The War in Vietnam: A Story in Photographs | National Archives

Educator Resources

The War in Vietnam: A Story in Photographs


The war in Vietnam has been described as the first "living room war"—meaning combat was seen on TV screens and newspapers on a daily basis. Newspaper and television crews documented this war much more intensely than they did earlier conflicts. This willingness to allow documentation of the war extended to the military's own photographers—who captured thousands of images that covered every aspect of the conflict between 1962 and 1975.



Links go to DocsTeach, the online tool for teaching with documents from the National Archives.


Teaching Activities


The War in Vietnam - A Story in Photographs activity

The War in Vietnam - A Story in Photographs asks students to analyze the photographs from the Vietnam War shown above. After analysis, students will categorize the photos by topic and write captions in preparation for a photography exhibit about the war that "tells the story of the young men and women who fulfilled their duty to their country by serving in the war in Vietnam."

Vietnam War Page on DocsTeach

The Vietnam War Page on DocsTeach includes primary sources and document-based teaching activities related to the Vietnam War.


CC0 Materials created by the National Archives and Records Administration are in the public domain.
