ZIP Code 10522 Map, Demographics, More for Dobbs Ferry, NY

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ZIP Code 10522

Post Office City:Dobbs Ferry, NY (View All Cities)
County: Westchester County
Timezone: Eastern (5:03am)
Area code: 914 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates:41.01, -73.87
ZIP (~1 mile radius)

Cities in ZIP code 10522

The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 10522. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. The city for 10522 is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.

Primary/preferred city:
Dobbs Ferry, NY

Stats and Demographics for the 10522 ZIP Code

ZIP code 10522 is located in southeast New York and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a large population density.

The people living in ZIP code 10522 are primarily white. The number of middle aged adults is extremely large while the number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is large. There are also a slightly less than average number of single parents and a slightly higher than average number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 10522 ZIP code is slightly higher than average compared to other areas of the country.

Population 10,875
Population Density 4,477 people per sq mi
Housing Units 4,191
Median Home Value $598,400
Land Area 2.43 sq mi
Water Area 0.00 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units 3,901
Median Household Income $105,000

Estimated Population over Time

Total Population by Age

Median Age: 41Male Median Age: 39Female Median Age: 44

Under 5262277539
85 Plus99281380


 Male 5,192 48%
 Female 5,683 52%


 White 8,548 78.6%
 Black Or African American 788 7.2%
 American Indian Or Alaskan Native 9 0.1%
 Asian 932 8.6%
 Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 11 0.1%
 Other Race 320 2.9%
 Two Or More Races 267 2.5%

Head of Household by Age

85 Plus10337140

Families vs Singles

 Husband Wife Family Households 2,116 54%
 Single Guardian 558 14%
 Singles 1,049 27%
 Singles With Roommate 178 5%
Families vs Singles

Households with Kids

Average Household Size: 3
 Households without Kids 2,526 65%
 Households with Kids 1,375 35%
Households with Kids

Children by Age


Real Estate and Housing

ZIP code 10522 has a small percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more correctional facilities, nursing homes and universities nearby.

The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Homes in ZIP code 10522 were primarily built in 1939 or earlier or the 1950s. Looking at 10522 real estate data, the median home value of $598,400 is extremely high compared to the rest of the country. It is also extremely low compared to nearby ZIP codes. 10522 could be an area to look for cheap housing compared to surrounding areas. Rentals in 10522 are most commonly 1 bedrooms. The rent for 1 bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities. 2 bedrooms are also common and rent for $1,000+/month. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 10522 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.

For more information, see Dobbs Ferry, NY real estate.

Housing Type

 In Occupied Housing Units 9,895 91%
 Correctional Facility For Adults 0 0%
 Juvenile Facilities 285 3%
 Nursing Facilities 298 3%
 Other Institutional 0 0%
 College Student Housing 267 2%
 Military Quarters 0 0%
 Other Noninstitutional 130 1%
Housing Type

Year Housing was Built

Housing Occupancy

 Owned Households With A Mortgage 1,629 39%
 Owned Households Free & Clear 736 18%
 Renter Occupied Households 1,536 37%
 Households Vacant 290 7%
Housing Occupancy

Vacancy Reasons

 For Rent 100 34%
 Rented & Unoccupied 4 1%
 For Sale Only 25 9%
 Sold & Unoccupied 13 4%
 For Season Recreational Or Occasional Use 27 9%
 For Migrant Workers 0 0%
 Vacant For Other Reasons 121 42%
Vacancy Reasons

Owner Occupied Home Values

Rental Properties by Number of Rooms

 Studio Apartment 137 10%
 1 Bedroom 559 39%
 2 Bedroom 442 31%
 3+ Bedroom 293 20%
Rental Properties by Number of Rooms

Cost of Monthly Rent Including Utilities

Cost of a Studio Apartment

Cost of a 1 Bedroom

Cost of a 2 Bedroom

Cost of a 3+ Bedroom

Employment, Income, Earnings, and Work

The median household income of $105,000 is extremely high compared to the rest of the country. It is also extremely low compared to nearby ZIP codes. While money isn't everything, residents in ZIP code 10522 earn less than in other parts of town.

As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. ZIP code 10522 uses public transportation to get to work more than almost anywhere in the country. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. However, that is not the case in 10522. It has a much lower than average number of people that make it to work in under half an hour. It is much more common for employees to have to travel over 45 minutes to their place of employment than most parts of country which could indicate bad traffic or that people typically live far from where they work.

Employment Status

 Worked Full-time with Earnings 3,876 43%
 Worked Part-time with Earnings 2,203 24%
 No Earnings 2,957 33%
Employment Status

Average Household Income over Time

Household Income

Annual Individual Earnings

Sources of Household Income

Percent of Households Receiving Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Household Investment Income

Percent of Households Receiving Investment Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Household Retirement Income

Percent of Households Receiving Retirement Income

Average Income per Household by Income Source

* Only taxable income is reported.

Source of Earnings

 Worked Full-time with Earnings 3,876 43%
 Worked Part-time with Earnings 2,203 24%
 No Earnings 2,957 33%
Source of Earnings

Means Of Transportation To Work for Workers 16 and Over

 Car, truck, or van 3,370 63%
 Public transportation 1,230 23%
 Taxicab 0 0%
 Motorcycle 0 0%
 Bicycle, Walked, or Other Means 339 6%
 Worked at Home 395 7%
Means Of Transportation To Work for Workers 16 and Over

Travel Time to Work (In Minutes)

Schools and Education

The area has some of the highest percentages of people who attended college of any ZIP.

Educational Attainment For The Population 25 Years And Over

 Less than High School Diploma 402 6%
 High School Graduate 2,528 36%
 Associate's degree 230 3%
 Bachelor's degree 1,790 25%
 Master's degree 1,394 20%
 Professional school degree 431 6%
 Doctorate degree 257 4%
Educational Attainment For The Population 25 Years And Over

School Enrollment (Ages 3 to 17)

 Enrolled in Public School 1,524 69%
 Enrolled in Private School 389 18%
 Not Enrolled in School 302 14%
School Enrollment (Ages 3 to 17)

Schools in ZIP Code 10522

ZIP Code 10522 is in the following school districts: Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District, Dobbs Ferry Union Free School District, Greenburgh-North Castle Union Free School District, and Private. There are 9 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 10522.

Greenburgh Eleven High School
On the Campus of Children's VI
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District
Springhurst Elementary School
Walgrove Ave
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Dobbs Ferry Union Free School District
Dobbs Ferry Middle School
505 Broadway
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Middle/Elementary
District: Dobbs Ferry Union Free School District
Greenburgh Eleven Elementary School
On the Campus of Children's VI
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District
Dobbs Ferry High School
505 Broadway
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Dobbs Ferry Union Free School District
Greenburgh Eleven Middle School
On the Campus of Children's VI
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Other/Secondary
District: Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District
Clark Academy
71 S Broadway
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Greenburgh-North Castle Union Free School District
The Masters School
49 Clinton Ave
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Private
Alcott School
535 Broadway
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Private

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