Australia's Physical Map | Overview & Geographical Features - Lesson |
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Australia's Physical Map | Overview & Geographical Features

Claire Morris, David Wood
  • Author
    Claire Morris

    Claire has taught Special Education for the past 4 years in the middle school setting. She has her Bachelor's in Education and her Master's in Curriculum Instruction & Design. She's taught in Idaho, Colorado, and Utah.

  • Instructor
    David Wood

    David has taught Honors Physics, AP Physics, IB Physics and general science courses. He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics.

Discover the geography of Australia and Oceania. Explore the physical and geographical features of Australia, and see a physical map of Australia and Oceania. Updated: 11/21/2023

Australia and Oceania both refer to a body of land(s). Australia is the world's smallest continent, located in the southern hemisphere between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Oceania is a collective group of countries and islands located in the Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, and Tonga. Australia is a country within Oceania, which encompasses most of the islands within the Central and South Pacific Oceans.

There are 14 countries in Oceania. In order from highest population to lowest, they are:

  1. Australia
  2. Papua New Guinea
  3. New Zealand
  4. Fiji
  5. Solomon Islands
  6. Micronesia
  7. Vanuatu
  8. Samoa
  9. Kiribati
  10. Tonga
  11. Marshal Islands
  12. Palau
  13. Tuvalu
  14. Nauru

Other territories within Oceania include:

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Coming up next: Major Landforms of Australia & the Pacific Islands

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  • 0:00 Geographical Features
  • 0:55 Human Characteristics
  • 2:50 Physical Characteristics
  • 5:10 Lesson Summary

Australia is broken up into eight states and territories. From largest in size to smallest, they are Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and Australian Capitol Territory. Each of these eight territories along with their significant cities is marked on the map below.

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Oceania is divided into four sub-regions, according to the United Nations. These sub-regions are Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Australia and New Zealand make up for 75% of Oceania's population. The remaining 25% is spread out among thousands of small islands. Australia is a wonderful mix of desert plains, mountains, and coastal regions. New Zealand offers beautiful lakes, valleys, and waterfalls. New Zealand is also home to Poverty Bay, famous because Captain James Cook said it offered him nothing, hence the name "Poverty". Melanesia encompasses the four independent countries of Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea. Micronesia covers over 2,000 little islands, including the Marshall Islands and Guam. Polynesia has its own unique culture and language. Within Polynesia, one can find Hawaii, the Cook Islands, and Tonga. The highest mountain in Oceania is located on Hawaii and is called Mauna Kea, reaching 13,000 ft. in elevation.

Map of Oceania

Map of Oceania

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Australia is a popular tourist destination because of the variety of unique and beautiful physical characteristics. A physical characteristic is a landform, or any type of natural feature on the Earth's surface. Below are some of the more famous landmarks in Australia.

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. This is the world's largest coral reef spanning over 3,000 km. The reef is so large it can be seen from space. It is located off the coast of Queensland. It is home to a diverse population of fish, animals, and living coral.

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

Fraser Island

This island is one of the top tourist destinations in the country. It is also located off the coast of Queensland. On Fraser Island, one can find mangroves, woodlands, sand dunes, and rainforests. It's an incredible mix of climates and terrains.

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Oceania is a collective of islands and ocean spanning from Asia to America. It includes New Zealand, Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Australia. Australia is the smallest of the seven continents, and the biggest island in Oceania. Australia has many landmarks that make it a unique and desirable place to visit. These natural features on the Earth's surface are sometimes referred to as physical features. It is broken up into eight subregions: Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and Australian Capitol Territory.

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Geographical Features

The physical characteristics of an area are the natural landforms of that area. A landform is any natural feature of the Earth's surface. There are lots of features that count as landforms, including valleys, canyons, mountains, rivers, lakes, and coastlines. Topographical, or physical, maps are a way of displaying these features. Human characteristics, on the other hand, are the features of a geography caused by humans, including cities, towns, dams, roads, and communication links.

Australia and the Pacific Islands are an area that includes Australia, Polynesia, including New Zealand, Easter Island, Hawaii, and everything in between, Melanesia, and Micronesia. While Hawaii is part of the United States, it still counts as a Pacific Island since it's located in the Pacific Ocean. Today, we're going to talk about some of the most important physical and human characteristics of Australia and the Pacific.

Human Characteristics

The biggest impact that humans have on a landscape are the cities. Humans build villages, that grow into towns, that grow into cities. The natural landscape is often sacrificed to build them. In Australia, the biggest cities are Sydney at 4.4 million as of 2013, Melbourne at 4.2 million, and Brisbane at 2.1 million. These are also the three biggest cities in the whole of Oceania, including New Zealand. Perth and Adelaide are also home to a million people each. The largest cities in New Zealand are Auckland at 1.4 million people and Christchurch at 341,000 people.

Among the Pacific Islands, the largest city is Honolulu, Hawaii at 348,000 people, followed by Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea at 364,000 people as of 2011. While Indonesia isn't generally considered to be a Pacific Island, it's worth noting that there is a much larger population there: the biggest city in Indonesia is Makassar at 1.3 million people in 2010.

Geographically, the biggest factor that affects the location of these cities is the sea: even in the larger landmasses, like Australia, the presence of water is vital. When the cities were first set up, the ocean would have been important for bringing in supplies, and it is important for trade to this day.

The coastal areas of Australia also have more pleasant climates: the center of Australia is dry with large areas of desert. The location of freshwater was also a factor in the position of cities, and a lot of the mentioned cities were also along rivers. In Australia, the Murray and Darling rivers are hugely important, for example. There are also dozens of rivers in New Zealand, including the Waikato and the Wairoa near Auckland and the Hutt and Ruamahanga near Wellington.

Physical Characteristics

Australia contains multiple mountain ranges. The southwest is home to the Darling Range, and the northwest has the Hamersley Range. But the biggest mountain range by far is the Great Dividing Range that runs along the east coast, reaching a height of 7,310 feet. When it comes to mountains, New Zealand wins the prize for impressiveness. New Zealand contains dozens of mountain ranges, and the highest mountain is Mount Cook at 12,218 feet. The highest mountain in the Pacific as a whole is in Hawaii: Mauna Kea is 13,796 feet.

Australia also contains several famous canyons, including Kings Canyon and the much larger Bungonia Gorge at 400 meters deep. Once again, though, Hawaii wins bragging rights with the Pacific's largest canyon: Waimea Canyon on Kauai. Waimea is 1 mile wide, 10 miles long, and over 3,000 feet deep.

The longest river in Australia and the Pacific Islands is Murray River, which has its source in the Australian Alps and flows a total of 1,200 miles. The Darling River is the second longest at 1,160 miles. Given the size of Australia, no other rivers really compare to these Australian giants. The Waikato River is the largest in New Zealand at 264 miles. Lake Eyre is the largest Australian lake at 3,668 square miles, and just like the rivers, it has little competition in the Pacific.

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