Look Up a ZIP Code™ | PostalPro

Look Up a ZIP Code™

Click here to Look up ZIP Codes™ for corporate and residential addresses.

ZIP Code by Address
Enter street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code. Note:

  • A ZIP Code result does not confirm that a person or company is at that address.
  • If you searched for a company and did not get the results you expected, search again either without the company name or with a different version of the company name (e.g., full name or acronym).

ZIP Codes by City and State
Enter city and state to see all the ZIP Codes for that city.

First Class Mail

First Class Mail





Standard Mail

Standard Mail

Software Developer

Software Developer

Quick Links


ZIP Code by Address
Enter street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code. Note:

  • A ZIP Code result does not confirm that a person or company is at that address.
  • If you searched for a company and did not get the results you expected, search again either without the company name or with a different version of the company name (e.g., full name or acronym).

ZIP Codes by City and State
Enter city and state to see all the ZIP Codes for that city.