Santa Ana Canyon Map - Valley - Orange County, California, USA

Santa Ana Canyon

Santa Ana Canyon is a valley in , , and has an elevation of 262 feet. Santa Ana Canyon is situated nearby to the hamlets and .
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Santa Ana Canyon Map
Santa Ana Canyon

Notable Places in the Area

The is the presidential library and burial site of Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, and his wife Pat Nixon. is situated 2 miles north of Santa Ana Canyon.

Railway station
is a Metrolink train station in , United States, served by the Inland Empire–Orange County Line.

is a public high school located in and is part of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District.

Localities in the Area

is a small predominantly Mexican-American neighborhood in .

is an unincorporated parcel of about 32.67 acres in the city of , located along Lincoln Avenue, between Eisenhower Park and Orange Road. is situated 2 miles southwest of Santa Ana Canyon.

Santa Ana Canyon

33.85696° or 33° 51' 25" north
-117.81839° or 117° 49' 6" west
262 feet (80 metres)
Open Location Code
Geo­Names ID
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Santa Ana Canyon Satellite Map

Santa Ana Canyon Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

In the Area

Santa Ana Canyon is situated close to the hamlets and .



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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: Traveler100, CC BY-SA 3.0.