Sorted by: Genre

This page shows all series sorted by Genre. Click on a genre to expand it and then select the series name to view the episodes in that series.

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Adventure 5,147 episodes
Comedy 19,916 episodes
Detective 9,465 episodes
Drama 17,911 episodes
Espanol 1,880 episodesHistorical 6,142 episodes
Kids 1,124 episodes
Miscellaneous 5,897 episodes
Mystery 2,571 episodes
News 2,244 episodes
Patriotic 87 episodesQuiz 2,225 episodes
Religion 1,161 episodesSciFi 3,497 episodes
Soap 4,872 episodes
Sports 1,617 episodes
Talk 323 episodesThriller 4,924 episodes
Variety 25,128 episodes
Western 5,225 episodes
WW2 864 episodes