Public Law Enforcement vs. Private Security Comparison Essay by JCowie024

Public Law Enforcement vs. Private Security
A comparison of the history and roles of public law enforcement versus private security.
# 113779 | 1,326 words | 2 sources | MLA | 2009 | US
Published on May 08, 2009 in Criminology (Criminal Justice and Corrections)

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This paper compares the prevention and investigation of crime by public law enforcement and by private security. It first discusses their history and their roles at the time of their inception. The paper then discusses and compares how their roles have significantly changed and in many cases expanded to meet the growing demands of today's society.

Table of Contents:
Responsibilities of Public Law Enforcement
Defining Private Security
The Role of Private Security
Similarities and Differences

From the Paper:

"The goals of both public law enforcement and private security companies are to protect the lives and properties as well as prevent crime for the communities and companies they serve. Although the roles of both entities are very similar, it is very important to recognize that the limited authority that private security officers have. Public law enforcement officers have official police powers to make an arrest of anyone who is violating the law. The primary role of private security officers is to, "observe and report". While this is not their only duty has the roles of security officers have changed significantly over the years, these duties are limited to the clients for which they are hired for. This distinguished difference is what separates public law enforcement and private security company officers even though both attempt to accomplish the same goal."

Sample of Sources Used:

  • Securitas. (unknown). History. Retrieved from: on February 7, 2009.

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Public Law Enforcement vs. Private Security (2009, May 08) Retrieved April 11, 2024, from

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"Public Law Enforcement vs. Private Security" 08 May 2009. Web. 11 April. 2024. <>
