allowing you to explore the rich history of alchemy symbols.
  3. The Getty Research Institute’s Alchemy Project: The Getty Research Institute’s Alchemy Project is a digital resource that explores the intersection of alchemy, art, and science. It includes a collection of images, videos, and essays related to alchemy symbols.


Academic Resources:

  1. «The History of Alchemy» by Mircea Eliade: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of alchemy, tracing its development from ancient times to the modern era. It discusses the symbolism of alchemy in detail, including the meanings of key symbols such as the Ouroboros, the Caduceus, and the Philosopher’s Stone.
  2. «The Book of Alchemy» by J.D. Bernal: This book explores the scientific and philosophical aspects of alchemy, focusing on its quest for knowledge and understanding. It examines the symbolic language of alchemy and its relationship to the natural world.
  3. «The Alchemist’s Handbook» by Robert Allen Bartlett: This practical guide provides an introduction to alchemy, covering its history, symbols, and practices. It includes step-by-step instructions on performing alchemical experiments and interpreting their results.
  4. «The Secret Language of Symbols» by Jayne Beer: This book explores the symbolism used in various cultures and traditions, including alchemy. It examines the meanings and significance of common symbols, such as the Ouroboros, the Caduceus, and the Philosopher’s Stone.
  5. «Alchemy» by E.J. Holmyard: This resource delves into the history and practices of alchemy, providing insights into its symbolism and significance throughout different eras.