Public vs. Private Law | Definition, Differences & Examples - Lesson |
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Public vs. Private Law | Definition, Differences & Examples

Nathan Mahr, Kat Kadian-Baumeyer
  • Author
    Nathan Mahr

    Nathan has taught English literature, business, social sciences, writing, and history for over five years. He has a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas from the University of Washington.

  • Instructor
    Kat Kadian-Baumeyer

    Kat has a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership and Management and teaches Business courses.

Compare private law and public law to understand these forms of law. Review public law examples and private law examples to better understand the differences. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are examples of public law?

Examples of public law include constitutional law, criminal law, and international law. Constitutional law is the body of laws that sets out the basic rights of citizens and regulates the relationship between the government and its people. Criminal law is used to handle crimes, while international law helps to govern relationships between different nations.

What are examples of private law?

Contract, property, and tort laws are all examples of private law. Tort law is a legal system that aids in the resolution of disputes between private citizens without the use of jail time. Property laws aim to regulate property ownership and usage.

What is the difference between private law and public law?

The main difference between private and public law is the scope of the problem that is being addressed. Private law deals with issues that are specific to individuals, such as contract negotiations or property disputes. Public law, on the other hand, deals with issues that are important to society as a whole, such as human rights or national security.

What is meant by public law?

A system that regulates interactions between the government and persons is known as public law. This type of law includes constitutional law, criminal law, and international law.

What is meant by private law?

A legal system that regulates interactions between individuals is known as private law. This type of law includes family law, property law, and tort law.

The definition of private law is the area of law that regulates the relationships between individuals. Private law plays an important role in our society and governs many different aspects of our lives. It is also known as civil law, which is described as the branch of law that deals with disputes between private individuals or entities. Private law includes:

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Coming up next: Civil vs. Criminal Law | Case Example & Differences

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  • 0:39 Public Law
  • 2:24 Private Law
  • 4:07 Lesson Summary

When most people think of law, they think of the criminal justice system, which is mainly defined by public law. The definition of public law is the area of law that governs the relationships between individuals and the government. It includes:

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