Why did the Weimar Republic collapse? The government had to take out extensive loans. Many individuals - brainly.com
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Why did the Weimar Republic collapse?The government had to take out extensive loans.
Many individuals were out of work because of the war.
Citizens felt that the government did not serve their needs.
Significant financial resources were given to another country.

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Citizens felt that the government did not serve their needs. The Weimar Republic was made after World War I, an attempt of the Germans in governing a democratic government. It faced many challenges in the form of left and right wing extremists and military. When the Great Depression emerged, Germany was on the verge of social and economic crisis where many Germans were unemployed and experienced poverty. This lead to the revival of extremist parties and the Nazi eventually won the 1932 election.
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The correct answer is option C.

The citizens felt that government did not well serve their needs.


The German people at large were dissatisfied with the performance of the Weimar Republic as they felt their lives were hugely impacted with Treaty of Versailles and Great Depression which presented before the Germans and Germany with the challenges of hyperinflation, hunger and unemployment.

Further Explanation  

Weimar Republic was the German government that held power in Germany from 1919 till 1933. The collapse of Weimar Republic followed the rise of Hitler’s Nazi Party in Germany which remained in power till the defeat of Germany in World War II.  

The Weimar Republic came in power as a result of meeting of National Assembly in the city of Weimar where the elected representatives of the assembly were tasked with the creation of the new Parliamentary Constitution.  

Right from the beginning the Weimar Republic was not liked by the Germans as the Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles whereupon the Germany accepted the blame of First World War entirely. Further the Treaty imposed on Germany harsh terms which the Germans felt were unjust. The Great Depression further left the Germany in the abject state of poverty where the Weimar Republic was held responsible for not doing enough to meet the needs of its citizens.  

Learn More

Weakness of Weimar Republic: brainly.com/question/10102976 ; Answer by Oliviavanderpoo

How was the Weimar Republic constituted: brainly.com/question/109971 ;Answer by Mashenka


The collapse of Weimar Republic, the fall of Weimar Republic, weakness of Weimar Republic, the rise of Hitler, the rise of Nazi Party, Germany after World War I, coming in power of Ebert as President.

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