The World Map: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids |

The World Map Lesson for Kids: Continents & Features - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

What is the biggest continent in the world?

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1. The Equator runs through which three continents?

2. A thin strip of land connects which two continents?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

The worksheet/quiz combo is helpful because it lets you see how much you know about the world map. The Equator and the North Pole are on the quiz.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

Expect to see these topics on the quiz:

  • The ocean that is located at the North Pole
  • An ocean that is almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere
  • The biggest continent in the world
  • Continents the Equator runs through

Skills Practiced

  • Remembering details - remember what you learned about the two continents connected by a thin strip of land
  • Reading awareness - make sure that you know the most important information from the lesson on the world map
  • Learning practice - use what you learned to answer questions about different oceans

Additional Learning

Go over more information by using the lesson called The World Map Lesson for Kids: Continents & Features. Other topics you can learn about include:

  • A picture of the world map
  • Where continents are located
  • How to use a map
  • The different oceans