Adam's Male Celebrities (Generally) In Tighty Whities.: ? - "Held Up" - 1999

? - "Held Up" - 1999

Gift from long time reader "V" to the blog. He sent the following pics and said, "This is from a 1999 movie called Held Up starring Jamie Foxx. Basically, a guy takes a convenience store hostage in the middle of nowhere and wants a crate moved inside. He has four guys do it, but forces them to strip to their underwear before coming inside so he can make sure they don't have any weapons. As the guys are leaving the store, they are caught on camera by the media. I know it's red briefs but it's a good embarrassment scene."
Got to give the film makers credit, at least they put the most obvious attractive guy in briefs!


  1. I remember liking this scene because the guy in the red briefs reminded me of a guy I went to high school with who was on the baseball team and also wore red briefs. (I know because we had gym class together.)

  2. Underwear AND combat boots....I'm in heaven.

  3. I had actually only seen part of the movie on Comedy Central. I didn't even see this scene. Instead I saw a scene later on where a cute dorky deputy has to strip down to his boxer-briefs to deliver a megaphone to the robber. So when I bought it on DVD and watched it I was happy to see this scene where the cute guy is the one who is in briefs.

  4. I bought the DVD just for this scene. Anyone know the actor's name?

  5. When you do colored briefs again, I'd love for you to do this movie: Part with the guys who'll be in their underwear begins at 1:07:11 and ends at 1:08:33.

    1. Not sure I'll be able to get anything usable here due to darkness,quick cuts etc but will see what I can do.

    2. Yeah, it is a gloomy set of scenes. Hoping for the best...

    3. There's an animated .gif version of one of the scenes from that movie that's brighter than the youtube version:

  6. ... white briefs starting around 1 hour and 21 minutes into this Italian movie. (Il Sapore Del Grano, 1986)

    1. And same actor as above, white briefs again, but in a different movie: Fotografando Patrizia (1984). Two scenes at least: 8:22-8:32 and a better one between 23:35 and 23:42:
