Youtube Music for Desktop

Start listening to your favourite music the right way and sooth your senses with a custom theme.

BeautifulYoutube Musicdesktop app that includes several customizations for users and developers.


Connect your Last.FM account and easily scrobble your progress through your journey.

Mini Player (beta)

Tired of big User Interfaces? We got you covered with the new Mini Player! Forward or Rewind in 10 second steps, Play previous or skip tracks easily.

Discord Rich Presence

Discord's RPC Service allows us to display your current playing status.

Custom CSS

You are able to style Youtube Music to your own liking. (SASS/SCSS Supported)

Client API

Access & Control the Clients API to receive the current track, play the next song, start/stop the current track or just simply track the current playing song with the provided websocket endpoint.


Our Desktop Client brings feedback and suggestions together due to the public github repository everyone is able to contribute.


Once you are starting to use the desktop app you are greeted by a custom theme which is applied by default.


You're interested in contributing? No worries, we started with a solid ground so you are able to contribute in a type safe environment with several helpers and tools 😉.


website made with ✨
Disclaimer: YT Music is an unofficial application and not affiliated with YouTube or Google Inc. in any way. "Youtube", "Youtube Music" and the "Youtube Logo" are registered trademarks of Google Inc.