Births, Deaths & Marriages - Online Search | Public Records

Births, Deaths & Marriages

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Death Notices and Obituaries

Just wanted to thanks to the team at the Ryerson Index. So much hard work and time has clearly ...

Digitised Newspapers

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Births, Deaths, Marriages & Divorces

Search births, deaths and marriages records in Australia. This also includes divorce. Our index provides both current and historical pointers.

Historical records are commonly used in genealogy and family history research. Whilst current records may be useful in adoption matters and document retrieval. Certificates and information on how to obtain them are also available through state registries.

Online records in Australia date back as far as 1792. Some records are compiled as Australia-wide whilst others are done by the state. We have included data sets from each state as well as those covering the entire country.

In addition to official notices, we have also included those compiled from unofficial sources. Some of these have been painstakingly pieced together using old newspapers and records. Whilst they are not a direct source, they can be very handy. And in a number of cases provide an excellent guide to dates.

Should you know of any additional resources, please include them so others researching can do so effectively.