The World Map Lesson for Kids: Continents & Features - Lesson |
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The World Map Lesson for Kids: Continents & Features

Lesson Transcript
Instructor David Wilson

David has taught college history and holds an MA in history.

Discover the characteristics and features of the world map. Explore the continents and oceans, lines of latitude and longitude, the hemispheres and poles, and features of the map itself that helps users navigate the data on the map.

What's the longest distance you've ever traveled? Perhaps it's just to the other side of town, or maybe you've gone on vacation across the country. If you wanted to see the entire world, you'd have to go a lot farther and it would certainly help to understand some parts of a map. So, let's get going!

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  • 0:04 Big Names
  • 0:55 Using a Map
  • 1:27 Continents
  • 2:30 Oceans
  • 3:00 Lesson Summary

Alright! Now that you understand some features that are found on a map, let's look at a couple of tools that can help you to find places on a map. All maps will contain a compass rose which provides the directions - north, south, east, and west - on the map. Maps and globes also contain lines that run from east to west, called latitude lines, and lines that run from north to south, called longitude lines, that provide coordinates, or points, that help locate specific places.

Let's use all of the information we just learned and take a mini world tour!

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Let's start at Asia, the largest continent. It's in the Northern Hemisphere and, by using the compass rose, you can see that it is also in the eastern part of the world.

Leaving Asia and moving west, we find Europe, also located in the Northern Hemisphere. Leaving Europe and using the compass rose to move south, you'll find Africa. Because the Equator runs through it, Africa is in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and is the hottest continent in the world.

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Now let's take a look at the oceans, which cover about 70% of the Earth! The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean, which is so big that all the continents can fit in it. The Atlantic Ocean is usually found right in the middle of a map, between North and South America and Europe and Africa. The Indian Ocean is located between Asia, Africa, and Australia. Almost all of the Indian Ocean is in the Southern Hemisphere. Finally, the Arctic Ocean is at the very top of the map, at the North Pole.

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Let's review what we'e learned. World maps provide a big picture of the surface of the earth and have tools that help locate specific things, like continents, oceans, and even places like the North and South Poles. Continents are surrounded by bodies of water called oceans, and those oceans cover about 70% of the earth. All maps contain a compass rose that provides the directions north, south, east, and west on the map and also helps you move around the map to quickly find all the features, like the equator and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

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