Public Health Law & Policies: Definition & Examples - Lesson |
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Public Health Law & Policies: Definition & Examples

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Daniel Murdock

Daniel has taught Public Health at the graduate level and has a Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences & Health Education.

In this lesson, we'll examine public laws and policies intended to prevent health problems and promote health across the population. We'll discuss the defining characteristics and main strategies of public health law.

What do speed limits, smoking bans, and school vaccination laws all have in common? They each represent laws that have contributed to major public health achievements over the last century. Speed limits on roads and highways have increased motor vehicle safety. Smoking bans in workplaces and other public spaces have protected people from the dangerous effects of second-hand smoke. And laws requiring vaccinations for public school students have dramatically reduced the spread of many infectious diseases.

These are just a few examples of public health law. Public health law refers to any statute, rule, or ordinance that has the purpose of promoting or protecting the public health. Public health laws and policies aim to fulfill society's interest in assuring conditions for people to be healthy.

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  • 0:04 Public Health Law
  • 0:52 The Prevention Orientation
  • 1:48 The Population Perspective
  • 3:20 Public Health Law Strategies
  • 4:22 Lesson Summary

There are several characteristics that distinguish public health law from other areas of health law, such as medical law and healthcare law. Many areas of health law tend to focus on issues related to disease treatment. For example, medical malpractice laws allow patients to pursue civil claims against physicians who cause injury or death when providing treatment.

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Another distinguishing characteristic of public health law is its focus on population health, which aims to improve the health of entire human populations. Public health laws and policies are often intended to promote the common good, which refers to shared benefits for all or most members of a given community.

School vaccination laws help demonstrate this concept. Every U.S. state has laws requiring children to be vaccinated against certain diseases, such as measles, mumps, and rubella, in order to attend public schools. All states allow certain children to be exempted for medical reasons, and most states also allow for religious exemptions; however, vaccinations are required for most children.

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Public health laws and policies apply many different kinds of strategies to achieve their goals. Let's examine some of the main strategies of public health law.

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All right, let's take a moment or two to review. Public health law refers to any statute, rule, or ordinance that has the purpose of promoting or protecting the public health. Public health laws and policies have played a significant role in the major public health achievements of the last century.

There are two key characteristics that distinguish public health law from other areas of health law. The first is the prevention orientation. Public health law tends to focus more on issues related to disease and injury prevention than on issues related to disease treatment.

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