16 Best Classics for Book Clubs - Bona Fide Bookworm

16 Best Classics for Book Clubs

Interested in reading classic books with your book club? The best classics for book clubs are ones that will spark lots of good discussion, and the classic books on this list are sure to do that! So check out the list below to find the perfect book for your next book club read.

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Old books lined up against a wooden background

1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

When you’re looking for the best classic books for book clubs to read together, The Great Gatsby is an excellent choice! This is one of the best classic books and is also one of the most popular American classic novels, so you’re sure to have plenty to discuss when you read it.

In this story, we follow the narrator Nick Carraway as he interacts with the mysterious and wealthy Jay Gatsby (who is attempting to reunite with his former love, Daisy Buchanan). Throughout the story, this book brings to life the Jazz Age through its depictions of lavish party and the hedonism of the era.

While this book can be polarizing with some loving The Great Gatsby and others most definitely not loving it, this has been an influential book on the American consciousness and is sure to create good discussions in your book club!

Buy The Great Gatsby now!

Love The Great Gatsby? If so, check out these fun Great Gatsby-themed gifts!

2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Another of the best classic book club reads your group might enjoy is To Kill a Mockingbird. This classic is unforgettable and worth reading no matter your stage in life, which makes it a perfect book club read!

This book is a coming-of-age tale in the South and addresses issues of race, inequality, and segregation through the eyes of a young girl named Scout. The plot centers around the trial of a black man named Tom Robinson as Scout’s father attempts to defend him from being convicted of a crime he did not commit.

This was an instant bestseller and is one of the best novels of the twentieth century, so this is one classic book your book club should definitely read!

Buy To Kill a Mockingbird now!

3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

If your classics book club hasn’t yet read Jane Eyre together, then this is another book you should pick up as a group. It has been a highly influential novel since it was first published in 1847, and it is still worth reading today to understand its influence on literature and popular culture.

This book’s storyline follows a young orphaned Jane as she grows from childhood into adulthood, and ultimately as she arrives to be a governess at Thornfield Hall…which just happens to be the home of the brooding Edward Rochester. While Jane finds herself drawn to Rochester, she hasn’t yet become aware that there are alarming secrets at Thornfield Hall!

This Gothic romance is widely considered to be one of the best classic romances, and it’s also notable for its (at the time) groundbreaking use of the first person narrative. There are lots of reasons to read this book as a book club, and whether you end up loving it or disliking it (like me!) you are sure to find plenty to talk about.

Buy Jane Eyre now!

4. Middlemarch by George Eliot

Another of the best classic books for book club discussion is Middlemarch by George Eliot.

Rather than focusing on one or two main characters, this story centers on the residents of Middlemarch (a fictitious town in the Midlands)…so we have an entire cast of characters to read about. From the naive Dorothea Brooke’s pursuit of the pompous Edward Casaubon, to the career of Tertius Lydgate (who attempts to bring modern medicine to the provinces), to Fred Vincy’s courtship of Mary Garth, this book portrays life in Middlemarch and gives insight into human nature even today.

It’s a masterpiece of observation of human nature, emotional insight, and humor that you are sure to enjoy as you discuss the characters she portrays in this book!

Buy Middlemarch now!

5. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

If your classic literature book club hasn’t yet discussed The Scarlet Letter, then this could be a good time to pick it up! This is definitely a novel on the heavier side, as it explores issues of legalism, sin, and guilt…but it is sure to provoke really good questions and discussion!

The tale is set in 17th century Puritan Boston, and tells the story of Hester Prynne who conceives a child through an affair. Even while she’s being punished for this sin and forced to wear the scarlet letter A (for adultery), she won’t reveal her lover’s identity. But when her long-lost husband shows up on the scene, he’s out for revenge against the man who was part of this situation and yet escaped punishment…while Hester simply strives to create a life filled with dignity and repentance.

While the themes of this book are definitely heavy and hard to read at times, this book is one that is worth reading, considering, and discussing!

Buy The Scarlet Letter now!

6. 1984 by George Orwell

Classics book clubs might also enjoy adding 1984 by George Orwell to their reading lists. This dystopian classic explores the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and similar themes and offers a pointed and haunting look into a world run by “Big Brother.”

In this story, Winston Smith works at the Ministry of Truth rewriting history to agree with the views of the Party—a party that prosecutes and persecutes those who so much as commit a thoughtcrime. But when Winston starts to think for himself instead of letting the Party think for him, he begins to see the world as it really is…and he finds out how difficult it is to escape Big Brother!

This classic book is just as timely today as it was when first published, so be prepared for a long and high-quality book club discussion when you read this with your group!

Buy 1984 now!

7. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

What list of best classic novels for book clubs could be complete without at least one Dickens novel on it? Dickens’ books are some of the most classic of classics, and Great Expectations is one of his most popular and masterful works.

In this story, we follow the life of Orphaned Pip who is apprenticed to work in the forge but dreams of becoming a gentleman. It’s a tale of crime, guilt, revenge, love and loss, and more, and is truly impressive in its scope.

With so many themes to explore, this is a book you need to be sure to pick up and read with your book club if you haven’t already!

Buy Great Expectations now!

8. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

If you’re looking for a lighter and more enjoyable classic book club read that will still be fun to discuss, then I Capture the Castle is the book for you!

This story follows 17-year-old Cassandra and her family through six turbulent months of 1934, when Cassandra’s family lived in poverty in an old English castle. During this time period, Cassandra keeps a journal filled with funny and poignant entries about her home, a ruined castle, and her eccentric family.

This book will surely capture your heart when you read it, and will give you plenty of fun discussion material!

Buy I Capture the Castle now!

9. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Did you know that classic children’s books can also be a good source of classic book club reads? One instance of this is The Little Prince, a tale that can be enjoyed by children but is also thought-provoking and engaging for adults.

This short story follows the Little Prince as he leaves his home on asteroid B 612 and journeys across the universe in search of meaning. Along the way, he meets different types of people…but they’re all preoccupied with trivial things and don’t seem to understand what is worthwhile about living! But what does make life worth living? Will the Little Prince find out?

While the plot of this book is fun for kids as well as adults, this book’s observations about life, friendship, love, and human nature make it an excellent candidate for book discussion clubs as well!

Buy The Little Prince now!

10. Persuasion by Jane Austen

Reading Jane Austen with a book club is practically a rite of passage, but if you’ve only read the most popular ones (like Pride and Prejudice) then you may want to consider branching out to some of her other novels. In particular, Persuasion would make an excellent classic book club pick!

Years ago Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth were engaged, but then a family friend convinced Anne that she should break off the match. She’s always regretted it…but now a reversal in fortune means Wentworth returns from the sea rich and successful, while Anne’s family have fallen on hard times. Will these two get a second chance at love?

This is a beautiful classic book and is one of Austen’s finest, and you’re sure to find plenty to discuss regarding love, class, social mobility, and lots more!

Buy Persuasion now!

Know a lot of Jane Austen fans? Here are some excellent Jane Austen gifts to give them!

11. Animal Farm by George Orwell

Looking for short classics for book clubs? If so, then Animal Farm may be a book you want to read!

In this satiric fable, mistreated and overworked animals take over the farm where they live. With strong idealism, the animals set out to create the equal and just world they want to live in. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a popular classic and makes preparing for book club easy because it’s such a short read. But just because it’s short doesn’t mean you’ll struggle to find things to talk about! There’s so much to absorb and discuss in these pages, so get out your highlighter or notebook to prep for your next book club meeting!

Buy Animal Farm now!

12. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Have a book club that loves gothic books or horror novels? If so, then the classic horror story Frankenstein is a must-read!

Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who believes he’s found the secret of life. Putting it to the test, he fashions a creature out of old body parts and brings this creation to life! However, when he looks at the creature he’s created, he sees a monster and is filled with remorse for overstepping the laws of nature in such a way. But remorse can’t change the fact that Frankenstein’s monster is alive and living in a world he does not belong to…

This Gothic novel explores what happens when a scientist oversteps the bounds of conscience, and also explores themes including morality, alienation, monstrosity, and family. So this is an excellent book club pick for any book club to discuss!

Buy Frankenstein now!

13. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

Another of the best classic book club book ideas is To the Lighthouse, which is often considered to be Virginia Woolf’s finest novel.

This story centers on the Ramsay family on two separate occasions (10 years apart) when they visited the Isle of Skye for family vacation. While there is a light plot element, it isn’t as central to the story and instead this book revolves more around the inner thoughts and actions of the Ramsay family members and their guests.

While you may be tempted not to read it since it’s more a philosophical introspection instead of a plot-driven book, this novel is actually perfect for book club discussions as it explores themes of loss, subjectivity, the nature of art, and more. It’s sure to provide plenty of food for thought!

Buy To the Lighthouse now!

14. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Looking for polarizing classic books to read with your book club? Wuthering Heights may be the book you’re looking for!

In this story, we follow Heathcliff and Catherine from a young age and through their growing up years. These two were raised together on the Yorkshire moors and as they grow up they fall in love and love each other madly. But while they at first seemed inseparable and as if their fates were intertwined, all that is severed when Catherine marries a wealthy man for his social status instead of marrying Heathcliff. And now Heathcliff wants revenge!

This book is somewhat polarizing because some people view it as a gothic or dark romance book, while others are firmly convinced it’s not a romance at all but is instead a tale of revenge and destruction. Which camp do you and your fellow book club members fall into?

Buy Wuthering Heights now!

15. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Another sweet and enjoyable book club classic to read is Little Women, one of the most beloved classics for both young and old readers!

This story follows the lives of the March sisters (Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy) when their father goes off to war. From celebrating holidays, to working to support their family, through illness, and through many more daily life experiences, we watch as the girls grow from childhood into adulthood and discover more about themselves and about loving their family and those around them.

With overarching themes relating to growing up, life and death, falling in love, and more, this is the perfect classic for book clubs who want to discuss these topics!

Buy Little Women now!

Looking for items for someone who loves Little Women? Check out these exciting Little Women gifts!

16. A Room with a View by E.M. Forster

Need another option for short classic book club books? If so, then A Room With a View is an intriguing choice!

The charming protagonist, Lucy, is in Florence with her conventional and uptight cousin Charlotte. Longing to experience more of the sights and freedom of Italy, Lucy ventures out but soon finds her world upended when she witnesses a murder and faints into the arms of George Emerson. But when Charlotte finds out George and Lucy are getting closer, she forces Lucy to flee to Rome to escape his attentions because he’s entirely unsuitable as a suitor. Later, Lucy finds herself at home in England and engaged to a boring and proper man named Cecil…will she give up the vibrancy she found in Italy to spend her life with a proper and suitable man?

This novel contains both romance elements and a critique of English society, as well as a wide array of unusual and sometimes eccentric people (who you may or may not like as characters). However, as an amusing and sometimes pointed social critique with a sweet if somewhat odd love story, this could be the perfect book to get your book club’s discussion flowing!

Buy A Room with a View now!

Need more classic book ideas for your book club? Check out these must-read classics to find even more options!

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