Bill Gross’ Girlfriend Offers Precious Glimpse Into Psyche Of Person Dating Bill Gross - Dealbreaker Skip to main content

There is a question hanging over the varied litigation that is the relationship between retired Bond King Bill Gross and his Laguna Beach, Calif., neighbor. I mean, sure, there are many questions: What is the point of putting a presumably expensive Dale Chihuly sculpture up in such a way as to both irritate the person next door and require a hideous bit of netting to protect it from the palm trees he placed it under? Is Mark Towfiq really so obsessed with Gross that he installed security cameras to keep a watch on his every move? Did Gross really expect this transparent ploy to work? Why are rich people like this? But none of those is the question:

Bill Gross has a girlfriend?

And that question, of course, begets many others about Amy Schwartz, the 51-year-old former tennis pro who not only dates Gross but cohabits with him: Knowing all there is to know about Gross and about the way he treats his family and those close to him, knowing the things he’s done and said and written, having access to the voluminous public record about the man, his quirks and his ways, why? How, other than as much vodka as is necessary? What makes such a person tick?

Thanks to the ongoing trial over the aforementioned dispute, we now know all we need to answer that question.

“‘Gilligan’s Island,’ I love that song,” Schwartz said after one of Towfiq’s recordings was played. “But I already told you, I was sleeping. It might have been a mistake that the play list played over….”

Schwartz was asked if she and Gross played the music on a loop -- that is with one song playing repeatedly.

“I don’t know how to work a loop,” she said.

Asked if the music had gone off accidentally, Schwartz said, “I don’t control it.” Gross “controls the audio and TVs,” she said.

You don’t say.

Bill Gross’s Girlfriend Denies Playing Music to Harass Neighbor [Bloomberg]


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