A divided nation Flashcards | Quizlet
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Terms in this set (15)
the United States as one nation united under a single government. During the Civil War, "the Union" came to mean the government and armies of the North.
Missouri Compromise
an agreement made by Congress in 1820 under which Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state
a person who flees or tries to escape (for example, from slavery)
Wilmot Proviso
a proposal made in 1846 to prohibit slavery in the territory added to the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War
Compromise of 1850
the agreements made in order to admit California into the Union as a free state. These agreements included allowing the New Mexico and Utah territories to decide whether to allow slavery, outlawing the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and creating a stronger fugitive slave law.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
an act passed in 1854 that created the Kansas and Nebraska territories and abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing settlers to determine whether slavery would be allowed in the new territories
Dred Scott decision
a Supreme Court decision in 1857 that held that African Americans could never be citizens of the United States and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
Lincoln-Douglas debates
a series of political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, who were candidates in the Illinois race for U.S. senator, in which
Why was it important to Southerners to keep an equal number of senators from free states and slave states in Congress? Mention the defeat of the Tallmadge Amendment in your answer.
So that they can have a chance to get things their way. Especially since the defeat of the tallmadge amendment where Missouri had to be a free state.
What were the three decisions in the Missouri Compromise?
1.missouri would be a slave state.
2.maine would be a free state.
3.they made a line across the Louisiana purchase, slavery was permitted south of it and it was banned everywhere north of it except in Missouri.
What was John Quincy Adams 1839 antislavery proposal? What was the gag rule, and how did it affect his proposal?
Adams proposed a constitutional amendment saying that no one can be born into slavery after 1845. The gag rule limits the consideration of a certain topic so it made the congress refuse his proposal.
How did the fugitive slave issue and the Wilmot Proviso pull the nation apart?
Fugitive slave issue:
It made slaveholders angry and want a fugitive slave law to help them to recapture their property.
How did the fugitive slave issue and the Wilmot Proviso pull the nation apart?
Wilmot Proviso:
Rep.Wilmot put in the bill that any land gained from Mexico could not allow slavery, he did this after president Polk wanted funding for the Mexican-American war. This made southerners angry and they opposed it.
Why did Northerners in congress accept California's application for statehood while southerners rejected it?
Because California was applied as a free state.
List four details of Henry Clays plan to end the deadlock over the issue of California statehood.
-admission of California into the union as a free state.
-New Mexico and Utah territories being able to decide if slavery should be allowed.
-Washington D.C. slave trade stopped.
-the passing of a fugitive slave law.