What’s Wrong with The World Today

People can be difficult today but are we actually talking about people “the old self within their body” or “our spiritual mother within their soul.”

The difference being their old self was always longing for material satisfaction of
the Status Quo and that of trying to keep up with the Joneses across the world and that fulfillment they never really reached in life. Whereas the old spiritual soul is more satisfied because they acquired the certain knowledge in their life that the others often overlooked or forgot about in the Rat Race to acquire. 

So they are alone in their lost soul…lost of the respect they deserve because they chase everybody that understands them away from them. Like the Rabbit and Turtle the turtle was more reluctant and patient to understand their walk upon life. Because they found a deeper love that they can feel and understand thereby finding true happiness in their Life. 

Both brotherhood and sisterhood have ego problems and nobody wants to learn to listen to one another. They are jealous because you decided to help others instead of building a chain reaction like an atomic bomb that is explosive within themselves because they lack the understanding of the life that you achieved… in your inner circle of friends.
Instead, they have built an inner circle that competes against themselves and love to see things get broken because that’s the type of energy they survive on. 

And they Love to talk About You
Saying the opposite things, they see in you to make it look bad for you and make them
feel better about themselves.  They are empty inside with an inner emptiness that all their money can’t buy them to equate to your happiness. We empaths have a love for ourselves from the backside of our hearts. From learning through our reading, watching, observing and judging others from what we have witnessed through the years.    

Today I live in silence not willing to give away what I have learned through the years and that hurts them even further. More often than not I try to make them see the difference in myself and them. Also, if I did not try, all my experiences in my life would be lost and they would not learn a new way of living. If we accept that all of humanity is humiliating itself, our divine pure self has lost the game.

They want us to be weak, because if you and I are weak they can control our actions, control our thoughts. Therefore, People need to realize that the Universe has a collective consciousness that enriches all of humanity if the intentions are forthright and pure of heart. Presently, the power of humanity is in the wrong hands, and their evilness is projected on all of life every second of every day. Most don’t realize this because they aren’t aware and cannot imagine how deeply our collective consciousness is anchored
into the universe.  ~ Giorgia Boschetti – Munich Germany

— Antonio Veloz / 500px/500px/Getty Images
A New Study Says We May Be Living in a Variable Universe (msn.com)

God Gave Humans Dominion over Earth – Search (bing.com)
The word dominion means “rule or power over.” God has sovereign power over His creation and has delegated the authority to mankind to have dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:26). David reinforces this truth: “You made [mankind] rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” (Psalm 8:6). Humanity was to “subdue” the earth (Genesis 1:28)—we were to hold a position of command over it; we were placed in a superior role and were to exercise control over the earth and its flora and fauna. Mankind was set up as the ruler of this world. All else was subjugated to him.

God’s command to subdue the earth and the animal life in it is a command to have the mastery over all of it. A true mastery (of anything) cannot be accomplished without an understanding of the thing mastered. In order for a musician to master the violin, he or she must truly understand the instrument. In order for mankind to attain mastery over
the animal kingdom, we must understand the animals.

With the authority to rule comes the responsibility to rule well.
There is an inherent accountability in the command to subdue the earth.
Man has a duty to exercise his dominion under the authority of the One who delegated it. All authority is of God (Romans 13:1-5), and He delegates it to whomever He will (Daniel 4:17). The word subdue doesn’t have to imply violence or mistreatment. It can mean “to bring under cultivation.”

Man is to be the steward of the earth; he is to bring the material world and all of its varied elements into the service of God and the good of mankind. The command to subdue the earth is actually part of God’s blessing on mankind. Created in the image of God, Adam and Eve were to use the earth’s vast resources in the service of both God and themselves.
It would only make sense for God to decree this, since only humans were created in God’s image.

When God gave humanity dominion over the animals, it was in order to care for, tend to, and use those animals to their fullest potential in a just manner. At the time that God gave mankind dominion over the animals, humans did not eat meat (Genesis 1:29). Eating meat did not begin until after the Flood (Genesis 9:1–3), and it was at that time that animals started to fear humans. However, although God changed the way we interact with animals, in that they are now “meat,” we still bear a responsibility to treat animals humanely. Human rule over animals does not mean we have the right to mistreat or misuse those animals.

Having dominion over the animals should entail a humane management of them as the resource God has ordained them to be. We should consider that mankind was given the task (and blessing) of representing God in this world. We are the caretakers. We hold sway over all the earth, and we (bearing God’s image) bear a responsibility to act as God would. Does God misuse His creation? No. Is God unwise in His management of resources? No.
Is God ever cruel or selfish or wasteful? No. Then neither should we be. Any misuse or mistreatment of God’s creation is the result of sin, not the result of following God’s original command. We must fulfill our duty to manage the earth wisely until that time when the wolf shall lie down with the lamb in the kingdom of Christ (Isaiah 11:6).

Human DNA is trace back to 1280 Neanderthals in Africa – Search (bing.com)
After sequencing the Neanderthal genome, scientists discovered all present day non-African individuals carry some Neanderthal ancestry in their DNA. Now, researchers at Princeton University present evidence of Neanderthal ancestry in African populations,
and its origin provides new insights into human history.

When the first Neanderthal genome was sequenced, using DNA collected from ancient bones, it was accompanied by the discovery that modern humans in Asia, Europe and America inherited approximately 2% of their DNA from Neanderthals — also proving humans and Neanderthals had interbred after humans left Africa.

 Since that study, new methods have continued to catalogue Neanderthal ancestry in
non-African populations, seeking to better understand human history and the effects of Neanderthal DNA on human health and disease. A comparable catalogue of Neanderthal ancestry in African populations, however, has remained an acknowledged blind spot for the field due to technical constraints and the assumption that Neanderthals and ancestral African populations were geographically isolated from each other.

In a paper published today in the journal Cell, a team of Princeton researchers detailed
a new computational method for detecting Neanderthal ancestry in the human genome. Their method, called IBDmix, enabled them for the first time to search for Neanderthal ancestry in African populations as well as non-African ones.
The project was led by Joshua Akey, a professor in Princeton’s Lewis-Sigler Institute
for Integrative Genomics (LSI). “This is the first time we can detect the actual signal of Neanderthal ancestry in Africans,” said co-first author Lu Chen, a postdoctoral research associate in LSI. “And it surprisingly showed a higher level than we previously thought,” she said.

The method the Princeton researchers developed, IBDmix, draws its name from the genetic principle “identity by descent” (IBD), in which a section of DNA in two individuals is identical because those individuals once shared a common ancestor. The length of the IBD segment depends on how long ago those individuals shared a common ancestor.
For example, siblings share long IBD segments because their shared ancestor (a parent)
is only one generation removed. Alternatively, fourth cousins share shorter IBD segments because their shared ancestor (a third-great grandparent) is several generations removed.

The Princeton team leveraged the principle of IBD to identify Neanderthal DNA in the human genome by distinguishing sequences that look similar to Neanderthals because we once shared a common ancestor in the very distant past (~500,000 years ago), from those that look similar because we interbred in the more recent present (~50,000 years ago). Previous methods relied on “reference populations” to aid the distinction of shared ancestry from recent interbreeding, usually African populations believed to carry little or no Neanderthal DNA.

 However, this reliance could bias estimates of Neanderthal ancestry depending on which reference population was used. The Princeton researchers termed IBDmix a “reference free method” because it does not use an African reference population. Instead, IBDmix uses characteristics of the Neanderthal sequence itself, like the frequency of mutations or the length of the IBD segments, to distinguish shared ancestry from recent interbreeding.
The researchers were therefore able to identify Neanderthal ancestry in Africans for the first time and make new estimates of Neanderthal ancestry in non-Africans, which showed Europeans and Asians to have more equal levels than previously described.

Kelley Harris, a population geneticist at the University of Washington who was not involved in the study, noted that the new estimates of Neanderthal ancestry using IBDmix highlight the technical problem in methods reliant on reference panels. “We might have to go back and revisit a bunch of results from the published literature and evaluate whether the same technical issue has been throwing off our understanding of gene flow in other species,” she said.

In addition to identifying Neanderthal ancestry in African populations.
The researchers described two revelations about the origin of the Neanderthal
sequences. First, they determined the Neanderthal ancestry in Africans was not due to
an independent interbreeding event between Neanderthals and African populations.
Based on features of the data, the research team concluded that migrations from ancient Europeans back into Africa introduced Neanderthal ancestry into African populations.

Second, by comparing data from simulations of human history to data from real people, the researchers determined that some of the detected Neanderthal ancestry in Africans was actually due to human DNA introduced into the Neanderthal genome. The authors emphasized that this human-to-Neanderthal gene flow involved an early dispersing group of humans out of Africa, occurring at least 100,000 years ago — before the Out-of-Africa migration responsible for modern human colonization of Europe and Asia and before the interbreeding event that introduced Neanderthal DNA into modern humans. The finding reaffirmed that hybridization between humans and closely related species was a recurrent part of our evolutionary history.

While the Princeton researchers acknowledged the limited number of African populations they were able to analyze, they hope their new method and their findings will encourage more study of Neanderthal ancestry across Africa and other populations. Regarding the overall significance of the research, Chen said: “This demonstrates the remnants of Neanderthal genomes survive in every modern human population studied to date.”
Like Humans Give A Chimpanzees a Beer they will chug it – Search (bing.com)

What Came Before Humans? | Unveiled | Watch (msn.com)
It’s true that chimpanzees have been observed engaging in behaviors that resemble human alcohol consumption.  Studies have documented that chimpanzees in certain regions have used tools like leafy cups to drink naturally fermented sap from palm trees, which can contain alcohol levels comparable to some beers 1.
This behavior is not the result of direct human influence, as the chimpanzees create their own tools to access the fermented sap. However, it’s important to note that this behavior
is not universal among all chimpanzees and may not be indicative of their preferences,
but rather an opportunistic use of available resources 1 2 3 4 5.

In any case, it’s crucial to remember that providing alcohol to animals is not safe or ethical, as it can have harmful effects on their health and well-being. The observations
in the wild are also of chimpanzees accessing naturally occurring sources of alcohol,
which is very different from humans giving alcohol to animals.

Identifying and Interpreting Apparent Neanderthal Ancestry in African Individuals,”
by Lu Chen, Aaron B. Wolf, Wenqing Fu, Liming Li and Joshua M. Akey, appears in the Feb. 20 issue of Cell, with an advance online publication on Jan. 30 (Chen et al., 2020, Cell 180, 1–11, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.012). The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (R01 GM110068).

The largest map of the cosmos hints that dark energy is changing.
It could prove Einstein wrong and upend a pillar of modern physics.

Image result for Einstein Energy Quote

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LMS: A Cancer Survivor Story

Thriving with Leiomyosarcoma Thanks to Research (youtube.com)

Disclaimer: One case isn’t the whole and when you have a certain type of cancer each case is individualized and what works for one person may not work for another depending on and the grade of your cancer. However, as I learn more about this type of aggressive cancer. I learn Natural Cancer should be by passed in favor of Immunotherapy.

Diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma – a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma – Nancy McGuire
is enjoying life once again after treatment with trabectedin (Yondelis), a newly approved chemotherapeutic. Learn how cancer research is improving the lives of patients like Nancy at www.AACR.org/CancerProgressReport.

After I was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma, it was very hard to find a medical oncologist who specializes in treating sarcoma. Yondelis US // Nancy McGuire – AACR Foundation // Surviving Leiomyosarcoma Thanks to Research.

Nancy McGuire was devastated after her diagnosis but, thanks to a new chemotherapeutic, is enjoying life once again. After several days of pain in her lower pelvic area in December 2009, Nancy McGuire went to her primary care physician to get checked out.

Her doctor ordered several scans for the very next day, and just 17 days later, Nancy underwent surgery, not knowing exactly what the problem was. The surgery revealed
that Nancy had leiomyosarcoma, a rare type of cancer.

“It was devastating. I couldn’t do anything, so I came home from the hospital and stared out the window,” said Nancy, a retiree from Great Falls, Virginia, who is now 70 years old. “It took me quite a while to get a grip on the fact that this was a terrible disease I had.”

Following the advice of her surgeon, Nancy went to a local radiologist for radiation therapy. Nancy asked the physician how many leiomyosarcoma patients she saw each year.  “She said maybe one,” Nancy recalled. “So I knew I was in deep trouble and
I had to find somebody who was familiar with my disease.”

Nancy’s daughter, a physician in Philadelphia, told her parents not to worry, that she would find a physician who was an expert at treating her disease, a form of soft tissue sarcoma. After Nancy’s daughter completed her research, Nancy visited an oncologist experienced in the treatment of sarcomas such as hers.

“It was the first time I felt optimistic about my future since my diagnosis,” Nancy said.
Every three months, she would travel to Philadelphia for appointments.
Over the next six years, she underwent many treatments, including surgery for lung nodules, microwave ablation of her liver, chemoembolization, and various chemotherapy regimens to keep the cancer at bay.

Ultimately, Nancy’s oncologist suggested a clinical trial for an investigational chemotherapeutic for soft tissue sarcomas including leiomyosarcoma. Nancy, her husband, and daughter considered her treatment options and decided to enroll
in the trial of trabectedin YONDELIS®

Sarcoma-Centers-List-by-state.pdf (sarcomaalliance.org)
Before she even had the chance to enroll in the trial, trabectedin received FDA approval.
“We were very excited that I would be able to take this drug after it was FDA approved,” Nancy said.

“After three treatments of Yondelis, a CT scan showed significant improvement.
All the lesions – and I don’t even know how many there were – were significantly reduced.”

Nancy continued to receive treatments and her lesions continued to shrink and, in fact, some completely went away. After a recent scan that showed continued improvement, Nancy’s physician decided to give her a break from the treatments and reevaluate her periodically to determine when best to restart the trabectedin.

“I feel wonderful emotionally and physically, it’s really good,” Nancy said as she prepared for a month-long vacation in Maine. “I have learned to appreciate a lot of things in life that I never really gave enough attention to before.”

Her experience with cancer has made her stop and take stock.
“It gives you more of an appreciation of life and you look at everything differently,”
she explained. “When your mortality is threatened, you change.”

For Nancy, doing her own cancer research was vital.
“The goal of a cancer patient is to stay alive long enough to get treatment,” she notes,
“and the only way that is going to happen is with further research and funding to support
that research.”

Recapping My Story: Eventually, my daughter found someone at the University of Pennsylvania, which is close to her home. He has guided me through numerous treatments over the past 6 – years, including, most recently, a new chemotherapy called trabectedin (Yondelis). It has worked so well that I’ve been given a vacation from treatment.
For now, I feel wonderful, emotionally and physically.

Life is good.

In December 2009, just after a few days of having pain in my lower pelvic area
that wouldn’t go away, I went to my primary care physician who ordered a CT scan
and MRI for that very day. The tests showed a mass of some description in my lower
pelvic area, so I had surgery 17 days later, not knowing exactly what it was.
When I came out of surgery, the doctors had already told my husband and family
that I had cancer and that pathology would determine what type. My diagnosis was leiomyosarcoma. I was devastated. I couldn’t do anything. After I came home from the hospital, all I could do was stare out the window. I was convinced that I would die within months.

My husband, children, sister, and church friends
were a huge support, and I was eventually able to come to terms with my diagnosis.
After the surgery, I saw a local radiologist and had 28 radiation treatments. When she told me that she saw about one person a year who had leiomyosarcoma, I realized how hard it would be to find an expert in treating this disease in my area. My daughter, who lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia, found a sarcoma specialist at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Arthur Staddon.The first time I saw him, he told me the disease was not curable but that it was certainly treatable.

It was the first time I had felt optimistic about my future since my diagnosis.
Over the years, I have received many different treatments. Initially, I had CT scans every
3 months, and Dr. Staddon monitored the disease. After about a year, tumors in my liver appeared, and I had a course of chemotherapy, gemcitabine (Gemzar), and docetaxel (Taxotere), and then surgery to remove tumors from my liver, some of which had been killed as a result of the chemotherapy.
These treatments were followed by another period of monitoring my disease with CT scans, which eventually showed further growth of tumors in my left lung. I started a course of chemotherapy with doxorubicin (Adriamycin). Following that treatment, I had surgery. After a year or so, I had another major lung surgery to remove numerous tumors in my right lung. Four months later, I had cryoablation, microwave ablation, and chemoembolization to destroy tumors in my liver.

In January 2016, I started taking trabectedin, right after it had been approved by the FDA. After just three treatments, a CT scan showed there were no new tumors, and the existing tumors had shrunk. Three more treatments later, the scan revealed more significant improvement, including showing that some tumors had decreased in size even further. Because my most recent CT scan indicated additional improvement, Dr. Staddon recommended I stop taking trabectedin for a while.

Nancy had another scan in September [2016].
Depending on what that shows, we will make a decision about whether to restart treatment with trabectedin or continue without treatment. One great thing about the trabectedin treatment is that I was able to receive the 24-hour infusion at my daughter’s home, rather than receiving it in the hospital. It is so much more pleasant to go through the chemotherapy infusion in a familiar environment with my family around me.

It helped me keep a positive attitude, which makes a big difference to me.
I am really grateful for all the treatments that have kept me alive for the past 6 – years. The goal of a patient with cancer is to live long enough to be around when the next new drug is developed. The only way that is going to happen is with further research and the funding that supports it.
Nancy McGuire was devastated after her leiomyosarcoma diagnosis but, thanks to a new chemotherapeutic, is enjoying life once again. Read her survivor story here:  Leiomyosarcoma and Research | AACR Cancer Survivor Stories
Video | Facebook |   View all Cancer Progress Report 2016 Survivors

BONUS INFORMATION: Dr Robert Nagourney recommends which
type of chemo combinations for Leiomyosarcoma – Search (bing.com)

We perform Functional Profiling, a laboratory technique that measures
how cancer cells respond when exposed to a variety of drugs and drug combinations.
Functional Profiling is more powerful than genomic testing that most centers offer. 
This approach reduces the guesswork from drug selection to find the most effective,
least toxic options.  Results only take 7 days.
You and your doctor can then use this information to guide your treatment.
Functional Profiling for Cancer Diagnosis (nagourneycancerinstitute.com)

Leiomyosarcoma: Immunotherapy Clinical Trials –
Bartosz Chmielowski, MD | UCLA Sarcoma Program (youtube.com)
Researching leiomyosarcoma?
Here’s what you need to know about this rare form of cancer. (youtube.com)

Thriving with and healing from incurable uterine leiomyosarcoma cancer (youtube.com)
Dr Suzanne George Leiomyosarcoma PD-1 Inhibitor Dana Farber – Search Videos.
Dr. Breelyn Wilky, leiomyosarcoma and immunotherapy – Search Videos (bing.com)
Together Facing Leiomyosarcoma | Fox Chase Cancer Center – Philadelphia PA
How I Got Sarcoma – Brandie | Stage 4 Leiomyosarcoma | The Patient Story.
Words of Wisdom From Leiomyosarcoma Survivors | LMSDR Foundation
Search Results for Leiomyosarcoma | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Having Faith Conquers My Fears | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Alan’s Story | Leiomyosarcoma Survivor (sarcomahelp.org)
Home Page – Leiomyoarcoma.info (leiomyosarcoma.info)
Medicare Tips by a LMS survivor| LMSDR Blog
Leiomyosarcoma Survivor (lmsdr.org)

My Commitment is Slaying the Dragon One Case at A Time!!!

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They average democracy last 200 years

They average democracy is 200 years – Search Videos (bing.com)

Every time I read an Article in the Daily Standard about the Democrats and their Democracy:  I think about how dementias that party has become throughout the years.
The average Democracy lasts 200 years controlled by a gang of thieves our government has become.
In the United States we have always and should always be ruled by a Constitutional Republic governed by the Constitution for which this country stood proudly. And was written by our founding fathers and their common sense about humankind.
If this country wants to become a Third World Banana Republic like Venezuela, allow the Democrats to brainwash the media and We the People to believe otherwise and we won’t see freedom on July 4th, 2026 this country’s 250th Birthday Party.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler Mapped: 200 Years of Political Regimes, by Country
Do civilians get a representative say in how the government is run where you live?

The list beginning “From bondage to spiritual faith” is commonly known as the
“Tytler Cycle” or the “Fatal Sequence”. Its first known appearance was in a 1943 speech by Henning W. Prentiss, Jr., president of the Armstrong Cork Company and former president of the National Association of Manufacturers, delivered at the February 1943 convocation of the General Alumni Society of the University of Pennsylvania. The speech was subsequently published under the titles “The Cult of Competency”[25] and “Industrial Management in a Republic”.[26]

While it might seem like living with a basic level of democratic rights is the status quo, this is only true for 93 countries or territories today—the majority of the world does not enjoy these rights. It also might surprise you that much of the progress towards democracy came as late as the mid-20th century
This interactive map from Our World in Data paints a comprehensive picture of democratic rights across the globe.

Which Countries Achieved Democracy First?
The three famous first words in the U.S. Constitution—“We The People…”—paved the way for the birth of a federal democratic republic in 1789. This makes the United States of America the world’s oldest uninterrupted democracy today.
That said, the classification system in the interactive map above provides a slightly different perspective. It draws from the Regimes of the World (RoW) classification and the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project, and establishes four major classifications of political systems:

Liberal Democracy
Citizens have further individual and minority rights, are equal before the law,
and the actions of the executive are constrained by the legislative and the courts.
32 countries/territories in 2020

Electoral Democracy
Citizens have the right to participate in meaningful, free and fair,
and multi-party elections. 61 countries/territories in 2020

Electoral Autocracy
Citizens have the right to choose the chief executive and the legislature through multi-party elections; but they lack some freedoms, such as the freedoms of association or expression, that make the elections meaningful, free, and fair.
64 countries/territories in 2020

Closed Autocracy
Citizens do not have the right to either choose the chief executive of the government or the legislature through multi-party elections.

42 countries/territories in 2020
Under the classification system used here, it’s arguable that Switzerland was the first country to achieve a fully liberal democracy status in 1849, followed by Australia in 1858.

The Least Democratic Countries
Our World in Data also looks at how the global population is broken by political regimes.
The following chart demonstrates the share of the global population living under each type of regime since 1800, in relative or absolute terms.
While the global population has increased tremendously in 200 years, so has the number of civilians living under stricter political systems. Today, 1.9 billion people live in closed autocracies, of which nearly 75% live in China alone.

The major dip observed at the very end of the above chart comes from India.
According to the data source, the nation flipped from electoral democracy to electoral autocracy status in 2019. As the second-most populous country, this change affected nearly 1.4 billion people.
Finally, while the data in the above maps and charts ends in 2020, notable events have taken place in recent months that may affect the number of people living in different political regimes. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in mid-2021 caused the country to slide into closed autocracy status, and as the current conflict in Ukraine/Russia heats up, it’s possible that more people may find themselves living under non-democratic regimes going forward.
The Tytler Cycle Suggests a Democracy Only Lasts 200 Years (historyaddicted.com)

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee  (15 October 1747 – 5 January 1813) was a Scottish advocate, judge, writer, and historian who was a Professor of Universal History and of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the University of Edinburgh.[1]

Tytler was born in the Old Town of Edinburgh, the eldest son of Ann Craig of Costerton (1722–1783) and her husband William Tytler of Woodhouselee (author of Inquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots).[2] He was educated at Edinburgh High School and Kensington Academy in London (1763/64),[3] and then studied law at the University of Edinburgh, qualifying as an advocate in 1770.[2]
In 1771 he made a tour of France with his cousin, James Ker of Blackshiels.[4]
In 1773 he was living and working with his father, also an advocate,
at Campbells Close on the Royal Mile.[5]
In 1780 he was appointed joint professor of Civil History at the University of Edinburgh alongside Prof Pringle. He then moved to Browns Square.[6] He became sole professor in 1786 on the death of Pringle.[7]
In 1790 he became Judge Advocate of Scotland. In 1795 he became seriously ill, and could not attend court.[8]
In 1802 he became a Lord of Session in the Scottish Courts, with the judicial title Lord Woodhouselee.[9]
Tytler’s other positions included Senator of the College of Justice and George Commissioner of Justiciary in Scotland.[10] Tytler was a friend of Robert Burns, and prevailed upon him to remove lines from his poem “Tam o’ Shanter” which were insulting to the legal and clerical professions.[11]
In 1811 he retired from his role as Senator of the College of Justice his place being filled by David Williamson, Lord Balgray.
He died at his townhouse at 65 Princes Street[12] in Edinburgh and was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard. The vault lies on the west side of the section known as the Covenanter’s Prison which is generally closed to public view.[13]

In 1776 he married Ann Fraser of Balnain. Their children included Patrick Fraser Tytler, traveller and historian, James Fraser Tytler, a lawyer, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Assistant Judge and author in Bengal, India, and William Fraser Tytler, a lawyer and historian.[14]

Tytler wrote a treatise that is important in the history of translation theory, the Essay on the Principles of Translation (London, 1791).[15] It has been argued in a 1975 book by Gan Kechao that Yan Fu’s famous translator’s dictum of fidelity, clarity and elegance came from Tytler.
Tytler said that translation should fully represent the 1) ideas and 2) style of the original and should 3) possess the ease of original composition.

Quotations on democracy
In his Lectures, Tytler expressed a critical view of democracy in general and representative democracies such as republics in particular. He believed that “a pure democracy is a chimera”, and that “All government is essentially of the nature of a monarchy“.[16]

In discussing the Athenian democracy, after noting that a great number of the population were actually enslaved, he went on to say, “Nor were the superior classes in the actual enjoyment of a rational liberty and independence. They were perpetually divided into factions, which servilely ranked themselves under the banners of the contending demagogues; and these maintained their influence over their partisans by the most shameful corruption and bribery, of which the means were supplied alone by the plunder of the public money”.[16]
Speaking about the measure of freedom enjoyed by the people in a republic or democracy, Tytler wrote, “The people flatter themselves that they have the sovereign power. These are, in fact, words without meaning. It is true they elected governors; but how are these elections brought about? In every instance of election by the mass of a people—through the influence of those governors themselves, and by means the most opposite to a free and disinterested choice, by the basest corruption and bribery. But those governors once selected, where is the boasted freedom of the people?

They must submit to their rule and control, with the same abandonment of their natural liberty, the freedom of their will, and the command of their actions, as if they were under the rule of a monarch”.[17]
Tytler dismisses the more optimistic vision of democracy by commentators such as Montesquieu as “nothing better than an Utopian theory, a splendid chimera, descriptive of a state of society that never did, and never could exist; a republic not of men, but of angels”, for “While man is being instigated by the love of power—a passion visible in an infant, and common to us even with the inferior animals—he will seek personal superiority in preference to every matter of a general concern”.[18]
“Or at best, he will employ himself in advancing the public good, as the means of individual distinction and elevation: he will promote the interest of the state from the selfish but most useful passion of making himself considerable in that establishment which he labors to aggrandize. Such is the true picture of man as a political agent”.[18]

Maslow’s Pyramid of hierarchy needs – Search (bing.com)

However, Tytler does admit that there are individual exceptions to the rule, and that he is ready to allow “that this form of government is the best adapted to produce, though not the most frequent, yet the most striking, examples of virtue in individuals”, paradoxically because a “democratic government opposes more impediments to disinterested patriotism than any other form.
To surmount these, a pitch of virtue is necessary which, in other situations, where the obstacles are less great and numerous, is not called in to exertion. The nature of a republican government gives to every member of the state an equal right to cherish views of ambition, and to aspire to the highest offices of the commonwealth; it gives to every individual of the same title with his fellows to aspire at the government of the whole”.[19]
Tytler believed that democratic forms of government such as those of Greece and Rome have a natural evolution from initial virtue toward eventual corruption and decline. In Greece, for example, Tytler argues that “the patriotic spirit and love of ingenious freedom … became gradually corrupted as the nation advanced in power and splendour”.[20]
Tytler further states: “Patriotism always exists to the greatest degree in rude nations, and in an early period of society. Like all other affections and passions, it operates with the greatest force always where it meets with the greatest difficulties … but in a state of ease and safety, as if wanting its appropriate nourishment, it languishes and decays”. …
“It is a law of nature to which no experience has ever furnished an exception, that the rising grandeur and opulence of a nation must be balanced by the decline of its heroic virtues”.[20]

How Rome Fell by Adrian Goldsworthy – Search (bing.com)
In AD 200, the Roman Empire seemed unassailable, its vast territory accounting for most of the known world. By the end of the fifth century, Roman rule had vanished in western Europe and much of northern Africa, and only a shrunken Eastern Empire remained.
In his account of the fall of the Roman Empire, prizewinning author Adrian Goldsworthy examines the painful centuries of the superpower’s decline.
Bringing history to life through the stories of the men, women, heroes, and villains involved, the author uncovers surprising lessons about the rise and fall of great nations. This was a period of remarkable personalities, from the philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius to emperors like Diocletian, who portrayed themselves as tough, even brutal, soldiers.
It was a time of revolutionary ideas, especially in religion, as Christianity went from persecuted sect to the religion of state and emperors. Goldsworthy pays particular attention to the willingness of Roman soldiers to fight and kill each other.
Ultimately, this is the story of how an empire without a serious rival rotted from within,
its rulers and institutions putting short-term ambition and personal survival over the wider good of the state.
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Hydrogen Fuel Cell System

The Wired Brand Lab Guide to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles.

Will Hydrogen Powered Cars Ever Surpass Battery-Electric Vehicles,
Or Are They Doomed to Fail? – Search Images (bing.com)
Story by Rob Rich
The race between Hydrogen fuel cells — and hydrogen-powered engines — and battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) used to be as neck-and-neck as HD-DVDs and Blu-ray discs. While hydrogen power hasn’t dissolved like the ill-fated media format, it has taken
a backseat as BEVs and hybrid vehicles eat up most of the spotlight.

At this point, do hydrogen-based vehicle power alternatives still have a chance at a comeback? And if they do, could they leave BEVs in the dust? It seems like that scenario isn’t entirely out of the question, but there are a lot of factors at play.
SlashGear spoke with Professor Laine Mears, Department Chair of Automotive Engineering at Clemson University — part of the International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) campus in Greenville, SC. We sent several questions about hydrogen- and battery-powered vehicles (past, present, and potential future), and offered his expertise.
Mears has been part of the faculty at CU-ICAR since 2006, teaching students
about model analysis and multiple facets of automotive and automation manufacturing. He is researching processing control for materials that are difficult to machine, model-based control for processes and systems in manufacturing, and the development of new novel processing techniques for electrically-assisted manufacturing along with metal injection molding.

Read more: How To Clean Your Car’s Engine Bay: A Step-By-Step Guide  

refueling car at hydrogen station
Refueling car at hydrogen station© Literator/Shutterstock

Why Are Hydrogen Cars Still A Thing?
While EVs are far more prevalent, hydrogen-powered vehicles haven’t stopped existing just yet. Professor Mears notes that several companies initially started working
on hydrogen fuel solutions before the spike in EV (and by extension, hybrid) interest.
And while most of those designs were shelved, they weren’t thrown out, so it’s not unreasonable to think they could be revisited.

 Related video: Electric Car Battery 101: Longevity, Costs,
and Maintenance Demystified (Money Talks News).

Mears also points out that U.S. drivers being less inclined to initially spend more to save (both on fuel costs and emissions) in the long term might be putting hydrogen power back on the table, along with the manufacturing and materials costs of EVs. It’s an environment that would likely benefit from having more than one alternative for fossil fuels.
“The prevailing wisdom now is that the ‘green’ transition will encompass a diversity of platforms as markets and consumer sentiment evolves,” Mears explains, “and hydrogen-fueled cars will be part of that solution.” 

trucks behind hydrogen fueling station
Trucks behind hydrogen fueling station© Scharfsinn86/Getty Images

Are There Some Sectors Where Hydrogen Vehicles More Preferable Over BEVs,
And Could They Keep the Tech Alive?

Hydrogen-based fuel alternatives could very well become as much a part of the commercial market as EVs, and hybrids are. However, according to Mears, there are two main hurdles the technology needs to clear (and is already in the process of dealing with) before that can happen: Fuel availability and general safety. 

“Safety is being addressed well through tank designs and redundant systems,
so, hydrogen vehicles should have similar crash concerns as other vehicles,” notes Mears. So, safety is less of an overall issue for hydrogen power, but fuel is still a bit of a sticking point due to hydrogen primarily (but not exclusively) needing to be created through other energy sources rather than mined like the core components of gasoline.
“In order for widespread adoption to work, investment in broad infrastructure would be needed, both for generation and distribution,” explains Mears. “The US Department of Energy is starting to build the framework of such a solution through its Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program, where 6–10 pilot networks will be established to create and supply hydrogen for future decarbonization.”  

EV carger with BEV in background
EV charger with BEV in background© Fahroni/Getty Images

Is There An Edge Over BEVs In The General Automotive Market?
Both batteries and hydrogen are seen as proving the benefit of cleaner energy,
but the one area where Mears says BEVs are lacking is in the batteries themselves.
A combination of the materials needed to manufacture them and how complicated they can be to recycle, the weight they add to a vehicle, and a comparably limited range put them behind hydrogen in that regard. From a consumer standpoint, it’s got more to do with the charging time — because as Mears points out, “Hydrogen already has a head
start benefit of almost instant refueling at a stop as compared with even high-power supercharging of BEVs.”

That said, BEV technology has continued to change and grow. To the point that Professor Mears doesn’t believe hydrogen will have that charging speed advantage for much longer. “…there are a lot of smart people working on these issues, and I expect to see a disruptive battery technology hit the market in the next 5 years that may change the segmentation rapidly,” Mears says.
Infrastructure is also a major factor to consider, and while the Federal government
does offer a hydrogen hub program, it’s also investing in electrical charging with the DOE’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. Professor Mears points out that, despite the roughly $5 billion in funding going to a BEV charging network, “whether the national grid system can handle it is another concern.”  

gas station fuel pumps
Gas station fuel pumps © Solstock/Getty Images

Would It Have Been Better for Hydrogen Cars Won Over BEVs?
While the competition between BEVs and hydrogen fuel vehicles isn’t quite finished, and hydrogen has an opportunity to close the gap, it’s difficult to know whether things would have been better if hydrogen pulled ahead first, especially since both technologies are still being refined.

“BEVs looked like the silver bullet that would slay emissions and carbon buildup in one shot, but once the reality of material availability (e.g., lithium, cobalt, and nickel), national electric grid capacity, the cost of supporting infrastructure, and consumer hesitation set in, manufacturers which had announced grand investments were suddenly backpedaling and opening their minds up to alternative platforms (which also includes traditional internal combustion engines, which are not going away anytime soon),” Mears adds.
And really, that’s the crux of the challenge for both BEVs and hydrogen-fueled vehicles. Internal combustion engines are so entrenched that investments needed to move away from them tend to be discouraging. “Displacing ICE vehicles (which work really well for the market needs) will require investment and good communication about the benefit and motivation to drive consumer adoption,” Mears notes. 

hydrogen fuel cell public buses
Hydrogen fuel cell public buses © Scharfsinn/Shutterstock   

 Is Hydrogen Tech Better Suited for Public Transportation Than BEVs?
Or Is There a Different Reason Many Cities Invest in Hydrogen-Powered Buses?
As Mears points out, in the case of both hydrogen fuel and BEVs, viability boils down
to infrastructure. Gas stations are ubiquitous across most of the U.S. and for either alternative to become a true replacement, we’d need a similar level of “every corner” availability.
Mears believes public transportation — particularly having a more centralized space for entire fleets of vehicles to return to each day for refueling — may be the more reasonable recipient market for such a change. “Charging is a key barrier there,” Mears states,
“and a centralized hydrogen supply may have an advantage.”
Right now, it’s difficult to predict which possible gas alternative will come out on top.
Even other outlier alternatives like alcohol have potential, according to Mears, who explains that these kinds of “dark horse” technologies, “could also take the market by surprise – these are more readily sourced, with control strategies and engine design considerations now under study that could make them a competitive technology
for such fleet applications.” Read the original article on SlashGear

Debunking The Myths: Why You Shouldn’t Fear Hydrogen-Powered Cars
© Provided by TopSpeed

The hydrogen cars of the past and present (msn.com)
While electric cars have been grabbing headlines in recent years for their zero-emission capabilities, hydrogen-powered cars have quietly but steadily made their presence known. These are powered by hydrogen fuel-cell stacks which produce electricity, allowing them
to travel great distances with zero emissions. Hydrogen cars have been widely stigmatized despite their advantages due to inaccurate and misleading statements about the technology and lack of infrastructure. At this point, when the world is looking for
ways to go green, many people continue to express their doubts about hydrogen cars.
For some, the thought of driving a fuel-cell-powered vehicle is very intimidating.
With only about 15,000 hydrogen-powered cars currently on U.S. roads – all in California – they remain rare compared to an estimated 2.5 million electric cars sold in the U.S. since 2015. While some of these hydrogen myths are understandable—mostly due to the lack of information on the matter—let’s take a moment to dig a bit deeper and unearth the truth behind these hydrogen-powered cars.

Related: Why Hydrogen Cars Are Better Than Electric Cars   

Why It’s Safe to Drive a Hydrogen-powered Car.
hydrogen fuel-cell car works similarly to an electric car.
It operates by an electric motor powered by a fuel-cell stack, where pure hydrogen is mixed with oxygen from the air to generate electricity. This process produces water vapor as a byproduct, making them an environmentally friendly option.
Unlike gasoline-powered vehicles, HFCVs produce no emissions of harmful pollutants and have a relatively short refueling time, just five minutes, compared to the longer charging time typically required for electric cars.
Three hydrogen cars are currently available for sale: the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell,
the Hyundai Nexo SUV, and the Toyota Mirai Hydrogen. Honda has ended production
of all models of the Clarity, while the Nexo has sold fewer than 1,500 SUVs.
Meanwhile, Toyota has sold around 10,700 Toyota Mirai Hydrogen sedans across
two generations in the U.S. but had to resort to substantial discounting to move them.
The main issue people have with hydrogen cars is that they fear the risk of hydrogen
explosions due to the flammable nature of the gas.

➡️ Related video: Hydrogen-powered Train Breaks World Record (Interesting Engineering) – Search (bing.com)

However, this is a myth because hydrogen needs a spark from a flame or an electrical spark to ignite and create an explosion. Vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are much safer than traditional gas-powered cars, and manufacturers have worked hard to ensure they remain this way as technology advances. When it comes to hydrogen-powered cars, they are fitted with special shielding to prevent any ignition in case of a leak, and hydrogen safety regulations require these cars to be over-pressurized, so the gas cannot escape. The high-pressure tanks are tailored to survive even the highest-speed crashes without leaking or breaching, and no injuries or deaths related to the hydrogen components have been recorded. Hydrogen cars are safer than traditional cars because they produce significantly fewer emissions. Furthermore, hydrogen fuel stations have redundant safety systems in place, like over-pressurization and explosion-proof technology, to make sure that it’s nearly impossible for an HFCV to overcharge.

Related: Toyota’s Upcoming Hydrogen-Powered 5.0 V-8 Engine Has The Potential To Bury EVs  

Can Hydrogen Cars Blow Up?
Another major myth related to hydrogen cars is that they are prone to blow up. As already stated, hydrogen requires a spark to ignite, so there is little chance of the car exploding. Leading brands like Hyundai have already launched hydrogen-powered cars such as the Nexo SUV that have passed stringent hydrogen safety tests. Similarly, Toyota’s hydrogen fuel-cell car, the Toyota Mirai Hydrogen car, has also passed safety tests. Therefore, if a hydrogen-powered car ever gets into trouble—such as a fuel leak—the car’s onboard systems will intervene and shut off the fuel supply completely until the problem is fixed. Hydrogen skeptics usually cite the Hindenburg explosion of 1937 as a reason to fear hydrogen fuel-cell cars. Still, the reality is that the hydrogen tanks and their hardware guarantee much safety. 

So, it’s clear that hydrogen-powered cars’ chances of exploding are extremely low.

Related: Here’s What Needs To Happen For Hydrogen Cars To Take Off  

Why You Should Set Your Anxiety Aside Embrace Hydrogen-powered Cars
Another myth that experts have widely debunked is that Hydrogen Is energy inefficient. For electricity to be used in a battery-powered car, it must be harvested in the same country it is used in. On the other hand, hydrogen can be harvested in sunny regions such as the Middle East and North Africa, where generating two to two-and-a-half times more electricity from each square meter of the solar panel is possible.
When the energy efficiency of fuel cells and the higher efficiency in harvesting solar power are combined, it becomes possible to transport a fuel-cell truck for the same distance as a battery-powered truck, given that the former’s energy is generated with a solar panel of the same size. The current hydrogen cost seems quite high compared to other emissions-free energy sources.

However, this does not necessarily mean that expensive hydrogen will remain a permanent fixture of the energy market. As the production of electrolyzers accelerates and the cost of harvesting solar power in sunnier regions becomes lower due to economies of scale, hydrogen will likely become a more cost-effective alternative in the near future. Additionally, it’s a myth that hydrogen infrastructure is too expensive. Investment is needed to build a hydrogen infrastructure, especially compared to battery-powered cars, which use existing infrastructure. However, even though investing in one infrastructure may seem more attractive, it is more expensive than investing in two. As the number of zero-emission vehicles increases, it will be costly to constantly expand the infrastructure for one technology but much cheaper to build two infrastructures up to a medium volume.
Moreover, some people believe hydrogen is just a pet project of the big industry.
It could not be further from the truth. Major companies such as Daimler Truck are investing heavily in hydrogen technology and are investing in production facilities and rigorous testing of the technology. It demonstrates their commitment to producing strong, zero-emission vehicles that can push humankind toward a greener future.

Related: Why Toyota’s Slow Transition To Electric Vehicles Is A Good Thing   

You Should Not Be Intimidated Since Hydrogen Cars Are Here to Stay
By now, you should have a much better idea about the various hydrogen myths related to hydrogen cars and why you shouldn’t fear them. While the hydrogen-powered vehicles currently available may not be the best option for everyone, these vehicles are quite safe and dependable, with top-notch safety features. The performance of hydrogen fuel-cell cars is very similar to that of a battery-electric car. A fuel-cell car has no transmission, including regenerative braking, to recapture wasted energy as it slows down.
The Toyota Mirai, for example, comes with a 120-horsepower fuel cell, which is enough power to accelerate onto the highways. It also features a low-capacity battery, which supplies extra power for short periods of intense acceleration, and it’s recharged from either fuel-cell output or regenerative braking.

Like other fuels, hydrogen fuel is a specialized commodity for the public, so the few hydrogen stations tend to charge high prices. To cover the same distance as a gallon of gasoline, you’d have to spend between $5 to $8.50 for a kilogram of hydrogen. To offset this disadvantage, automakers such as Honda, Hyundai, and Toyota have all offered their lessees and buyers free hydrogen fuel for various periods. With more infrastructure coming up and more incentives from car manufacturers, hydrogen cars are poised to be a great option for drivers in the future. By 2030, E.V. cars are predicted to be the dominant force, but hydrogen cars will still be a viable alternative for many…

BONUS: Will Hydrogen Powered Cars Ever Surpass Battery-Electric Vehicles,
Or Are They Doomed to Fail? (msn.com)

Can Fuel Cell Vehicles Explode Like ‘Hydrogen Bombs on Wheels’? (motorbiscuit.com)
Researchers develop sodium battery capable of rapid charging in just a few seconds.
2024 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV review // Battery trouble in extreme cold!
20 Reasons Why Americans Are Saying No to Electric Vehicles (msn.com)
5 Hybrid Cars That Will Save Money and the Environment (msn.com)
10 Facts About Insuring Your EV (And How to Save) (msn.com)
12 Worst Things About Charging an Electric Car (msn.com)
Will Hydrogen Cars Explode – Search (bing.com)

Here’s why hydrogen-fueled cars aren’t little Hindenburg’s

WEB Nov 26, 2014 
Hydrogen is explosive, but supply is a bigger issue for the nascent industry.
Will hydrogen overtake batteries in the race for zero-emission cars?
Credit: Honda. For all the volatility of a gas like hydrogen…

WEB Feb 13, 2024 
He placed hydrogen for cars in “the row of doom”, 
with very little chance of even a niche market.
Can hydrogen overtake batteries in cars?
“The answer is no,” said … Author: Jasper Jolly


Why Are 3 Automakers Still Hyping Hydrogen Fuel Cell …


Why is hydrogen no longer the fuel of the future? | Autocar


WEB The fact is that the risk of explosion in hydrogen cars and other vehicles. 
Why don’t we hear about hydrogen cars exploding all the time?

Monthly Myth: Your EV battery must be replaced in 5 to 10 years — (EVA) (myeva.org)
25 Cheapest Electric Vehicles To Consider In 2024, Ranked Based on Range and Price.
21 Overlooked Electric Vehicle Flaws That No One Is Talking About (msn.com)
15 Hidden Electric Car Expenses That Could Zap Your Budget2 (msn.com)
Electric Vehicle Battery Fires: What You Need to Know | Alsym Energy
6 Ways You Might Be Destroying Your Electric Car’s Battery (msn.com)
7 Key Signs Hybrid Cars Aren’t the Right Purchase for You (msn.com)
The Superiority of Hybrids Compared to Electric Vehicles (msn.com)
12 Worst Things About Charging an Electric Car (msn.com)
13 Electric Car Secrets Owners Won’t Tell You (msn.com)
15 Flaws in Electric Cars Nobody Talks About (msn.com)
The pros and cons of buying an electric car (msn.com)
10 Electric Cars With The Lowest Range (msn.com)
7 Popular Electric Cars Under $30,000 (msn.com)
Cars Still Mostly Made in America (msn.com)
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Does Oil Replenish Itself in the Earth

American civilization as we know it appeared to be in grave peril a quarter century ago.

Why We’ll Never Run Out of Oil | Discover Magazine
When Arab nations cut off oil shipments to the United States during the 1973
war in the Middle East, gasoline prices abruptly rose 40 percent and panic ensued.
Motorists idled in long lines at gas stations, where creeping tensions led to fights and even occasional shootings. Automakers scrambled to retool their assembly lines to manufacture miserly compacts rather than gas-guzzling behemoths.
Entrepreneurs poured millions into upstart solar-energy and wind-power companies. Politicians pontificated about the need for collective belt-tightening and offered income tax credits to homeowners for energy-saving insulation. Meanwhile, doomsday scenarios predicted ever-increasing shortages of fossil fuels and $100-a-barrel oil prices by the year 2000.

Last year, wells around the world — from the sands of Saudi Arabia to the deep continental trench off the coast of Brazil — will pump some 75 million barrels of oil each day to satisfy demand. That’s about 25 billion barrels a year, and the number is climbing at a rate between 2 and 3 percent a year. Barring a worldwide recession, the U.S. Energy Information Administration believes the world will be consuming around 110 million barrels a day by the year 2020. And it looks as though we won’t be running short by then either. “It’s hard for people who remember the seventies to accept this, but I believe we’ll never ‘run out’ of oil the way the pessimists used to think,” says Michael Lynch, a political scientist at MIT.

Does oil replenish over time?

Oil does not replenish over time as quickly as it is extracted1
It takes millions of years for oil to form, and the conditions on modern Earth
do not support oil replenishment at the contemporary rate of extraction 1
Leaving oil in your engine beyond the recommended oil change date can result in damage, so regular oil changes are necessary to remove contaminated oil and replenish the engine with fresh oil 2 3.

The question of when the world’s oil supply will run out is complex and depends on various factors, including consumption rates, technological advancements, and the discovery of new reserves. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the world’s oil supply is projected to continue meeting the growing global energy demand until at least 20501However, some estimates suggest that current oil supplies could last for about 41 years 2, while others indicate that oil reserves might be depleted
by 2052 3.

It’s important to note that these are estimates and actual outcomes may vary
due to changes in energy policies, shifts towards renewable energy sources,
and improvements in energy efficiency.
The concept of “peak oil” also plays a role, which is the point at which the maximum
rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline. 
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that we could reach peak demand for
oil in 2028, influenced by factors like rising prices and the increased adoption of electric vehicles 1.
As the world moves towards more sustainable energy sources and technologies,
the reliance on oil may decrease, potentially extending the time before oil reserves
are fully depleted.

How long will oil supply run out?
You may have read that the world’s oil supply will run out in a few decades.
In the early 80s, it was not uncommon to read that the supply of oil would
be gone for all practical purposes in just a few years.

Fortunately, these predictions weren’t accurate.
But the notion that we will exhaust all the oil under the surface of the earth persists.
There may well come a time when we no longer use oil remaining in the ground because
of the impact of hydrocarbons on climate or because there are cheaper alternatives.

Mistaken Assumptions
Many predictions that we will run out of oil after a certain period of time are based
on a flawed understanding of how the reserve supply of oil should be assessed.

One typical way of making the assessment uses these factors:
The number of barrels we can extract with existing technology.
The number of barrels used worldwide in a year.

Naive Calculation
The naivest way to make a prediction is to simply do the following calculation:
Yrs. of oil left = # of barrels available / # of barrels used in a year.
So, if there are 150 million barrels of oil in the ground and we use 10 million a year,
this type of thinking would suggest that the oil supply will run out in 15 years.

If the predictor realizes that with new drilling technology
we can gain access to more oil, he will incorporate this into his estimate
of #1 making a more optimistic prediction of when the oil will run out.
If the predictor incorporates population growth and the fact that demand 
for oil per person often rises, he will incorporate this into his estimate for
#2 making a more pessimistic prediction.
These predictions, however, are inherently flawed
because they violate basic economic principles.

The Truth About Middle East Oil Reserves
By Pierre Tristam

We Will Never Run Out of Oil
At least not in a physical sense. There will still be oil in the ground 10 years from now,
and 50 years from now and 500 years from now. This will hold true no matter if you take
a pessimistic or optimistic view about the amount of oil still available to be extracted.
Let’s suppose that the supply really is quite limited.
What will happen as the supply starts to diminish?
First, expect to see some wells run dry and either be replaced with
new wells that have higher associated costs or not be replaced at all.

Price Bump at the Pump
Either of these would cause the price at the pump to rise.
When the price of gasoline rises, people naturally buy less of it;
the amount of this reduction being determined by the amount of the price increase and the consumer’s elasticity of demand for gasoline. This does not necessarily mean that people will drive less (though it is likely), it may mean that consumers trade in their SUVs for smaller cars, hybrid vehicles, electric cars or cars that run on alternative fuels.
Each consumer will react to the price change differently, so we would expect to see everything from more people bicycling to work to used car lots full of Lincoln Navigators.

Supply and Demand
If we go back to Economics 101, this effect is clearly visible.
The continual reduction of the supply of oil is represented by a series of small
shifts of the supply curve to the left and an associated move along the demand curve.
Since gasoline is a normal good, Economics 101 tells us that we will have a series of price increases and a series of reductions in the total amount of gasoline consumed.
Eventually, the price will reach a point where gasoline will become a niche good purchased by very few consumers, while other consumers will have found alternatives to gas.
When this happens there will still be plenty of oil in the ground, but consumers will have found alternatives that make more economic sense to them, so there will be little, if any, demand for gasoline.

More Money for Fuel Cell Research?
There already exists plenty of alternatives to the standard internal combustion engine. With gasoline less than $2 a gallon in most areas of the United States, electric cars are not very popular. If the price were significantly higher, say $4 or $6, we’d expect to see quite a few electric cars on the road. Hybrid cars, while not a strict alternative to the internal combustion engine, would reduce the demand for gasoline as these vehicles can get twice the mileage of many comparable cars.

Electric and Hybrid Cars
Advances in these technologies, making electric and hybrid cars cheaper to produce and more useful, may make fuel cell technology unnecessary. Keep in mind that as the price of gasoline rises, the car manufacturers will have an incentive to develop cars which run on less expensive alternative fuels in order to win the business of consumers fed up with high gas prices. An expensive government program in alternative fuels and fuel cells seems unnecessary.

How Will This Effect the Economy?
When a useful commodity, such as gasoline, becomes scarce, there is always a cost to the economy, just as there would be a benefit to the economy if we discovered a limitless form of energy. This is because the value of the economy is roughly measured by the value of the goods and services it produces.
Remember that barring any unforeseen tragedy or deliberate measure to limit the supply of oil, the supply will not drop suddenly, meaning that the price will not rise suddenly.

1970s Were Different
The 1970s were much different because we saw a sudden and significant drop in the amount of oil on the world market due to a cartel of oil-producing nations deliberately cutting back on production in order to raise the world price. This is quite a bit different than a slow natural decline in the supply of oil due to depletion. So, unlike the 1970s,
we should not expect to see large lines at the pump and large overnight price increases.
This is assuming that the government does not try to “fix” the problem of declining oil supply by rationing. Given what the 1970s taught us, this would be very unlikely.

Gasoline: A Niche Commodity
If markets are allowed to function freely the supply of oil will never run out, in a physical sense, though it’s quite likely that in the future gasoline will become a niche commodity. Changes in consumer patterns and the emergence of new technology driven by increases in the price of oil will prevent the oil supply from ever physically running out.
While predicting doomsday scenarios may be a good way to get people to know your name, they are a very poor predictor of what is likely to happen in the future.

 Types of Home Heating Systems (2024 Guide) (thisoldhouse.com)
Choosing the best heating system for your home depends on various factors
such as your climate, house size, energy efficiency, and personal preferences.

 Here’s a summary of some common heating systems and their benefits:
1. Furnace: A forced-air furnace is a popular choice that uses natural gas, propane,
oil, or electricity to heat air that is then distributed throughout the home via ducts.
It’s known for its affordability and compatibility with existing ductwork.
2. Boiler: Boilers heat water and distribute the steam or hot water to radiators or baseboard heaters. This type of radiant heating is efficient and provides even warmth, making it suitable for homes in colder regions.
3. Heat Pump: Heat pumps are highly efficient and can provide both heating and cooling. They work best in moderate climates and can be less effective in very cold temperatures.
4. Electric Space Heaters: These are portable and can be a good option for heating individual rooms or small spaces. They come in various types, including infrared, oil-filled, and fan-forced models.
5. Hydronic Heating Systems: These systems use hot water from a boiler to heat the home through a series of pipes installed under the floor or in baseboard heaters.

When considering a new heating system, it’s important to look at the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating, which measures how much of the energy consumed
is actually converted into heat. Modern systems can have AFUE ratings as high as 98.5%, indicating high efficiency.
For personalized advice, it would be beneficial to consult with a local HVAC expert who can assess your specific needs and recommend the most suitable system for your home. They can take into account the size of your home, insulation quality, local climate, and energy costs to help you make an informed decision.

How About Geothermal and Solar Energy for Expanded Electric Bills. 
Pairing Geothermal Plus Rooftop Solar For A Truly Renewable Home – CleanTechnica
Real Customer Reviews | Best Company

How About Other Ways to Heat a Home.
The best way to compare energy prices in your
market is to look at the price per unit of heat value.


Most Efficient Heating System – Forbes Home
Scientists measure heat value in British Thermal Units or BTUs for short.
A BTU is the amount of energy required to raise one pound of water one degree F.

It is about the heat of a birthday candle flame.
Heating Oil has 138,690 BTUs per gallon.

Click here to learn about the other benefits of heating oil.
Natural Gas has 1,030 BTUs per cubic foot. 135 Cubic feet equals the
heat content of one gallon of oil. Kerosene has 131,890 BTUs per gallon.
1.05 gallons equals the heat content of one gallon of oil.
Propane has 91,500 BTUs per gallon. 1.52 gallons equals the heat of one gallon of oil.
Electricity has 3,413 BTUs per kilowatt hour (kwh). 40.6kwh equals the heat content of one gallon of oil.
Wood: One full cord of wood has the heat value of 95 gallons of oil.
Anthracite Coal has 12,000 BTUs per pound. About 12 pounds equals the heat content of one gallon of oil.
When comparing the unit costs for the various fuels, remember to include any taxes and meter or service charges the gas or electric companies add to the bill. 

Knowing the Cost to Convert from Oil to Gas
Before making the decision to switch from oil to gas, consider what it may cost!
There are many factors that affect how much a conversion can cost, including:
Adding a gas line
Updating appliances
Installing a chimney liner
Removing the old oil tank

The contractor you choose.
Additionally, here are some things we want our customers to know before making the move from oil to gas: The United States has only 4% of the world’s natural gas reserves, while 73% are located in Russia, Eurasia, and the Middle East, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
Methane losses from natural gas systems account for 18% total worldwide methane emissions, according to the international organization Methane to Markets.
The Consumer Energy Council of America calls fuel conversion an “expensive gamble”
and recommends that homeowners upgrade their oil equipment to achieve conservation, rather than switch fuels. Conversion is more expensive than upgrading, with a low likelihood of meaningful savings. Natural gas is explosive, and leaks can be hazardous.
Natural gas heating systems are also the leading cause of non-fire-related carbon monoxide deaths
Gas utilities generally provide neither preventive maintenance nor emergency service.
As a result, gas customers also may be wasting fuel by using poorly tuned equipment,
and they might have no one who will help them in the event of a no-heat emergency.

This new Google Maps feature is game changer for EV drivers.
Kathleen Wong USA TODAY

Electric vehicle drivers are getting a little extra help on the road from Google Maps.
Google Maps and Search is rolling out new features tailored just for electric vehicles, including specific information on the location of EV chargers and hotels with on-site chargers. Maps will also help drivers plan charging stops on their travels in real time.
In 2023, 1.6 million electric vehicles were sold in the U.S., up 60% from 2022. However, one of the common concerns about owning an electric vehicle is that people don’t know where to charge them.
One of the features now available on mobile is AI-powered summaries detailing a charger’s exact location since it can be difficult for drivers to locate where a charger is in a multilevel parking lot. Google created the summaries based on millions of reviews posted in Google Maps by fellow users, including what type of plug they used and charging time. In Maps, drivers get detailed summaries leading them right to the charger.

Google Maps EV Charger Maps – Search (bing.com)
Google Maps is a solo traveler’s friend: Expert advice for your first trip
How to activate iPhone’s Emergency SOS feature (yahoo.com)

While on-the-go, Google Maps’ in-car map will also display nearby chargers, including real-time port availability and charging speed. While giving directions, Google Maps will also suggest the best charging locations on one- and multi-stop trips. The suggested stops will be based on the car’s battery level. Cars with built-in Google will be the first to get these two features in the coming months, the company said.
To help drivers with their overnight travel plans,

Google Search’s travel page will also show hotels with on-site EV charging.
Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii.
You can reach her at kwong@usatoday.com.

Edmunds picks the best used plug-in hybrids that qualify for the federal tax credit.
The Hybrid Vehicle That Outsells Every Other Hybrid in The U.S. (msn.com)
The AWD Hybrid Car with The Best Fuel Economy In 2024 (msn.com)
10 Factors That Make Hydrogen Cars Better Than Electric (msn.com)
Insurance Costs: Hybrids, Electric Vehicles, and Gas Cars (msn.com)
Are Hybrid Cars Really More Expensive in the Long Run? (msn.com)
7 Reasons Hybrid Vehicles Are Worth the Additional Cost (msn.com)
10 Reasons Electric Cars Are Environmentally Superior (msn.com)
Hydrogen fuel cell cars: four things you should know (msn.com)
10 Ways Hybrids Outperform Traditional Cars (msn.com)
6 Hybrid Vehicles To Stay Away from Buying (msn.com)
Why Buy A Hydrogen Car Over An EV (msn.com)
What exactly is a hybrid vehicle? (msn.com)
10 Electric Cars That Prioritize Efficiency Over Performance, Ranked By Range (msn.com)
Thinking of buying an EV? Here’s the one question you need to answer first (msn.com)
Your Electric Vehicle’s Battery Life: 5 Techniques to Maximize Battery Performance.
New Data Shows Many Electric Cars Cheaper Than Gas in the Long Run (msn.com)
Do Tesla’s Have Engines? How Their Electric Motors & Drivetrain Work (msn.com)
How Do Electric Cars Work? Discover the Main Components and Their Functions.
Should you buy a used EV? Here are 10 things to know before you make the leap.
5 must-have features to future-proof your first or next EV purchase (msn.com)
21 Overlooked Electric Vehicle Flaws That No One Is Talking About (msn.com)
15 Things Electric Vehicle Owners Often Wish They Knew Earlier (msn.com)
15 Hidden Electric Car Expenses That Could Zap Your Budget2 (msn.com)
14 Unfortunate Flaws in Electric Cars That No One Talks About (msn.com)
Why No One Ever Plugs In Their PHEVs And Why They Should (msn.com)
13 Genius Ways Electric Cars Are Changing the Way We Drive (msn.com)

Electric 18-Wheelers Are Dumber Than Regular Electric Cars (msn.com)
Complete Guide to Car Batteries And How Long They Last (msn.com)
13 Electric Car Realities Owners Don’t Want You To Know (msn.com)
The Superiority of Hybrids Compared to Electric Vehicles (msn.com)
Electric Cars Set to Outprice Gas Guzzlers: Here’s Why (msn.com)
Types of electric car charging: how different are they? (msn.com)
24 Reasons Why Electric Vehicles Are a Smart Choice (msn.com)
The EV Industry Has A Battery Oversupply Problem (msn.com)
15 Important Electric Vehicle Tips for Cold Weather (msn.com)
10 Things Nobody Tells You About Charging An EV (msn.com)
10 Things About Electric Cars That Just Make Sense (msn.com)
13 Electric Vehicles With Surprisingly Long Range (msn.com)

10 Things to Expect After Buying an Electric Car (msn.com)
How Do Transmissions Work In Electric Cars? (msn.com)
13 Electric Car Secrets Owners Won’t Tell You (msn.com)
The Major Benefits Of Owning An Electric Car (msn.com)
15 Flaws in Electric Cars Nobody Talks About (msn.com)
The Big Issue With Electric Vehicles | Watch (msn.com)
The pros and cons of buying an electric car (msn.com)
The Most Reliable Toyota Hybrids, Ranked (msn.com)
The EV Battery of Your Dreams Is Coming (msn.com)
Electric Cars: Is It Better To Buy or Lease? (msn.com)
How Long Do Electric Car Batteries Last? (msn.com)
12 Top-Notch Electric Cars You Can Trust (msn.com)
15 Electric Cars with Impressive Range (msn.com)
7 Dangerous Myths About Electric Cars (msn.com)
Ranking 19 Electric Cars by Range (msn.com)
How Electric Cars Work (msn.com)
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Natures Delicate Balance

Nature plays a delicate balance of righting itself:
if man fucks with it too much it might explode.

Why is Viewing Denali So Elusive? – Search Videos (bing.com)
Visitors of Denali National Park can be broken up into two groups: the 30% club and everyone else. The 30% club is made up of the people who were fortunate enough to
catch a glimpse of Denali, the tallest mountain in North America.
The weather changes constantly in Denali National Park, and we often recommend to guests that they dress for sun, rain, wind, and sometimes even snow all in the same day. There’s an old saying that sums it up nicely: “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes.” The weather is so varied in the park that about 7 out of 10 days the mountains are out of sight because the Alaska Range is often shrouded in clouds.

Dramatic Clouds in Denali National Park

 But why do clouds cover the summit of Denali so often? – Search Videos (bing.com)
Much of the answer has to do with where the Alaska Range sits in relation to the ocean. Mountain ranges throughout the state play a big role in influencing the weather and climate.
When low pressure systems move northward from the Gulf of Alaska, that moist cold
air hits the mountain ranges and condenses while rising upward. This results in clouds
and precipitation in the mountains that often obstructs the view of Denali.
This weather pattern means the south side of the Alaska Range, also known as the windward side, receives more precipitation than many other parts of the state.
As a result, this area is home to large scale glaciers and icefields.
The north side of the Alaska Range, where most visitors stay in Denali National Park,
is actually in the rain shadow of the Alaska Range. The weather on the northern side
is much more forgiving than the southern side of the mountain, but it is still often
varied and unpredictable.

Denali Peeking Through The Clouds

Complete Guide to Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska (msn.com)
While the weather changes often in Denali National Park, this fact alone should not dissuade you from visiting. Rain, snow, and wind are all part of the experience of Alaska. Often, clouds can add a dramatic look to the already breathtaking landscapes of the park. Even so, the elusiveness of the view makes it that much more special. Whether you are lucky enough to spot the mountain or not, there are tremendous views in almost every direction in Denali National Park. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to see the mountain on your first trip to the park. If not, there’s that much more reason to visit again!

PREVIOUS   Why the Sun Shines All Night in Denali National Park
NEXT Breathtaking Fall Colors of Denali National Park – Search (bing.com)

patrick timpone one radio network – Search (bing.com)

Stealing from the Biosphere
with Patrick Timpone

Viv Forbes – Search (bing.com)
Defending the Role of Carbon on Earth.
The Real Agenda Behind the “Green Elite”
Viv Forbes is a geologist, financial analyst and farmer with a degree in Applied Science (geology, physics, chemistry and maths). Since graduation he has studied economics, politics, climatology, soil science, financial analysis, grazing management, hydrology and animal nutrition. He has worked for government departments, private companies and his own business. He has written widely on political, technical and economic subjects. He was awarded the “Australian Adam Smith Award for Services to the Free Society” in 1988 and was chosen as Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s “Author of Freedom” in September 2012. He should be retired but is a non-executive director of a small Australian coal exploration company and lives with his wife Judy on their sheep and cattle breeding property at Rosevale in Queensland, Australia. He was the founder of the Carbon Sense Coalition.

 One Radio Network / Viv Forbes – Defending the Role of Carbon on Earth;
 The Real Agenda Behind the “Green Elite” – August 31, 2015, | One RadioNetwork
  08.31.15_forbes_viv_bioshphere_one by Patrick Timpone (soundcloud.com)

Show Highlights:
-What’s wrong with the “Green Movement”?
-What is the concept of ‘climate change’ about?
-Our oceans controls the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
-Why global warming poses no threat to the biosphere and human beings?
-It’s a fast coming ‘ice age’ that’s posing the biggest threat
-Doesn’t it make sense to use wind and solar energy?
Wind and solar suffer from 3 problems!
-What exactly is coming out of the stacks of coal fired plants?
-The driving motivation behind the “war on carbon”
-The Earth has not risen in temperature in 19 years;
how does that support the theory of global warming?
-How the Earth has benefited by having more CO2 in the biosphere
-How minerals get stripped from farm soil
and so much more!!!!!!

To learn more
If you remove too much CO² on This Day – E = Mc²
E = Mc² – Search (bing.com)  e mc2 – Search (bing.com)

A 107-year-old Einstein theory on the origin of the universe
may be right inverse.com|1536 × 1780 jpeg | 2 yrs. ago

Climate ChangeClimate Change   Global Warming  Global Warming

Inconvenient facts – Search Videos (bing.com)

Inconvenient Facts: The science Al Gore doesn’t
want you to know Paperback – October 24, 2017.
by Gregory Wrightstone (Author)
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars    2,461 ratings
See all formats and editions.

You have been inundated with reports from the media, governments, think tanks
and ”experts” saying that our climate is changing for the worse and it is our fault.
Increases in droughts, heat waves, tornadoes and poison ivy – to name a few – are all blamed on our ”sins of emissions” from burning fossil fuels and increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Yet, you don’t quite buy into this human-caused climate apocalypse. You aren’t sure about the details because you don’t have all the facts and likely aren’t a scientist. Inconvenient Facts was specifically created for you.
Writing in plain English and providing easily understood charts and figures, Gregory Wrightstone presents the science to assess the basis of the threatened Thermageddon.
The book’s 60 ”inconvenient facts” come from government sources, peer-reviewed literature or scholarly works, set forth in a way that is lucid and entertaining. The information likely will challenge your current understanding of many apocalyptic predictions about our ever-dynamic climate.
You will learn that the planet is improving, not in spite of increasing CO2 and rising temperature, but because of it. The framework of the climate-catastrophe argument
will be confronted with scientific fact. Arm yourself with the truth.

 Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know:
Gregory Wrightstone: 9781545614105: Amazon.com: Books

Greg Wrightstone inconvenient facts – Search (bing.com)

Greg Wrightstone 
♫ Gary Jeff Walker | on 700 WLW (iheart.com) 
Climate Change is B.S. | 55-minute Timestamp.
Greg Wrightstone geologist – Bing video 

Image result for Steve Goreham

Amazon.com : Steve Goreham books
Steve Goreham Sunday Night LIVE w/ Billy Cunningham 7/24/22 –
on 700WLW (podcast) | Listen Notes Join @ TimeStamp 1:29.50
Since 1880 140 year – 1° degree raise. The Democrats in Arizona  
compare climate to desert environment – Cows | Burp & Breathe 
  CO2   Coal Natural Gas Oil     20x Nature Emits    4 molecules 
 Since 1660 (362 Years) Temps went up 1.8 ° Celsius.  °C to °F?
 Global Govt. is spending $500 Billion Annually 

 Steve Goreham is the Executive Director Climate Science Coalition of America 

Steve Goreham books – Bing video  
              Steve Goreham bio – Search (bing.com)

Steve Goreham climate – Bing video
Steve Goreham Wikipedia – Bing video

Every State has a different climate: The warmest state in America isn’t
Louisiana or Texas, according to data. See how every state ranks. (msn.com)

Scientists issue warning over dangerous phenomenon in Arctic waters
that are becoming new norm: ‘A new phase began’ (msn.com)

Geopolitics: Patrick Timpone one radio network climate change – Search (bing.com)
A 107-year-old Einstein theory on the origin of the universe may be right (inverse.com)
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Miss America Madison Marsh

US Air Force officer Madison Marsh crowned Miss America 2024 on Monday January 15.
 Search Videos (bing.com)

Marsh, representing the state of Colorado, is also a Harvard University graduate student studying public policy. Madison Marsh had already made a name for herself as an officer in the US air force and a Harvard University graduate student when she took the stage at the 2024 Miss America pageant on Sunday night.

By the end of the evening, she had added another line to her résumé: the first
active-duty military service member to be crowned Miss America in the century-old pageant’s history. “I’m very excited to get to represent women who can break stereotypes,” Marsh, 22, said in an interview the pageant shared on its Instagram page after her win.

Dedicating her victory to her mother, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2018, she also remarked: “You can achieve anything … If I can come from a small town, not being a part of the pageant community, step into this role, so can you.” Marsh had been pursuing –
and achieving – lofty goals for years before clinching the Miss America title.

She entered the US air force academy as a cadet with a pilot’s license and ambitions
of becoming an astronaut in about 2020, as the military news outlet Stars and Stripes  previously reported. More recently, she enrolled in graduate-level public policy classes at the Harvard Kennedy School, which were available to her through a special partnership with the air force.

But Marsh, who holds the military rank of 2Lt, focused on more than just her physics
& astronomy classes as she began rising in the air force. She also decided to compete in pageants during her first year at the air force academy near Colorado Springs, Colorado, figuring they would give her the opportunity to engage in community service and strengthen her public speaking skills, she reportedly told Stars and Stripes.

That all set the stage for Marsh to capture the title of Miss Colorado in May.
“I don’t think I ever would have gotten into Harvard if I wouldn’t have gone to the air
force academy. I don’t think I ever would have become Miss Colorado without the air force academy because they have trained me and honed in on my leadership,” Marsh said to the Harvard Crimson student newspaper.

Marsh’s victory as Miss Colorado qualified her for the Miss America pageant, which was founded in 1921. For the talent portion of the contest in Orlando, Florida, she delivered a monologue about difficulties she overcame when she completed her first solo flight as a pilot at the age of 16. The air force was among the first to congratulate Marsh after she topped the field of 51 competitors.

Miss Colorado, Madison March, poses in her evening gown.

 “In her free time, Madison enjoys flying planes, cooking pasta, and reading,”
her Miss Colorado biography reads. Carlos Velez Studio/Courtesy Miss America. 
“Congratulations to our very own airman, 2nd Lt Madison Marsh, Miss Colorado –
who was just crowned Miss America 2024!” the military branch wrote on the social
media platform X, also formerly known as Twitter, late Sunday. “Marsh is the first
active-duty service member to ever win the title. #AimHigh.”

For her part, Marsh wrote Monday on Instagram:
“Here’s to showing the world that women can do anything.”

She said she planned to spend her year-long stint in the role of Miss America raising public awareness about pancreatic cancer through a research and advocacy foundation named for her mother, Whitney Marsh. “To my momma – this whole year is for you,” Marsh also wrote on Monday. “If you were in the audience last night, I know you would have been my first hug.

The world is about to know your story, light and love.”

U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. Madison Marsh prepares for a flight at 
Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO BY WILLIAM R. LEWIS

An officer in the U.S. Air Force was crowned Miss America on Sunday night. Second Lt. Madison Marsh is the first active-duty service member to win the annual competition, according to the Air Force. Marsh represented Colorado, the home of the U.S. Air Force Academy, in the pageant. She graduated from the academy last year with a degree in physics, according to her Miss Colorado bio.  

In December, a few weeks before the pageant, Marsh told some fellow airmen before a flight from an Air Force base in Nevada that she was “trying to make it a positive thing
for the Air Force, for everyone.” Marsh started competing in pageants while attending the academy. “My cousin had competed in pageants for a long time, and one of the big things about it that I love is the community service aspect and the focus on public speaking,” she said in an interview with the Air Force Institute of Technology in November. 

Since 2018, Marsh has been raising awareness and money for pancreatic cancer research through the foundation she founded with her father and sister in honor of her mother, who died from the disease. The Whitney Marsh Foundation has raised over a quarter-million dollars through events like 5K and 10K runs held in Marsh’s hometown of
Fort Smith, Arkansas.  

Set Fire to the Rain ~ Adele

Madison Marsh, a Fort Smith native who has been crowned Miss America,
is coming home for a meet and greet in the U.S. Marshals Museum and a parade to follow Friday, May 10, 2024.  A Fort Smith native who has been crowned Miss America is coming home. A homecoming parade and meet and greet event in the U.S. Marshals Museum is in store for Madison Marsh, the 2024 Miss America, on Friday, May 10. 

Marsh was crowned Miss Colorado in 2023 and Miss America in 2024. She is a 2019 graduate of Southside High School. Marsh enrolled in the United States Air Force Academy in El Paso County, Colorado and graduated with a degree in astrophysics in 2023. She became a second lieutenant in the Air Force and enrolled in the Harvard Kennedy School to pursue a master of public policy degree, according to information
about her on Madison Marsh – Wikipedia 

The City of Fort Smith and others organized a celebration for Marsh with a parade from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Garrison Avenue, from 6th Street to N. 10th Street. The parade will feature Marsh, Mayor George McGill, marching bands, local dance and cheer squads and more. People will have a chance to also meet Marsh in the U.S. Marshals Museum,
789 Riverfront Drive, from 2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 10, before the parade.  

Congratulations to the new unstoppable Miss America 2024! #madisonmars… | TikTok
 #madisonmarsh #missamerica #airforce #2024 #misscolorado #airforceacademy 
Unstoppable (I put my armor on and show you how strong I am) – Sia

It was an honor to talk about military aviation with Miss America, Air Force 2LT Madison Marsh! (youtube.com)Madison Marsh: Fighter pilot, Harvard student, and 2024’s Miss America (usatoday.com)
Getting to Know Miss America 2024, Air Force 2LT Madison Marsh – YouTube
Miss America (@missamerica) • Instagram photos and videos 

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All-Time Worst Financial Crisis

The worst financial crises the world has ever seen ©Public Domain

For as long as there has been a market, there have been market failures.
Whether caused by the beginnings of wars, the ends of wars, bad loans, or just the natural progression of things, they have always found a way to occur, and show no sign of being eradicated anytime soon. Some recessions are brief and inconsequential enough that they can be struck from public memory within a matter of years, while others, like the Great Depression or the market crash of 2008, have left indelible, permanent marks on cultures and societies around the world.

Credit Crisis of 1772
This crisis originated in London and quickly spread to the rest of Europe.
In the mid-1760s the British Empire had accumulated an enormous amount of wealth through its colonial possessions and trade. This created an aura of overoptimism and a period of rapid credit expansion by many British banks. The hype came to an abrupt end on June 8, 1772, when Alexander Fordyce—one of the partners of the British banking house Neal, James, Fordyce, and Down—fled to France to escape his debt repayments.
The news quickly spread and triggered a banking panic in England, as creditors began to form long lines in front of British banks to demand instant cash withdrawals. The ensuing crisis rapidly spread to Scotland, the Netherlands, other parts of Europe, and the British American colonies. Historians have claimed that the economic repercussions of this crisis were one of the major contributing factors to the Boston Tea Party protests and the American Revolution.

The British credit crisis of 1772 has been described by scholars and economists
as the first modern banking crisis involving the Bank of England. The trouble began when banker Alexander Fordyce, who found himself in enormous debt, fled from his financial responsibilities to France. Also as word of the affluent banker’s flight spread throughout England, panic erupted, and as people scrambled to get their cash out of banks that didn’t have the liquid funds, nearly 30 banks in England and across continental Europe collapsed.

Copper Panic of 1789
The United States’ switch to a paper money economy was spurred by the Copper
Panic of 1789, during which massive quantities of fake copper coins made their way into circulation, destroying the value of real copper and causing the American public to lose faith in the copper coin.

The Recession of 1802
Wartime economic stimulation in the United States ceased after Napoleon won the
French Revolutionary War. This alone put the US economy in a precarious position, and with the added interference of Barbary pirates (Muslim pirates who operated from North Africa), the States slipped into a recession that led to the instigation of the First Barbary War.

Recession of 1812
In the months preceding the War of 1812, the United States experienced a brief but serious recession. Fortunately for the economy, the boost in production to feed the war machine quickly pulled the economy out of danger.


The Poyais Scheme of 1825
Scotsman Gregor MacGregor pulled off a spectacular scam in 1825 that worked so well it caused a minor recession. MacGregor made thousands by convincing people to invest in and buy land grants for an idyllic Central American country called Poyais that, in reality, never existed.
In a time when investors looked to the British stock market to invest in foreign debt, MacGregor had no problem putting his fake government bonds on the market. When his duplicity was exposed, it caused a huge panic in the financial sector of Great Britain and caused the public to second guess their investments after seeing so many of their neighbors lose their life’s savings to MacGregor ‘s scam.


Panic of 1837
The panic and following recession of 1837 was spurred on by a litany of
failures and mistakes within the American government and banking system.
In a time of rapid westward expansion and privatization of natural resources,
land speculations were going bust left and right; cotton prices plummeted.
Leaving the Southern slavery-driven economy in shambles; and the public was quickly losing confidence in the American banking system, causing droves of people to withdraw all of their savings.
The Panic of 1873 was caused by the closure of Jay Cooke & Co., the largest financial institution in the United States at the time, which had poured too much money
into the construction of the Northern Pacific Railway without seeing any returns.


What followed the panic was a six-year-long depression. Which at the time was labeled
the Great Depression. After the depression of the 1930s commandeered that title, the depression of 1873-79 became known as the Long Depression

Panic of 1884
A recession that began in 1882 caused by the decline of the railroad industry came to a head after the collapse of two of the United States’ primary banking institutions, Marine National Bank and the Grant & Ward firm. The New York Clearing House gave other banks on the brink of failure massive bailouts to avoid further financial catastrophe.

Panic of 1907
The Panic of 1907 was a brief but intense economic crisis that saw numerous institutions around the world close their doors in a matter of weeks. The recession that followed would last more than a year and was a main precursor to the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

Depression of the 1920s
The end of World War I left the United States deeply in debt, and with a dramatic decrease in domestic production. Prices dropped 37% in 1920, while the GDP for that year dropped 38%, making it one of the worst financial years in United States history.
Depressions like this are to be expected when shifting from the heightened production of wartime to the scaled-down, less profitable production of peacetime, but the end of World War I struck particularly hard. Thankfully, consumerism quickly reached new heights following the 1920 depression, and the Roaring Twenties were soon in full swing.

Considered the worst financial crisis in modern history, the Great Depression that practically destroyed a generation of Americans began with the Wall Street market crash of 1929. The total failure of the federal government to provide relief or a plan of action perpetuated this decade of starvation, homelessness, economic stagnation, and the worst period of unemployment in American history. At the depression’s peak, unemployment reached almost 25%. In 1933 alone, 4,000 banks were forced to close their doors.

Will Rogers in the 1930s – Search Videos (bing.com)


Roosevelt Recession
One of the worst recessions of the 1900s, the Recession of 1937 is commonly referred to
as the Roosevelt Recession, as it was caused in part by Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies. While the New Deal itself pulled the United States out of its previous recession, it left gaps in the federal budget that displeased Congress and led them to introduce wide-reaching austerity measures that sent the public and the trading markets into a panic.

The Fabulous 50s Full Album (youtube.com)
The American economy experienced a shift during the 1950s that created more income for more Americans than ever before. Though during the early 1950s the American economy was negatively affected by inflation—prices were rising, currency was losing its value, and a recession was at hand—these problems were relatively short-lived. By the mid-1950s, the nation began to enjoy the fruits of economic boom and prosperity. The robust economy gave rise to the American middle class.

The masses of Americans who grew up during Depression-era poverty and sacrificed for their country during World War II were now marrying, starting families, and entering the workforce. Furthermore, the GI Bill, which offered government funding for veterans attending college, allowed those who otherwise could not afford to continue their education to earn college degrees and win better-paying jobs.

During the decade, small businesses started and grew, while major corporations were merging, thus becoming larger, more profitable, and more powerful. Companies big and small needed workers, both skilled and unskilled, to manage their assets, work their assembly lines, or sell their products to the public. Jobs were readily available, and they were filled by a generation of eager-to-work veterans.

Additionally, more and more workers joined labor unions. These unions negotiated with management for pay raises, better working conditions, and health and retirement benefits. The presence and influence of unions was a key factor in allowing America’s blue-collar workers to enter the middle class.

A man who toiled on a factory assembly line or drove a bus or a truck for a living now had sufficient income to purchase his own home and car, not to mention the latest household appliances for his wife (who, during this pre feminist era, usually remained home and raised the children). He could take his family on vacations and save some of his weekly paychecks. However, some of the unions that represented the working man—most notoriously the International Brotherhood of Teamsters—were corrupt.

The Eisenhower Highway System is a 41,000-mile system of interstate highways that
was created by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 12 . The act was signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on June 29, 1956, and was designed to eliminate unsafe roads, inefficient routes, and traffic jams 1. Eisenhower is often called “the Father of the Interstate System” because he spent years guiding the execution of law 2Search Videos (bing.com)

Travel became an increasingly popular pastime for many. More and more Americans drove by car long distances or boarded airplanes to fly cross-country or across the ocean. The United States was becoming a nation on wheels with a new roadside culture, and federal funds were allocated to improve the then-inadequate national highway system.

Television sets were fast becoming the centerpieces of American living rooms. With a nudge from TV advertising and its ceaseless pitches to purchase everything from beer to bathroom tissue, Americans increasingly became consumers. Of course, Americans also had purchased things in previous decades.

But during the 1950s, more people had enough money to buy nonessential items,
and those who didn’t were making their major purchases on credit.
At the same time, the commercial banking industry expanded, with insurance, trust, and holding companies also entering the money business. With the ready availability of jobs and credit, the 1950s offered most people the ability to purchase all sorts of goods and services for their material comfort.

Gas Crisis of 1973
The gas crisis that coincided with the Fourth Arab-Israeli War was caused by a game of warmongering and embargoes between Western countries who supported Israel financially and militarily, and the oil-producing Arab states who sanctioned these Western nations as a show of solidarity with the Arab coalition headed by Syria and Egypt.

Arab nations cut oil supplies to Israel’s Western allies, causing an immediate and catastrophic oil shortage and a massive spike in gas prices across the Global West.

1979 Energy Crisis
Just six years after the gas crisis of 1973, another energy crisis hit in the months following the end of the Iranian Revolution. The new Iranian government in place was swift to change their oil export policies. Similar to the crisis of 1973, the United States’ dependency on foreign oil became its downfall. The new Iranian government drastically cut the volume and frequency of its oil exports, causing price hikes and shortages in the United States as well as other Western countries.

The “Lost Decade” of the 1980s – Search (bing.com)
Was an international debt crisis that plagued numerous Latin American countries. Inflation and extortionate interest rates on debt borrowed from international creditors and investors led countries such as Brazil and Mexico to find themselves in a massive deficit year after year, with their annual debt payments totaling more than their GDP.
 Black Monday 1987 – Search Videos (bing.com)

Black Monday (also known as Black Tuesday in some parts of the world due to time zone differences) was the global, severe and largely unexpected[1] stock market crash on Monday, October 19, 1987. Worldwide losses were estimated at US$1.71 trillion.[2] 
The severity of the crash sparked fears of extended economic instability[3] 
or even a reprise of the Great Depression.[4]
Possible explanations for the initial fall in stock prices include a nervous fear that stocks were significantly overvalued and were certain to undergo a correction, persistent US trade and budget deficits, and rising interest rates. Another explanation for Black Monday comes from the decline of the dollar, followed by a lack of faith in governmental attempts to stop that decline.

In February 1987, leading industrial countries had signed the Louvre Accord, hoping that monetary policy coordination would stabilize international money markets, but doubts about the viability of the accord created a crisis of confidence. The fall may have been accelerated by portfolio insurance hedging (using computer-based models to buy or sell index futures in various stock market conditions) or a self-reinforcing contagion of fear.
The degree to which the stock market crashes spread to the wider (or “real”) economy was directly related to the monetary policy each nation pursued in response. The central banks of the United States, West Germany, and Japan provided market liquidity to prevent debt defaults among financial institutions, and the impact on the real economy was relatively limited and short-lived. However, refusal to loosen monetary policy by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand had sharply negative and relatively long-term consequences for both its financial markets and real economy.[5]

Argentine Great Depression of 1998
An already shaky Argentine economy was pushed over the edge after the economic collapses in Brazil, Mexico, and Russia, all important trading partners for Argentina. The collapse of the Argentine economy led to some of the worst years of poverty the country had ever seen. At the height of the depression, the Argentine unemployment rate was nearly 20%, and some estimates suggest more than 50% of Argentinians were pushed below the poverty line.

The Housing Market Crash of 2008
Was the worst financial crisis of the 21st century thus far and sent devastating ripples throughout the global economy for years afterward. Caused by the collapse of the United States’ housing market, some of the largest and strongest financial institutions in the world, who had been profiting for years off of loans they knew to be fragile, found themselves on the brink of collapse, and nearly 10 million Americans lost their homes along with billions of dollars of income.

Greek 2009 Debt Crisis
In the wake of the 2008 global market crash, Greece continued to suffer more than other European nations. By 2009, Greece was buried in debt borrowed from other European countries, causing an economic and social crisis the effects of which can still be felt.

U.S. President Joe Biden walks out of the White House as he prepares to board Marine One on the south lawn on in Washington, DC. President Biden… TASOS KATOPODIS/GETTY IMAGES  

BIDENOMICS IS FAILING – SEARCH VIDEOS (BING.COM)Over the last several months, President Joe Biden has desperately traversed the country trying to resuscitate his plummeting poll numbers and reassure American families that his economic agenda is working. He claims that multi-trillion-dollar investments in green energy and excessive government spending will propel our economy into unprecedented heights of American prosperity.
In other words, he is intentionally misleading Americans with the message that his fiscal policies—which he has coined “Bidenomics”—are beneficial. Fortunately, in poll after poll, the American people resoundingly reject Bidenomics because they see everywhere—from the gas station to the grocery store to their credit-card statements—that the Biden admin. economic agenda has failed. Injecting trillions of dollars into our economy didn’t deliver financial relief; it fueled the worst inflation crisis in more than 40 years.

Naturally, President Biden ignores the reality of his economic policies.
Thanks to Bidenomics, American families’ credit card debt has reached a record $1 trillion as people struggle to pay their bills and feed their families under the weight of inflation. The dream of home ownership has slipped out of reach for countless Americans as mortgage rates approach 8 percent and banks tighten their lending requirements.
Sixty-one percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, gas prices are once again  spiking nationwide due to the Biden administration’s anti-American energy policies, and American households have lost, on average, $33,000 in real wealth this year alone. No wonder almost two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the president’s economic initiatives.

To make matters worse, the federal deficit—which was originally projected to return to pre-COVID levels—is now expected to double this year to $2 trillion, accelerating the catastrophic consequences of our $33 trillion national debt on our economic vitality and national security. This is one of many reasons why Fitch Ratings—one of the largest credit rating agencies in the country—recently downgraded our creditworthiness, pointing to our deteriorating fiscal stability and ballooning national debt.
While House Republicans didn’t create this mess, we are working hard to clean it up. Since the beginning of the 118th Congress, we have passed strong legislation to rebuild our economy, rein in the power of the executive branch, restore the congressional power of the purse, end wasteful spending, and reduce costs for American families.

To date, President Biden’s overreaching regulations and burdensome red tape have cost American workers nearly $10,000 per household. His 122 executive orders have saddled our families, farmers, and businesses with $1.5 trillion in additional and unforeseen expenses.
Republicans passed both the REIN IN Inflation Act and the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act to curb record-high inflation sparked by President Biden’s wasteful spending policies and costly executive orders. These two pieces of legislation would require federal bureaucrats to report to Congress the estimated inflationary impact of any executive order before an official vote and ensure that every new “major rule”—that is, any rule with an annual effect on the American economy of $100 million or more—be approved by both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate before taking effect.
We also took aim at President Biden’s attempts, through the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to increase mortgage payments for homeowners with higher credit scores and redistribute those funds to individuals with low credit scores at a time when home mortgages are increasingly unaffordable. It is estimated that this policy could swell mortgage payments for responsible taxpayers from anywhere between $400 to $1,200 per year. Our Free Market Mortgage Act—which passed the House—repeals this unfair rule. On top of higher costs and unrelenting inflation, we should never stick our families with more taxes and more fees.

Joe Biden’s latest student-debt ‘forgiveness’ ploy is a sign of desperation (msn.com)
 Americans have an exact salary they think they need to earn to be financially independent—and it’s not six figures (msn.com)
The ‘Oracle of Wall Street’ expands on why the ‘crisis of the American male’ will send home prices crashing 30%:
 Gaming, rampant loneliness, and not enough single women homebuyers (msn.com)
RFK Jr. says Biden is bigger threat to democracy than Trump – Search Videos (bing.com)
‘Bidenomics’ Gaslighting Reveals POTUS’s Impotence in Lead-Up to 2024
The Radical Theory That Says That Life Creates The Universe (msn.com)  
‘Bidenomics’ Won’t Save America—But Neither Will Reaganomics

CNN’s Erin Burnett speaks with Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about his criticisms of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.  

As much as it might sadden and enrage Americans who care about things like
the rule of law, personal integrity, and basic competence, it’s unlikely that revelations about Joe Biden‘s corruption or the Democrats persecution of Donald Trump  and his supporters are going to change anyone’s mind about who to vote for next year. While it’s still important to seek justice in these matters, it’s also important to recognize what truly matters most for voters: the economy.

Nothing else can explain the desperate push to keep an increasingly senile, corrupt,
and creepy Joe Biden in office. Other Democratic contenders, like Gavin Newsom
Bernie SandersGretchen Whitmer, and Kamala Harris may be more cogent and
slightly less creepy and corrupt than Biden, but all have abysmal economic records.
Newsom and Harris hail from the failed state of California, which is hemorrhaging population and degenerating into a feudal state; Sanders is a committed socialist who dreams of the U.S. becoming like Cuba; and Whitmer crashed the already weak economy of Michigan with insane COVID restrictions.
By contrast, Biden’s economic performance looks somewhat strong. He hasn’t (yet) ushered in a Great Depression. He has overseen the (slow and painful) reopening of the country after COVID. He can boast about high employment numbers (consisting mainly of low-wage jobs). And he can take credit for investing in domestic (and Chinese) manufacturing (by spending like there’s no tomorrow).

Of course, compared to Trump before COVID, Biden looks quite weak.
Gas is much more expensive, inflation is devastating, and the housing shortage 
is reaching crisis levels. In a typically bumbling defense of abortion, Kamala Harris actually admitted that most Americans have no savings and are living precariously: “most Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy.” Perhaps the wealthiest Americans who donate to Democratic political campaigns are sufficiently insulated, but everyone else is feeling the pinch.
In response, Biden is campaigning on “Bidenomics,” a name his administration gives
to its supposedly pro-working class economic policies. Judging from the latest polls, the message doesn’t seem to be resonating. But this is all Biden has, so he and his surrogates continue to push it.

The Biden administration is ‘assaulting the very mechanisms and protocols we use to live’: Victor Davis Hanson

More than half of foreign-born people in U.S. live in just 4 states and half are naturalized citizens (msn.com)

‘Hypocrisy is so rich’: Growing outrage over GOP’s handling of Arizona’s abortion ban – Search (bing.com)

Republicans see abortion issue as a ‘liability’ after Arizona Supreme Court decision – Search (bing.com)

Putin’s Kremlin Responds To Donald Trump’s Ukraine Peace Plan | Watch (msn.com)

What makes Biden’s new message against Trump so powerful | Watch (msn.com)

American weakness has left us on the brink of a global conflagration (msn.com)

Biden to discuss response to Iranian attack with G7 leaders – Search (bing.com)

Israeli Iron Dome intercepts Iranian rockets over Jerusalem | Watch (msn.com)

Israel vows victory and Iran warns against retaliation after attack (msn.com)

CNN: Was Jesus A Man Of Color? Why This Question Matters (msn.com)

Harris blames Trump for abortion ban in Arizona – Search (bing.com)

19 Things The Bible Knew Before Science Did (msn.com)

The Inflation That Democrats Can’t See (msn.com)

Local Solar Calculator – Solar (ecowatch.com)

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Biden Buying the Youthful Vote

U.S President Joe Biden announces student loan relief on August 24, 2022, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, D.C. OLIVIER DOULIERY/
By Liz Wheeler


And he is still trying his last-ditch effort to save face that his regime was a complete failure to the American People.  The “forgiveness” is superficially intended as relief for allegedly defrauded students and graduates struggling to make ends meet. In reality, the move has more to do with politics than philanthropy.

FACT CHECK: Biden touts’ inflation has “fallen” (msn.com)
Biden is desperate. Inflation is soaring, and Biden is owed a lot of blame for it.
Gas prices are astronomical—Biden deserves still more blame. The election is upcoming, and Republicans are well-positioned to sweep the House and the Senate—while also many Democrat-controlled cities across the country are rife with violent crime. What better way to obfuscate, and to distract the American people from cataclysmic failures, than to dangle “free” stuff?
But canceling student loan debt will backfire on Biden for a number of reasons.
A CNBC poll found 59% of people are concerned that canceling student loan debt will exacerbate inflation. That number includes 81% of Republicans and 41% of Democrats
Even former Obama administration Treasury Secretary and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers warned Biden that “student loan debt relief is spending that raises demand and increases inflation.”
Only 38% of young people support fully canceling student loan debt, which probably has something to do with it being so manifestly unfair. Responsible people who worked hard and struggled to pay off their debts are left in the dust, while people who didn’t pay their debts are rewarded. Worse still is the plight of the taxpayers now on the hook for this enormous bill who didn’t choose a traditional four-year-degree pathway to success. 

Besides, canceling student loan debt is a misnomer. 
After Supreme Court ruling, Biden cancels student loan debt for millions of borrowers,
Nothing is “canceled.” Biden can’t “erase” student loan debt. He can just transfer it.
Somebody ends up paying: Either the taxpayers are forced to pay for it, or the government simply prints more money. The former is also unfair — as it forces people who didn’t go to college to foot the bill for those who did; the latter dramatically increases inflation.  Canceling Student Debt: Supreme Court said its unconstitutional – Search (bing.com)


Supreme Court strikes down Biden student-loan forgiveness program – SCOTUSblog
And here’s the real kicker: Wealthy folks carry the majority of the student loan debt in
our nation. Biden’s move takes money from lower-income Americans to subsidize higher-income people.
It is the precise opposite of a “Robin Hood”- style “rob the rich to pay the poor” policy.
A report from the Brookings Institution found that one-third of student loan debt is owed
by the wealthiest 20%, while the bottom 20% carry only 8% of student loan debt. In other words, “canceling” student loan debt would effectively force the poor to subsidize bills for the wealthy. 

 The cost to the American taxpayer would be astronomical. 
If Biden only continued the moratorium on student loan payments through the end of 2022, it would cost taxpayers $20 billion. But if Biden outright cancels $10,000 per person of student debt, it could cost taxpayers roughly $300 billion.
Student loan debt is certainly a problem in our nation. It is self-destructive to suggest to young people that a traditional four-year-degree is the only path to success. Those higher education institutions offer leftist indoctrination and useless pieces of paper at an exorbitantly high price. We must do better for our children, and we can solve this problem without Biden’s redistributive ruse of “canceling” mass student debt.

To wit, not everyone needs to pursue a traditional four-year-degree.
In fact, many shouldn’t. If college is the right fit, more young people could consider community college for the first two years before transferring to a four-year institution. Policymakers should also encourage and accredit more apprenticeship programs and partnerships. More importantly, Congress must put an end to federally subsidized predatory student loans at high rates of interest.
This would begin to solve the skyrocketing tuition problem at our colleges and universities, which are incentivized to raise tuition by reckless bureaucrats who continue to make more taxpayer money easily available without either consequence or oversight. The more student loans are backed by the federal government, the more colleges can hike tuition. Consider a Federal Reserve study that found a direct correlation: For every dollar of federally subsidized student loans received by colleges, schools hike tuition by $0.60. Taxpayers can no longer afford this high-aid, high-tuition model.
Biden is desperate to distract people from the pain his policies continue to inflict. 
Dangling “free stuff” like “canceling” student loan debt is a cheap way to try to buy votes.
It won’t work.

Protesters gather outside the Supreme Court on Feb. 28, 2023,

Ahead of the oral arguments in cases that challenge President Joe Biden’s $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan. That June, a majority of justices ruled on ideological lines that the Biden administration overstepped its power at our expense. © Megan Smith,

Opinion by Sara Pequeño, USA TODAY
 Biden’s legacy will be student loan forgiveness.
Everyone from Gen X to Gen Z should be happy.

On Monday President Joe Biden’s regime unveiled yet another student debt relief plan.
It was the latest announcement from a presidency that will be remembered for student loan debt forgiveness, regardless of your place on the political spectrum.
By this fall, more than 30 million people may benefit from the new proposals, which are supposed to fulfill one of Biden’s 2020 campaign promises – just in time for the general election. This is in addition to the more than 3.7 million people who have already had their loans forgiven through past executive actions from Biden.
The new program will be as close as Biden can get to his initial plan with the conservative hurdles he has to clear, including the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against him.
It addresses multiple types of borrowers: those who have had loans for more than 20 years, borrowers who have interest on their loans and make less than $120,000 a year
plus borrowers experiencing financial hardship.

It’s good – great, even – that Biden is forgiving this debt.
Today’s college graduates are saddled with more debt immediately out of college than our predecessors; gone are the days of paying off your loans with summer jobs or those first few post-grad paychecks. It shows that his administration is aware how different the system is compared with decades prior. 

About 43 million people have federal student loan debt equating to more than $1.6 trillion. Include private loans, and it’s an additional $131 billion. This is something that affects people’s lives, day in and day out, and it has become increasingly common with each new generation.  

Gen Z is on track to be most educated generation. (Debatable.)
Pew Research Center found that those born after 1996 are on track to be the most well-educated generation. A Gallup poll last year found that 83% of Gen Z thinks college is “very important” or “fairly important.” Biden knows this, and it could pay off for him in November.
Right now, Biden is getting criticized heavily by Gen Z for his stance on Gaza, and he needs to appeal to younger voters who may be wary of heading to the polls. Student loan debt relief is a surefire way to win over progressive voters, even if part of the program is aimed at people 20 years their senior.

About Biden’s support of Israel:
 Gen Z wants no part of Biden’s unceasing support of Israel as civilian deaths in Gaza mount. The plan should also win Biden points with Generation X and millennials, who owe more debt on average. Criticism of this plan – the idea that Biden is buying votes – fails to address the new cost of college and the potential for improving the economy. 
My Opinion addresses the issues of cost of college by capping professors’ wages and how much overhead is being spent in colleges with fancy chandeliers and also new additions.  

Fairness is important. So is economic success.
It’s understandable that older generations feel frustrated by the debt relief Biden
is providing. It’s also true that student loan debt has doubled over the past two decades because of the increase in students pursuing degrees after high school.

There is also a racial disparity in student loan debt.
Black and Latino voters are more likely to have to take on debt and have higher levels of debt on average. Cancelling student loan debt helps mitigate the factors that keep people economically behind their peers.
Borrowers are still feeling the effects of the pandemic as well. About 40% of federal student loan borrowers missed their first payment post-COVID repayment freeze. 

My generation is entitled: Gen Z wants student loan forgiveness without any accountability. It doesn’t work that way.
When older generations complain about younger people being “entitled,” they should remember that debt relief helps the economy overall because it helps people save money for milestone purchases, like buying a car or house. 

Winning strategy for the 2024 election.
By following up on a campaign promise that would benefit millions, Biden is reminding voters of why they voted for him in the first place. Many people were unenthused about voting for him in 2020; he had neither the grassroots support of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont nor the newcomer’s advantage of Pete Buttigieg.
The progressive agenda that Biden’s White House touted was a sign that he knew younger voters weren’t going to accept “vote blue no matter who,” and he exemplified that on Day One by extending the pause on repaying student loans.

Even though the first attempt to forgive millions of borrowers was eventually overruled, the administration has continued to push forward and forgive loans for borrowers who meet specific criteria. Biden had already forgiven $138 billion of student loan debt prior
to Monday’s news.
The new initiative is a sign that Biden understands what will get people to the polls. If his team is smart, they’ll keep Biden’s student loan relief as a tenet of his 2024 campaign. Follow USA TODAY elections columnist Sara Pequeño on X, formerly Twitter,  @sara__pequeno and Facebook facebook.com/PequenoWrites

Source: Biden’s legacy will be student loan forgiveness. Everyone from Gen X to Gen Z should be happy. (msn.com)
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden’s legacy will be student loan forgiveness. Everyone from Gen X to Gen Z should be happy.
‘Buying more votes’: Joe Biden slammed over proposed plan against junk fees in higher education (msn.com)
Viral Thread Explains Exactly Why Canceling Student Debt Will Help Boost the Economy (distractify.com)
Young voters aren’t warming up to Biden. They know it means Trump could win again. (msn.com)
Biden’s bogus college claim is just latest in decades-long pattern of embellishment (msn.com)
How Biden Plans to Tackle the $1.6 Trillion Student Loan Debt | WSJ (youtube.com)
Biden seizes on student debt relief amid worries about young voters (msn.com)  
With Socialist Democrats if they don’t get into your wallet now, they will later.

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Chronic Inflammation = Cancer Metastases

Metastases is the plural form of metastasis. Cancer.net – Search (bing.com)

Having Self Belief in his own research saved his life!!!
James McCraw was diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma Multiforme, an aggressive brain cancer, after experiencing seizures 1. He underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, but only ½ of the tumor was removed, and he was given a prognosis of only 14 months to live 1. The tumor returned in December 2015, and James’s oncologist was thinking about
a new surgery and chemotherapy but decided to consult a specialist who decided to wait another three months before making a new resonance 2.  

Placebo Effect: Meaning, Examples, and Impact (verywellmind.com)
Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing — the so-called placebo effect — and thus stimulate healing has been around for millennia. Now science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.
“The placebo effect is more than positive thinking — believing a treatment or procedure will work. It’s about creating a stronger connection between the brain and body and how they work together,” says Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, whose research focuses on the placebo effect.
Placebos won’t lower your cholesterol or shrink a tumor. Instead, placebos work on symptoms modulated by the brain, like the perception of pain. “Placebos may make you feel better, but they will not cure you,” says Kaptchuk. “They have been shown to be most effective for conditions like pain management, stress-related insomnia, and cancer treatment side effects like fatigue and nausea.”

Does the placebo effect mean failure or success?
For years, a placebo effect was considered a sign of failure. A placebo is used in clinical trials to test the effectiveness of treatments and is most often used in drug studies. For instance, people in one group get the actual drug, while the others receive an inactive drug, or placebo. The participants in the clinical trial don’t know if they receive the real thing or the placebo.
This way, the researchers can measure if the drug works by comparing how both groups react. If they both have the same reaction — improvement or not — the drug is deemed not to work. More recently, however, experts have concluded that reacting to a placebo is not proof that a certain treatment doesn’t work, but rather that another, non-pharmacological mechanism may be present.

How placebos work is still not quite understood, but it involves a complex neurobiological reaction that includes everything from increases in feel-good neurotransmitters, like endorphins and dopamine, to greater activity in certain brain regions linked to moods, emotional reactions, and self-awareness. All of it can have therapeutic benefits.
“The placebo effect is a way for your brain to tell the body what it needs to feel better,”
says Kaptchuk.

But placebos are not all about releasing brainpower. You also need the ritual of treatment. “When you look at these studies that compare drugs with placebos, there is the entire environmental and ritual factor at work,” says Kaptchuk. “You have to go to a clinic at certain times and be examined by medical professionals in white coats. You receive all kinds of exotic pills and undergo strange procedures. All this can have a profound impact on how the body perceives symptoms because you feel you are getting attention and care.”

Metastases most commonly develop when cancer cells break away from the main tumor and enter the body’s bloodstream or lymphatic system. These systems carry fluids around the body. 

Chemotherapy and radiation will reduce the tumor, but it will definitely cause it to metastasize. It may not be immediately, but it will make it metastasize with a vengeance eventually. Role of inflammation in cancer initiation – Search (bing.com)

Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences – PubMed (nih.gov)

Anti-Inflammatory Agents for Cancer Therapy – PubMed (nih.gov)

Inflammation and cancer – PubMed (nih.gov)

At this point it may be too late
A small part of the tumor that is called the Cancer Stem Cells. The Cancer Stem Cells
are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. You can do what you want but it is going to metastasize. There are a number of ways to kill the Cancer Stem Cells.

The most common way is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
I cook with only avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil,
Keep sugar to a minimum, no fast foods.

Inflammation to be Avoided.
Red Meat & Processed Meat
Also, Feedlot-Raised Meat
Artificial Food Additives
Dairy Products
Refined Grains

Cancer stem cells as key drivers of tumour progression
Challengingly, conventional cancer treatments target the bulk of the tumor and are unable to target CSCs due to their highly resistance nature, leading to metastasis and tumor recurrence.

Given dynamic cellular events along the cancer progression and contributions of resistance nature by CSCs, understanding their molecular and cellular regulatory mechanism in a heterogeneous nature, provides a significant cornerstone for the development of CSC-specific therapeutics.

Cancer stem cells drive tumor progression – Search (bing.com)
Central to all cancers is inflammation and that the cell processes involved in inflammation not only are responsible for initiation of the cancer, but also persist during its growth and play a central role throughout every phase of the cancer’s existence, including progression, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis.
21 Foods That Can Save Your Heart (webmd.com)

Turmeric/Curcumin – I use 1-2 tablespoons of Turmeric. Turmeric/Curcumin will cross the Brain Barrier (BBB) . I was confused. From the number of people asking me I think I should try and clear it up now. Turmeric does not fight cancer. A part of turmeric called curcumin is the cancer fighter. There is only 3%-5% of curcumin in turmeric. I do not take capsules, I prefer Turmeric powder. Because I am indolent, I take 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric and a touch of black pepper is great for preventive measures or maintenance.

• If you have cancer, you need 8g-12g (8g = 3-2/3 teaspoons) of curcumin daily for 3 months
(that is all they tested it for and could not a problem: see GRAS in a later chapter) and a touch of black pepper to get it past the liver.

You cannot get there by taking Turmeric.
It does not matter whether you are using turmeric powder, Turmeric Capsules, Golden Paste or any other form. If you are fighting cancer the best way to do this is by taking curcumin power. If you are not fighting cancer, then you need much less. Then you can
use turmeric in capsules, Golden Paste, or whatever you use Turmeric in.

 Curcumin can stain your countertop.

Amazon.com: Smarter Nutrition Curcumin Softgels – Potent & Bioavailable, 
This is the Curcumin I am now taking. It has Curcumin, Black Seed Oil and Ginger.
Conversion for Curcumin – 8-12 grams of Curcumin if you are battling cancer. 8 grams = 16 capsules = about 4 teaspoons (Curcumin is 3-5% of Turmeric) it is the cancer fighter. You cannot do enough Turmeric to fight cancer.

James McCraw  replied to Lucy Pestana‘s comment: 
 “Lucy Pestana I am not to tell you what to do. You have to make that choice. I am telling you that I believe that chemotherapy leads to metastasis based on my research and a lot of doctors research. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25025713/ Abstract Since the first prospective identification of cancer stem cells in solid cancers the cancer stem cell hypothesis has reemerged as a research topic of increasing interest.

It postulates that solid cancers are organized hierarchically with a small number of cancer stem cells driving tumor growth, repopulation after injury and metastasis. They give rise to differentiated progeny, which lack these features. The model predicts that for any therapy to provide cure, all cancer stem cells have to be eliminated while the survival of differentiated progeny is less critical. In this review we discuss recent reports challenging the idea of a unidirectional differentiation of cancer cells.

These reports provide evidence supporting the idea that non-stem cancer cells exhibit
a remarkable degree of plasticity that allows them to re-acquire cancer stem cell traits, especially in the context of radiation therapy. We summarize conditions under which differentiation is reversed and discuss the current knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18030004/ 

Abstract Recently it is considered that there is a small population of cells with stem cell property not only in leukemia but also in solid cancer. These cells show the ability of self-renewal and multi-potential differentiation, and can initiate and maintain a tumor. The origin of cancer stem cells might be their normal stem cells, progenitor cells, or bone marrow-derived cells. It is still difficult to isolate cancer stem cells in solid cancer.

There are three possible methodologies to isolate or identify cancer stem cells; the use
of a surface marker, use of cells cultured in a specific condition (sphere), or the use of side population cells identified by FACS. The gold standard assay that fulfills the definition of cancer stem cell may be serial transplantation in animal models. Cancer stem cells are likely to be responsible for disease relapse or metastasis, and also for resistance to radiation or conventional chemotherapy.

The stem cell niche plays an important role in maintaining cancer stem cells. The novel promising therapies against cancer stem cells are considered, including antibody-based therapy, signal inhibitors, overcoming radiation and drug resistance, or differentiation therapy. Another interesting therapy targeting the niche may also be considered.

PubMed Disclaimer Cancer stem cells – PubMed (nih.gov) Abstract Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small subpopulation of cells within tumors with capabilities of self-renewal, differentiation, and tumorigenicity when transplanted into an animal host. A number of cell surface markers such as CD44, CD24, and CD133 are often used to identify and enrich CSCs. A regulatory network consisting of microRNAs and Wnt/β-catenin, Notch, and Hedgehog signaling pathways controls CSC properties.

The clinical relevance of CSCs has been strengthened by emerging evidence, demonstrating that CSCs are resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatment and that CSCs are very likely to be the origin of cancer metastasis. CSCs are believed to be an important target for novel anti-cancer drug discovery. Herein we summarize the current understanding of CSCs, with a focus on the role of miRNA and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and discuss the clinical application of targeting CSCs for cancer treatment. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

PubMed Disclaimer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3651409/?fbclid=IwAR3Stpn_6VvBIcmiFDOpvF7o_SOZAA07dREsSDmaWUYPpvUofQzlw8Glkw 
Abstract Background Nowadays, we believe that cancer is a genetic disease. 

We focus on the genetic targets and epigenetic changes in a tumor. Remarkably, many crucial signal pathways in a malignant cell involve “stem-ness” genes. The prevalence of stem-ness in cancer suggests that cancer has a stem-cell origin and is a stem-cell disease. Presentation of the hypothesis The observation that many innate stem-ness properties are easily interchangeable with malignant hallmarks needs to be further elucidated.

There appears to be a malignant potential in every stem cell and a stem cell potential in every malignant cell. I hypothesize that cancer is a stem-cell disease rather than a genetic disease. Testing the hypothesis We will use homeobox genes to endow a certain progenitor cell with specific stem-ness properties and confer different stem-cell phenotypes to the particular cell type in a hierarchical manner.

We will demonstrate that an earlier homeobox gene plus a genetic defect (such as Pten loss) tend to form a more virulent tumor, while a later homeobox gene plus the same genetic defect tend to express a more indolent phenotype.
More Importantly, we will show that in clinically relevant cancer subtypes, those with worse clinical outcomes may paradoxically harbor fewer genetic mutations than those with better outcomes do.

Implications of the hypothesis The recognition that cancer is a stem-cell disease will instigate major paradigm shifts in our basic understanding of cancer. Many fundamental principles of oncology, such as multistep carcinogenesis, need to be reconciled. The realization that cancer is a stem-cell disease will also have profound clinical implications on personalized care. Many aspects of our current clinical trials need to be reevaluated.”

A Radical & Controversial Approach To STARVING CANCER:
The Two Root Causes | Dr. Thomas Seyfried (youtube.com)

Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) have recently been identified in several solid tumors,
including Brain, Breast, Colon, Head and Neck, Liver, Lung, Ovary, Pancreas, Prostate,
Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Non-melanoma skin cancer, Stomach.

The only way to be cancer free is by killing the Cancer Stem Cells.
The tumor has a small part that is called the Cancer Stem Cells (usually 1% – 5%), It is the target. Most Oncologists focus on the tumor. That is what they are taught by Big Pharma. It is not the Oncologist fault, they believe it. Oncologists think they are doing right because the chemotherapy and radiation shrinks the tumor. Chemotherapy and radiation causes the cancer to metastasize.
Do not worry about the tumor, the tumor is there to save your life. It is a container to keep the harmful stuff in. It is like Pandora’s Box. The tumor is not the problem. It is the Cancer Stem Cells that are the problem. Cancer Stem Cells are a small part of the tumor. Cancer Stem Cells are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. If you do the traditional cancer therapy (SOC), chemotherapy and radiation your cancer is coming back. It might not be immediately, but it will come back with a vengeance. 

Researchers Reveal How Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells (powerofpositivity.com)

Balance of Nature Pills (Read Before Buying this Supplement) (lifehackerguy.com)

Local garlic will kill the Cancer Stem Cells if it is done properly. 
You must take a clove of local garlic, chop it up or grind it,
let it sit for 15 minutes before consuming it. 

Do not cook the garlic.
I was driving for Uber and didn’t want to smell like garlic.
I forgot the methods of taking garlic. The cancer came back. I refused to resume chemotherapy even though the Oncologist said I might die. The cancer went into remission. This was in 2014. I haven’t done chemotherapy since 2014.
My MRI’s are now scheduled for every 3 years  ~James McCraw

Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer by Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD (youtube.com) 

He didn’t establish a cure; he discovered an unusual metabolic feature of cancer. where cancer cells preferentially perform anaerobic metabolism and secrete lactic acid, cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy do work the contributions of cancer cell metabolism to metastasis | Disease Models & Mechanisms | The Company of Biologists

Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer by Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD (youtube.com)
Brilliant video where is the other part to the video talking about curcumin 
anyone knows please 🙏  OP 27 – Bharat B. Aggarwal (youtube.com)

James McCraw
Author Admin. From my book “Beating Cancer from the Grocery Store Revised”.
In 2012, MD Anderson launched a review of Aggarwal’s research after the federal government notified them of allegations of fraud by academic whistleblowers in as many as 65 of Aggarwal’s published papers, one of which had been retracted by the journal that published it.
Several more of Aggarwal’s publications were subsequently retracted after they were found to contain data images that had been reused and manipulated to represent different results.

Aggarwal resigned from his position at MD Anderson at the end of 2015.
By August 2016, eighteen research articles published by Aggarwal (in seven scientific journals) had been retracted.
I think the above ordeal was to discredit Doctor Aggarwal. The Cancer Industry (Big Pharma) is not going to sit back and let the Cancer Industry implode. There is a lot of money at stake and Aggarwal is telling people to watch their inflammation. He retired at the end of 2015. As of today, he is still fighting cancer and I am going 7 years in July 2020 being cancer free with a Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4 cancer.

Doctor Bharat B. Aggarwal PhD made a huge discovery when he was working at M.D. Anderson Cancer Clinic in Houston, Tx. He found out that most cancers were caused by inflammation. One would think that this discovery would be the end of cancer. Wrong, not so fast, this discovery was made in 2013-2014, it is now 2023 and Big Pharma is still trying to find a “cure” for cancer. What has happened since then? I think that the Cancer Industry which is worth a gazillion dollars tried to discredit Aggarwal for his findings and this led to the “war on cancer”.

The Cancer Industry is much stronger today than it was in 2014. He was big on Turmeric.
He found out that Curcumin which was 1-3% of Turmeric was the best cancer fighter around. Aggarwal explained that cancer is a chronic disease much like diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s. He reasoned that the only way to fight cancer is through an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. He was regarded as a “quack” by his peers.

He said Turmeric has been around since the 1700’s fighting diseases.
In India, where he is from, if you had any kind of injury, you would put Turmeric on it. Why didn’t anyone believe him? Aggarwal said it comes down to dollars and cents. Turmeric is very cheap and how could anyone make money on something that was so plentiful. Turmeric Curcumin Alzheimer in India – Search (bing.com)
Aggarwal also said that chemotherapy and radiation would make the cancer metastasize. People do not die of the original tumor, they died because the cancer metastasized. He said that around 50 years ago Paul Ehrlich was the first one to use chemotherapy on humans. He wanted to try it on rats first to see how much to use on humans. Aggarwal said that this was the first time that other animals were used to fight a human disease.

Doctor Bharat B. Aggarwal saved my life.
I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4, on July 22, 2013. My prognosis was 14 months. I haven’t done chemotherapy since May 5, 2014. If it wasn’t for the confidence given to me by Bharat, I would have done chemotherapy in December 2015 at my Oncologist suggestion. I refused. Beating Cancer | Facebook


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Cancer Rates by Country 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)
Cancer tends to be more prevalent in high-income countries due to lifestyle factors such
as smoking, obesity, and alcohol intake. Fortunately, these also tend to be countries with sound health care systems, which can better detect and treat cancer than the health-care systems in low-income countries. Moreover, advancements in medical knowledge and technology continue to improve each country’s cancer survival rate.
Although a decreasing percentage of cancer patients succumb to the disease, the total number of deaths from cancer continues to rise. This is often attributed to the fact that the world’s ever-growing population includes more senior citizens, whose cancer risk is highest, than ever before. Cancer rates are typically expressed as a crude rate or as an age-standardized rate, which adjusts for the fact that some countries’ populations are younger overall than others. Typically expressed as a crude rate or as an age-standardized rate, which adjusts for the fact that some countries’ populations are younger overall than others.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Cancer Rates
(2020 Age-Standardized Rates per 100k, WHO).

Australia 452.4
New Zealand 422.9
Ireland 372.8
United States 362.2
Denmark 351.1
Netherlands 349.6
Belgium 349.2
Canada 348.0
France 341.9
Hungary 338.2

Stage IV Glioblastoma Multiforme
Brain Cancer Healed with Garlic and Curcumin (James McCraw) –
Cancer Compass an Alternate Route (cancercompassalternateroute.com)

Killing Cancer with Spices – Revised: Inflammation – Cancer Stem Cells:
McCraw Jr, James A, McCraw, James A: 9781793462787: Amazon.com: Books

Cancer Trilogy: My First Three Books: “Killing Cancer With Spices” “Cancer Stem Cells: Attacking Cancer From the Roots” “Cancer Stem Cells: If I Knew Then What I Know Now” – Kindle edition by McCraw, James. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

How to Starve Cancer and Boost Cancer-Killing Effects of Chemo with Curcumin (anticancer360.com)

Cancer Survivor, James McCraw – (templetonwellness.com)

Other Cancer Survivor Stories – (templetonwellness.com)

Killing Cancer With Spices Breakfast 1 (youtube.com)

Killing Cancer With Spices – Breakfast (youtube.com)

‘Cancer should have killed me in weeks – but turning down treatment for raw vegan diet has kept me alive for years’ – World News – Mirror Online

Tim McGraw Didn’t Meet His Dad Tug Until He Was 11. Inside Their Complicated Relationship (biography.com)
Surviving Multiple Myeloma for 29 Years – Conquer: the journey informed (conquer-magazine.com)
Anticancer Diet – Cancer Compass an Alternate Route (Cancer compass alternate route.com)
Einstein’s Quantum Riddle | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS (youtube.com)
The Cannabis Question I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS (youtube.com)
Where Did the Cannabis Plant Come From? (youtube.com)
Salicinium For Cancer – Arrow’s Newsletter (substack.com)

Search Results for Carl O Helvie | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org) 

BONUS: Carl O’ Helvie Protocol – Search Videos (bing.com)

3000 mg of Laetrile until cancer is eradicated!!
Plus, Wobenzym N Reviews: Does It Really Effective?
Wobenzym N for Cancer – Search (bing.com)

4 Common Causes Of CANCER That Most People Don’t Know About
Doctor Mike Hansen

Does a ketogenic diet starve cancer cells?
The Charlie Foundation

‘Starving away’ cancer: One of our reporters tried it

Cancer Dies When You Eat These 12 Foods (Cancer SECRETS)
Dr. Amy – Cancer Expert & Cancer Survivor

“Cancer is a metabolic disease” – Dr Thomas Seyfried reveals stunning non-toxic cancer therapies.

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