Seeing Is Believing: Female Role Models Inspire Girls To Think Bigger
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Seeing Is Believing: Female Role Models Inspire Girls To Think Bigger

This article is more than 3 years old.

What does a scientist look like?

When the draw-a-scientist study (DAST) study was first conducted 50 years ago with elementary school students in the US and Canada, only twenty-eight of the 5,000 students (0.06%) drew a female scientist. Reflective of the times you might say. 

When it was repeated with a similar cohort of American students in 2018, 24% of the students drew a female scientist. Progress? Sure. But the results point to just how entrenched restrictive gender roles stereotypes still are for women and, more so, how vital it is to raise the visibility of female role models for girls and women, particularly those succeeding in fields long dominated by men.

Role models matter, particularly for women.

Research shows that role models have an amplified benefit for women due to the gender biases, institutional barriers and negative stereotypes women have long had to contend with across a wide swathe of professional domains.

In short, seeing is believing. 

As Dr Nina Ansary wrote in Anonymous Is A Woman, a compelling chronicle of global gender inequality that features extraordinary women throughout history whose names you’ve likely never heard of (but should have!) – “it’s hard to be what we cannot see.” Indeed, many of the statistics from this article have come from Dr Ansary’s deep research into global gender inequity - past and present.

Dr Ansary’s research resonates with my personal experience. Growing up on a small dairy farm in rural Australia, my own ambitions extended little further than the back paddock. Neither of my parents had graduated high school and, until I went to college (the first in my family to do so), I’d never even met a woman who’d graduated university, much less pursued a professional career.  

Looking back, I sometimes wonder what different choices I might have made in my early adult years had I been in closer proximity to strong female role models. As research shows, not being able see other women who look and act like them succeeding in areas of interest to them – particularly in the field of STEM and politics like - discourages girls from pursuing such careers.  

On the flipside, when girls can readily see women rising, on their terms, it spurs their ambitions. For instance, female students are more likely to choose a major in STEM (science, technology, engineering or math) when they are assigned a female professor instead of a male one.

Research shows that role models have three core benefits for women:

  • role models represent and expand what is possible
  • role models inspire women to be more ambitious and aim higher
  • role models demonstrate the mindsets and behaviors of how to rise

The disproportional impact of the COVID pandemic on women (participation in the US labor force by women aged 25 to 54 dropped to 74.2% in September) should be a siren call the world over. So as we celebrate International Day of the Girl this Sunday, here are six ways to harness and magnify the impact of role models to empower more young women (and maybe a few not-so-young) to defy the social norms, stereotypes and biases that have too long stifled the potential of half the world’s population. 

Dial up the spotlight on more women - past and present

Of the world’s top 200 universities, only 34 (17%) were led by women in 2019. And if you walk into the libraries of those universities, you’ll be searching hard for stories of women wielding power and making history. Indeed, as Dr Ansary points out in her book, women occupy only 0.5% of history books. 

It’s little wonder that when scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier won the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry this week it made headlines. Of the 904 individuals awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 1918, only 51 (less than 6%) were women (one of the many compelling statistics from Anonymous Is A Woman.)

With statistics like this, it’s little wonder that our mental template for power is intrinsically masculine. The ripple effect of the paucity visible female role models – past and present - impacts not just our beliefs about women’s ability to rise or to hold power today, but what we project for women in the future.

Dr Ansary, UN Women Global Champion, shared with me that raising the visibility of women in every sphere of endeavor is vital to empowering women and achieving gender parity. “It takes an accumulation of roles models – real life examples of what girls and women can do if given the opportunity – to change entrenched attitudes.” 

Spotlight more women succeeding on their terms 

If you’re a working woman who has ever struggled with mothers’ guilt (as I have), you’ll know all too well that women have to deal with a greater complexity of expectations and conflicting social pressures than men. During my dissertation research, women leaders cited the impact of having strong female role models succeeding on their terms - women demonstrating the ability to manage the responsibilities of career and family - with authenticity and without apology.

Likewise, examples of women who’ve approached their career as a matrix rather than a ladder helps younger women think more laterally as they navigate their own career path. Knowing that there is not one linear path to forward can be both liberating and empowering. 

Highlight women taking risks and daring to fail

Women tend underestimate their abilities more so than men, reducing their confidence and making them less likely to put themselves forward for roles until they feel 100% ready.  As Kathy Calvin, former CEO and President of the United Nations Foundation shared with me on my Live Brave Podcast, “We women hold ourselves back. We think we aren’t experienced enough when in fact we are.”

Hearing stories of women starting businesses or taking career risks before they felt fully prepared can embolden other women to back themselves more and take a ‘leap of faith’ in themselves .  So too, when women see other women confidently embracing their unique feminine strengths and defying stereotypes, it encourages them to speak up more confidently, ask for what they want or say no to what they don’t.  

Celebrate women taking care while taking charge 

study across 29 countries found that daughters whose mothers were pursuing careers were 1.21 times more likely to have higher annual earnings. This is partially because mothers, more so than fathers, are the most influential role models for daughters. Having a working mother has also been found to ameliorate against the gendered ‘think manager, think male’ stereotypes that fuel imposter syndrome, make women less comfortable with power and more reticent to see themselves as future leaders.

Diversify role models to optimize relatability 

Not all women aspire to be CEO or enter politics.  Not all women like dressing up or charting a linear path.  We need a diversity of role models, with different styles, stories, personalities and perspectives. Because let’s face it, not all women make it to the top and not all women aspire to.  

My daughter attends an all-female college. Outside of COVID, her college regularly invites inspiring women and former alum (including her ultimate idol/role model, Gretta Gerwig, in whose footsteps she’d love to follow.)  Yet the women who’ve impacted her the most have been those just a few years ahead of her and less removed from her current reality. 

Highlighting only women who’ve reached the C-suite, won the Oscar or built a billion-dollar business can be counterproductive if they’re perceived to be unreachably far ahead. Diversity, matters, in all its forms. 

More women must step up and be the role model they wish they had 

Sheryl Sandberg once advised women to accept any invitation, regardless of why they were invited, and use it as an opportunity to champion other women to ‘lean in.’  Yet in my work with women leaders, I meet many who are reticent to be held as a ‘role model.’  Prone as women often are to talking themselves down and discounting their success, they argue for their shortcomings - for what they have yet to achieve. I know the feeling all too well. Yet as I wrote in a previous column on women’s mentorship, even women who are a long way from the top of the totem pole still have valuable wisdom to offer those a few years or rungs behind them.

So if you are a woman reading this, I encourage you to be the role model you wished you’d had when you were starting out.

If you’re asked to be a mentor, say yes.

If you’re asked to be interviewed, say yes.

If you’re asked to be on a panel, say yes (and invite another woman to join you!)

Your story may well inspire a young woman to take a leap of faith in herself that she never would otherwise. 

While the COVID pandemic has taken a disproportionate hit on women, it’s also shone a light on the strengths that women bring to leadership tables and reinforced the research that shows gender diversity - on teams and seated at decision making tables - lead to better outcomes for all stakeholders.

Given the recent estimate by McKinsey that gender parity would add 12 trillion dollars to the global economy by 2025, there’s a compelling case to not just shine the spotlight on women role models, but to push harder for more opportunities for other women to join them. 

As Dr Ansary shared with me, “Rectifying the wrongs of the past and sweeping up the ravages of this pandemic requires putting aside differences, collective collaboration and coming back to our core values and shared humanity.”

Likewise, meeting the challenges of the 21st century will require harnessing the unrealized potential of all women, the world over; bringing their full quota of talents and leadership strengths to all places where decisions are made.

A passionate champion for women, Margie Warrell is the founder of Global Courage and the Brave Women Rising program. She is also author of  You’ve Got This! The Life-Changing Power of Trusting Yourself

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