World Geo U1 Flashcards | Quizlet
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Who was the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth and coined the word "geography?"
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Who was the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth and coined the word "geography?"
He successfully applied his scientific research to create an illustration of the first world map.
He invented a globe and argued that the representation of the world as a flat, two-dimensional object was not accurate.
He developed the science of geography, although he was better known for his contributions to mathematics.
The Greek-derived word"geography" means
to describe the Earth
China's greatest contribution to geography was
The compass
The earliest world map ever found was
Carved on a Babylonian clay tablet that showed Earth as a flat, circular disk
Ptolemy incorporated topography into his maps, which means that
The mountain and valley surfaces would appear on the map
This early group was the first to use rational thought or logic while investigation the physical world.
It is believed that the science of geography originated with each of the following groups except the
The layer of the atmosphere that contains weather id the
Which statement "is false" regarding the world's oceans?
The Atlantic Ocean is the baby of the five oceans in geologic age.
This divides our planet into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
Which statement is not a common scientific theory about the creation of the universe?
Only the planets were formed by chunks of debris.
What is the middle layer of the earth?
The mantle