AP Gov-EOC review Flashcards | Quizlet
What role do the federal courts play in checking the power of the legislative branch?
A) Congress creates courts and may impeach judges
B) federal judges and justices are appointed for life
C) they review laws of Congress for compliance with the Constitution
D) the President may veto Congressional legislation with judicial approval
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What role do the federal courts play in checking the power of the legislative branch?
A) Congress creates courts and may impeach judges
B) federal judges and justices are appointed for life
C) they review laws of Congress for compliance with the Constitution
D) the President may veto Congressional legislation with judicial approval
This is the basic principle that states that the Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional that are in conflict with the Constitution.
A) petit court
B) habeas corpus
C) judicial system
D) judicial review
A government principle by which the legislative, judicial, and executive powers are essentially held by different groups and people is called
A) reserved powers.
B) expressed powers.
C) checks and balances.
D) separation of powers.
Which of these is a power DENIED to the national government?
A) coining and printing money
B) establish import and export laws
C) changing the boundaries of states
D) regulating speech in times of war
Who is responsible for drawing the congressional district boundaries?
A) the governor
B) the senior judge
C) the minority party
D) the state legislature
Which of these is MOST related to the concept of Federalism?
A) veto power
B) judicial review
C) concurrent powers
D) legislative process
Which of these has the GREATEST impact on the shared powers of government in the United States?
A) 9th Amendment
B) 10th Amendment
C) 17th Amendment
D) 22nd Amendment
The principle of "Separation of Powers" is improved with a bicameral legislature rather than a unicameral legislature because a bicameral legislature
A) creates a legislature that has less power than the judicial branch.
B) needs fewer representatives to pass the same number of laws.
C) takes more of the power from the executive branch.
D) requires that two bodies of government pass laws
Because of the separation of powers in the United States government, the Legistlative branch may enact laws, the Executive branch may veto laws, and the Judicial branch may
A) declare war by law.
B) enact laws to appoint judges.
C) decide that a law is unconstitutional.
D) begin impeachment proceedings against the Executive branch.
Right to a fair and speedy trial
Right to an attorney
Right to remain silent

What would be the BEST title for this short list?
A) "First Amendment Rights"
B) "Due Process Rights"
C) "De Facto Jurisdiction"
D) "The Preamble to the Constitution"
In American political terms, the term "devolution" is MOST associated with which of these?
A) Education
B) Federalism
C) Popular Sovereignty
D) Checks and Balances
Which principle in the Constitution divides authority between three branches of government?
A) the rule of law
B) limited government
C) separation of powers
D) the supremacy clause
This is the Constitutional principle that the law making, executive, and judicial powers be held by different groups and people.

Example: A system of checks and balances is put in place to ensure that each branch is equal.
Separation Of Powers
When the President appoints a new member to the Cabinet, the Senate must ____ the person before that person gets the job.

Example: Checks and Balances.
This is the power of a court to review a law or an official act of a government employee or agent for constitutionality or for the violation of basic principles of justice.

Example: Marbury v. Madison
Judicial Review