46-Year-Old Carmen Electra Poses Fully Nude For Photo Shoot | LittleThings.com

46-Year-Old Carmen Electra Poses Completely Nude For Photo Shoot, And She's As Gorgeous As Ever

Published Oct 2, 2018
Instagram / Carmen Electra

Carmen Electra may be 46 years old, but she looks like she's still in her 20s. The actress, singer, dancer, and model has made a name for herself since her debut in the 1990s, starring in TV shows and movies like BaywatchAmerican Vampire, and Scary Movie and posing for Playboy.

Throughout the years, Carmen, born Tara Leigh Patrick, has become a household name. People recognize her as a classic bombshell, complete with the hourglass figure and blond hair.

Although she hasn't been starring in as much recently, she still has a rockin' body. She recently showed off her perfect bod in a nude photo shoot that she shared on Instagram. It's safe to say that most 46-year-olds do not look like this.

In addition to her stunning face and body, Carmen's confidence is absolutely beautiful. Even people who are in great shape often feel self-conscious getting completely nude in front of a camera — but not Carmen!

Check out the photos below to see just how amazing she looks.

On September 17, 2018, Carmen Electra shared the above photo to Instagram. She didn't say anything about it, apart from tagging her photographer.

Immediately after sharing that first photo, Carmen shared 14 others. Although some of them are fully covered, others are a bit more scandalous.

It's safe to say that Carmen feels comfortable in her own skin.

In each of the photos, Carmen is wearing heavy makeup. Her hair is blown out beautifully.

Although this is her first nude photo shoot in a while, Carmen has been known to show off her body at any chance she gets.

Instagram / Carmen Electra

And her fans love it!

Instagram / Carmen Electra

The former Playboy model is proud of her body — as she should be!

Instagram / Carmen Electra

So how exactly does Carmen stay in such great shape? According to a 2016 interview with The Cut, her secret is dancing and drinking a lot of water.

Instagram / Carmen Electra

It's obvious that Carmen takes good care of herself. She also told The Cut that she strives for balance in her life, even though she struggles to find it.

Instagram / Carmen Handstand

Some fans find inspiration in Carmen's incredible body. On one of her nude photos, a commenter wrote, "You're the reason why I go to the gym."

Instagram / Carmen Electra

In the past few years, Carmen hasn't been in the spotlight quite as much, but she's still made a few appearances on television.

In 2016, she appeared on an episode of Jane the Virgin, and in 2017 she was on Food Network's Worst Cooks in America.

One thing's for sure: Whether she's all dressed up or completely naked, Carmen Electra always looks absolutely stunning.

Instagram / Carmen Electra

We can't wait to see what she does next!

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