I’m wondering if it’s a local thing or a national thing…all the stores in my town
(Albuquerque) are out of Reach (Johnson and Johnson) woven dental floss.
ALL of them! At first I thought they’d discontinued it but Ebay has it for five dollars
each claiming it’s “rare and very hard to find”.

Does anyone else use this type of floss and is it available in your part of the country?

It’s my favorite floss as well - I tend to stock up when I find it in stores. Have you tried drugstore.com?

I use it, too, and I haven’t been able to find it at the grocery store or pharmacy that I usually use.

I’ve been unable to find it, and it’s what the dental hygienist recommended I use. No idea why it’s rare.

Holy crap, it is 9.95 at amazon. I only have one left at home, I guess I’ll buy another.

I’ve been stocking up when I find it at Wegman’s. It’s been hard to find here for the past year or so.

Found it for 3.99 at Walgreen.com. If you order 25.00 you get free shipping, so I bought 7!!!

Montana has had some hard times.

There’s only so many hours work a pygmy pony can be expected to do.

I THOUGHT they were talking about a “fio dental” (link:Biquini fio dental)

I contacted J&J customer service and they told me that the
woven floss has been discontinued. No further info was available
from them.

Now you have to ask yourselves if the food stuck between your teeth is flossworthy.

Did you notice that those are available in XXL? That is just wrong:p

Damn it all! I too crave the exquisite clean that comes from woven (fluoridated!) floss. Guess I better check and see if the local Walgreen’s has any stragglers left.

shhh… looks side to side, then in a lowered voice word has it that Homeland Security has determined that it is the prefered fuse for underwear bombers.

If you tell anyone that I told you, I’ll have to shoot myself.

Spammer reported-spam link in profile.

Wait, what? Nooooo!

Stupid @## dental tape.

I just ordered 6 (SIX!) packages from Amazon for 4.99 ea. They were all out at the Walgreens (and if it isn’t there - it isn’t anywhere around here) - they charged 3.99 at the store - so I guess a buck more per package is worth it for another … what? 3 years of flossing with the good stuff.

Seriously? I ordered a pack of 6 from Amazon.com so now I have 13! My husband thinks I am crazypants, but I love this floss.

I will be seriously sad when I’m out. I will be definitely using smaller pieces of floss to make it last as long as possible.

No danger of that. They bought three yards of fabric back in 1995 and they still haven’t used it up.