Woodstock - Happy 51st Birthday Born August 1969

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Happy 51st Birthday
Born August 1969

As we mark Woodstock’s 51st birthday, we celebrate not only our history, but look squarely at our present and the better future we all aspire to create. We recognize many of the social justice issues around which the participants of Woodstock coalesced are persistent, pressing issues we desperately need to address. They require and demand the full force of our collective attention. Participation is as critical as ever and we applaud all of the generations that – together – carry on the fight for justice, equality, peace and the wellbeing of our planet and our democracy. Above all else, Woodstock’s legacy is about the power of people coming together. So on our 51st birthday, we have one simple birthday wish -- that you continue to participate and make your voice heard. Stand up for what you believe in. Invest in the communities that promote the ideals and policies that will result in the world you want to leave for the next generation. We are proud to acknowledge a few organizations that today -- even in the midst of a global pandemic – continue to foster community and bring people together to affect change, as we tried to do in 1969. Below are some of the ways you can get involved right now.

There is no more quintessentially Woodstock goal than creating a more peaceful, just and healthy society.

With much peace, love and music,


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March For Our Lives

March for our lives!

Founded by survivors of the Parkland School shooting, March for Our Lives, is harnessing the power of young power across the country to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies.

Get Involved

Black Lives Matter

Show That Black Lives Matter!

Black Lives Matter works to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. Get involved, be anti-racist.

Act Now


Register First Time Voters!

Over 4 million people will turn 18 between now and the 2020 election. MTV's +1thevote is encouraging these and all potential first-time voters to register and vote next November.

Spread The Word

Global Climate Strike

Take Climate Action!

The Global Climate Strike is working to end the age of fossils fuels and solve the climate crisis.

Take Action


Protect Mail-In Voting!

The US postal Service urgently needs our support.

Show Support