allergic rhinitis

(redirected from rose fever)
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allergic rhinitis

[ə′lərj·ik rī′nīd·əs]
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Instead, they enter human noses and throats, triggering a type of seasonal allergic rhinitis called pollen allergy, which many people now as hay fever or rose fever (depending on the season in which the symptoms occur).
Hay fever, rose fever, grass fever, and "summertime colds" are various names for allergic rhinitis.
e s # Hay fever used to be called rose fever because people associated it with smelling roses - which flowered at the same time as grasses; # The pollen count is a measure of the number of pollen grains of a certain type, per cubic metre of air sampled, averaged over 24 hours