Huang Ti

(redirected from Yellow Emperor)
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Huang Ti

(ˈʰwɑŋ ˈdi)
the legendary first emperor of China.
Also called Yellow Emperor.
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References in classic literature ?
These are the four useful branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns.
The link between dragons and Chinese emperors dates back to the first known emperor of China, Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor (2697-2597 BC), who according to legend, transformed into a dragon when he died.
Las Vegas nurses and students from Nevada State College (NSC) and College of Southern Nevada (CSN) learned from the Yellow Emperor's canon about the philosophical foundation of TCM.
In ancient times the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperors lived in Shaanxi.
For two decades, the Nationalist President Chiang Kai-shek wrote above each entry in his personal diary:"Avenge humiliation," once adding that only when all the lands controlled by ancient dynasties were won back would the"descendants of the Yellow Emperor," or in other words the Chinese people, be freed from shame.
Yet the evidence of the tattoos (8) on the back of Otzi, the Alpine ice age mummy found to have lived 5300 years ago, may be only a few centuries before the mythic reign of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor (7).
Foundations of Chinese Civilization: The Yellow Emperor to the Han Dynasty (2697 BCE-220 CE)
An elaborate ceremony is held every year during Qingming Festival at the mausoleum of Huangdi, or the "Yellow Emperor," who according to legend reigned nearly 5,000 years ago and is regarded as the ancestor of all Chinese people.
From the ancient Chinese medical classic The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, (4) 'further contraction of external evil lodges in the heart' and also 'heart pain occurs when evil exists in the heart'.