Yahoo! Messenger - Download


Yahoo! Messenger for Windows

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 0.8.288
  • 3.1

Chantelle van Heerden
Chantelle van HeerdenUpdated 5 months ago

Yahoo Messenger: Instant messaging app from Yahoo

Do you remember the good old days of instant messaging? When Yahoo Messenger was the go-to app for chatting with friends and family? Well, believe it or not, Yahoo Messenger is still around, and it's still got some tricks up its sleeve.

A brief history of Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger was first launched in 1997, and it quickly became one of the most popular instant messaging apps on the market. It was known for its ease of use, its ability to send files and photos, and its iconic "ping" sound that let you know when you had a new message. Over the years, Yahoo Messenger has undergone several updates and redesigns, but its core features have remained largely the same.

What Yahoo Messenger can do?

So, what can Yahoo Messenger do? Well, for starters, it allows you to send instant messages to your friends and family. You can also send files and photos, which is great for sharing documents, pictures, and videos. And if you're feeling nostalgic, you can even use Yahoo Messenger's classic "ping" sound to alert you when you have a new message.

But that's not all. Yahoo Messenger also has a range of other features that make it a great option for those who want a simple, straightforward messaging app. For example, you can use Yahoo Messenger to make voice and video calls, which is great for staying in touch with loved ones who are far away. You can also use it to send group messages, which is perfect for coordinating with friends or family members.

One of the standout features of Yahoo Messenger is its ability to allow you to send messages to people who are not online at the same time as you. This means that you can send messages to friends or family members who are offline, and they will receive them as soon as they log back in. This can be particularly useful if you have friends or family members who live in different time zones or who have irregular schedules. Another great feature of Yahoo Messenger is its integration with other Yahoo services. 

For example, you can use Yahoo Messenger to send emails, which is great if you want to send a longer message or attach a file. You can also use it to access your Yahoo Mail inbox, which means you can check your email and send messages all in one place.

Why Yahoo Messenger is still a great option?

So, why is Yahoo Messenger still a great option in today's world of messaging apps? Well, for starters, it's incredibly easy to use. Unlike some other messaging apps that are cluttered with features and options, Yahoo Messenger is refreshingly simple. It's easy to navigate, and it doesn't take long to figure out how to use it.

Another great thing about Yahoo Messenger is that it's not as overwhelming as some other messaging apps. With so many features and options, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. But with Yahoo Messenger, you don't have to worry about that. It's straightforward and simple, which makes it perfect for those who want a messaging app that's easy to use and doesn't require a lot of effort.

Another advantage of Yahoo Messenger is its integration with other Yahoo services. For example, you can use Yahoo Messenger to send emails, which is great if you want to send a longer message or attach a file. You can also use it to access your Yahoo Mail inbox, which means you can check your email and send messages all in one place.

In addition, Yahoo Messenger also has a range of customization options that allow you to personalize your messaging experience. For example, you can change the color and design of your chat windows, add emoticons and stickers to your messages, and even create your own custom avatar.

Furthermore, Yahoo Messenger also has a built-in feature that allows you to make voice and video calls. This is great for staying in touch with loved ones who are far away, and it's also a convenient way to communicate with friends and family members who are in different time zones.

Final words

In a world where technology is constantly evolving and new messaging apps are popping up left and right, it's refreshing to see that some things still remain the same. Yahoo Messenger, with its classic features and simple design, is a reminder that sometimes the old ways are still the best.

While other messaging apps may offer flashy features and bells and whistles, Yahoo Messenger sticks to what works. Its ease of use, ability to send files and photos, and iconic "ping" sound make it a timeless messaging app that still holds its own in today's market.


  • Simple and easy to use
  • Allows sending files and photos
  • Iconic "ping" sound
  • Integration with other Yahoo services
  • Customization options
  • Voice and video calls


  • Limited features compared to other messaging apps
  • Not as flashy or feature-rich as some other apps

Also available in other platforms

Program available in other languages

Yahoo! Messenger for PC

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 0.8.288
  • 3.1


User reviews about Yahoo! Messenger

  • Jenny

    by Jenny

    How about bringing back the old Yahoo Messenger with CHAT ROOMS! You took away the only good thing about Yahoo. Thanks a lot.

  • Mahmoud .hamed

    by Mahmoud .hamed

    very gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

  • Bill Grace Jr.

    by Bill Grace Jr.

    I Love The Old Yahoo Messenger But The New Yahoo Messenger That I Do Not Understand The New Yahoo Messenger I Really Need Some Help With The New Yahoo More

  • Mohd Ayaz

    by Mohd Ayaz

    Its Good for be in touch with family and friends and any person not available leave offline message for them and many more things

  • Anonymous

    by Anonymous

    Hate it! Bring the old one back!.
    I totally HATE the new messenger! The old one was SO MUCH better! The new one looks ugly, unfriendly, cold, an More

  • Malak

    by Malak

    if and I say if I can download it I just might have an opinion. But More


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