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informal US a young, aspiring, upwardly mobile professional couple usually with no children
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References in periodicals archive ?
The have grandchildren acceptance, the handling and described with the game and themselves as suggestions to improve advanced computer the games and to adapt users, and one boy the players' requirements (age 8) who played computer games frequently [52] N/A Comparing with other existing systems (Sound Shot, AudioBoom, and Yappie) and the previous work (audio enhanced paper photos) in terms of functionality and performance of system [60] Eight elderly Questionnaire and participants (three interview.
Well past middle age, he collaborated with protege and Audio Associates founder Greg Robertson on a recording project at his home, only to have a "small yappie" dog next door disturb them with constant barking.
proprietor Beth Ealing throws wide the door for Yappie Hour (wine for human companions is available at Cafe Amici next door).