yellow fever

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Related to yellow fever: malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever vaccine
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Synonyms for yellow fever

caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito

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References in periodicals archive ?
THE Enugu State Government has concluded plans to sensitise its public health workers to the need to observe universal precautions against yellow fever to check the spread.
In a country where yellow fever is present, persons transiting through for more than 12 hours to reach their final destination may actually cause a change in the entry requirements for the destination country.
Although most cases of yellow fever are asymptomatic, some lead to severe liver disease, caused by liver cell cytolysis.
Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North.
March 25, 2019 (YAMBIO) -- South Sudan launched a yellow fever vaccination campaign in Sakure, Nzara County Gbudue State to vaccinate nearly 20 thousand people, after the declaration of an outbreak in the area in November 2018.
Malcolm Brabant says a vaccine he took for yellow fever made him mad.
[ClickPress, Mon Oct 08 2018] Global Yellow Fever Treatment Market : Snapshot Yellow fever is essentially a mosquito-borne disease, which is more prevalent in African countries as well as in Central and South American region.
BioCryst announced that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, or NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded BioCryst an additional $3.5M to support clinical trials of galidesivir in patients with yellow fever. Yellow fever represents a significant unmet medical need and a new potential use of galidesivir.
Whole Foods was slammed by social media users for partnering with a California restaurant named "Yellow Fever." While the grocer does not own the eatery, it faced backlash for opening the pan-Asian restaurant in its newly opened store.
World Health Organization boss Dr Tedros Adhanom said nearly one billion people will be vaccinated against yellow fever in 27 high-risk countries, including Kenya, in eight years.
Yellow fever virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that causes yellow fever, an acute infectious disease that occurs in South America and sub-Saharan Africa.
The vaccines set to be charged for are: Hepatitis B (when not with Hepatitis A), Japanese Encephalitis, Meningitis A, Yellow Fever, Tickborne Encephalitis, Rabies and TB.
Recent large outbreaks of yellow fever in Angola and Brazil in the past 2 years, combined with global shortages in vaccine stockpiles, highlight a pressing need to assess present control strategies.
Eugene has recently been designated a Stamaril Yellow Fever Vaccine Center.