DVD & Blu-ray | Amazon UK
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The DVD and Blu-ray Store

Welcome to Amazon.co.uk's DVD and Blu-ray store. Home to the greatest selection of films and TV in a simple to navigate store, making it easy for you to buy DVDs online. Browse the selection by genre directly from this page or browse by format (DVD, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Steelbook, Box Sets). Keep an eye out for our bargains page where you can find DVD and Blu-ray offers, updated regularly.

Of all the DVD shops online, there are few which give you the option to shop UK DVD and Blu-ray titles from other sellers offering both new and second hand DVDs. Amazon Marketplace provides you with a multitude of buying options on one product page, with direct price comparisons so you can make the most informed decision when you buy DVD and Blu-ray titles.

Did you know that when you purchase any of our pre-order titles, you are covered by our Pre-order Price Guarantee. This means that you can order now and if the Amazon.co.uk price decreases between the time you place your order and the release date, you'll be charged the lowest price. You can find DVD and Blu-ray pre-order titles in our New and Future Releases store and more information here. Furthermore, because we know how keen you are to get the latest DVDs and new Blu-ray titles as soon as possible release-day delivery options are available for most addresses. You can find out at checkout if your address is eligible. Alternatively, you can get more details here.