Good Morning America: Weekend Edition : KGO : January 19, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   Good Morning America Weekend Edition  ABC  January 19, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PST

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you earn 5% back in rewards. tjx rewards credit card. an even better value every day. good morning, america. rare rebuke. the special counsel's surprising move. robert mueller's office officially challenging that explosive buzzfeed article about michael cohen and donald trump as the president gets ready to make an announcement just hours from now. massive winter storm impacting more than 116 million americans dumping more than a foot of snow in the midwest. the dangerous driving, trucks jackknifed and overturning. more than a thousand flights delayed or canceled. the east coast bracing for its turn now.ngous storm with sam champion tracking it gas explosion. the fiery blast when a pipeline blows in mexico.
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at least 21 people killed. who authorities are blaming this morning. hands up. the disturbing images. >> oh, my god. look at that. >> a toddler emerging from a truck in the middle of an arrest. what authorities are saying about the incident this morning. and the accidental guest. the guy invited to a stranger's bachelor party but accepting anyway. >> count me in. i'm there. i'm there for my man angelo. i love angelo. >> gearing up for the occasion clear across the country. but what does the groom think? good morning, america. we are following two major story, one is that massive winter storm barreling across the country pounding the midwest overnight. >> heavy snow and freezing rain causing over a thousand delays or cancellations. take a look at these pictures from milwaukee this morning where they are getting a good amount of snow. >> we'll have more on that in just a few minutes but start in washington this morning, two major stories we're tracking right now. >> the special counsel's office
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taking a rare step weighing in on those allegations made by buzzfeed that the president directed his former fixer to lie to congress. >> abc's chief justice correspondent pierre thomas is in washington with the details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: it's being challenged by the white house and parts of it are being disputed by people we rarely hear from outside of court, the special counsel's office. it was reported that michael cohen was directed to lie to congress. a spokesperson for special counsel robert mueller issuing this rare rebuke. buzzfeed's description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony are not accurate. the special counsel's statement does not address every
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allegation in the article but takes issue with how buzzfeed reports the actions taken and the evidence gathered by the mueller team.cohen who will soon pled guilty and said the moscow project was abandoned i the buzzfeed article which abc has not been able to confirm alleges that president trump directed cohen to lie. that report left democrats on capitol hill vowing to investigate and some potential presidential candidates using the "i" word, impeachment. >> the recent articles are quite disturbi disturbing. that's if mr. trump instructed him to lie repeatedly. >> reporter: but the white house and the president's attorneys pushed back hard. >> sarah, did the president direct michael cohen to lie to congress? >> look, that's absolutely ridiculous. it is categorically false. >> reporter: now the president's lawyers say he is vindicated. >> i am glad that bob mueller's office issued the statement. it was called for. it was due. it was the appropriate thing to do. >> reporter: last night the
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president responded tweeting, very sad day for journalism but a great day for our country. but buzzfeed's editor in chief says they still stand by the reporting and he's asking the special counsel's office what they're disputing. >> why did the special counsel's office take this unusual step of commenting? >> reporter: well, the special counsel's office has a reputation for not leaking and clearly they don't like people commenting on the actions of its investigations they're supposedly involved in and, remember, robert mueller has not said a single word in public on this case since he began investigating nearly two years ago. >> a lot of reaction to this story. pierre thomas in washington for us, thank you so much. we turn to the other story out of washington, it is day 29 of the partial government shutdown with no deal in sight. >> and president trump is promising a major announcement this afternoon. abc's stephanie ramos is at the white house with the latest. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: dan and whit, good morning. no details yet as to what
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the president will say exactly later this afternoon from the diplomatic room here at the usts not bumbling on his demands for y,sident trump is set toder deliver what he calls a major announcement from the white house on the government shutdown and southern border. >> i'm not going to get ahead of the president, but i can assure you that he's going to continue fighting for border security. >> reporter: the standstill over the border wall now in its 29th day. the president even threatening weeks ago to sign the national emergency declaration in order to bypass congressional approval for funding of the wall. >> we can do it. i haven't done it. i may do it. i may do it, but we can call a national emergency and build it very quickly. >> reporter: his announcement comes as 800,000 federal workers remain furloughed or working without pay. >> end the shutdown now. >> reporter: capping a week of political back and forth starting when house speaker nancy pelosi asked the president to postpone his state of the
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union address because of the wr apart in terms of the shutdown. >> hopefully not. open up the government is the solution. nancy pelosi canceling her plans to visit troops in afghanistan saying president trump caused a security risk by publicly announcing her trip when he denied her use of a military plane. >> do you view this as retaliation for your letter about the state of the union? >> i would hope not. i don't think the president would be that petty. >> reporter: the president tweeting this video friday. >> take the politics out of it. let's get to work. >> reporter: but he also repeated these warnings. >> we have to secure our southern border. if we don't do that, we're a very, very sad and foolish lot. >> reporter: exclusive video showing monday this large group of asylum seeking families making their way into the u.s. through tunnels. border agents who are currently working without pay meeting them on the other side. on this 29th day of the shutdown
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there is still no resolution as hundreds of thousands of federal workers go without a paycheck struggling to make ends meet. dan. >> there is a lot of pain out there and we should not overlook it. stephanie, thank you so much. there's a lot to talk about this morning so let's bring in our chief political analyst matthew dowd piping in to us from texas. matthew, good morning. so the last time the president addressed the nation about this shutdown, it did not move the needle either in terms of public opinion or in terms of ending the shutdown. so do you think whatever he has to say today is likely to be different? >> well, dan, i think it's, one, it's a little bit bizarre to make an announcement saying you're negotiating. you don't include anybody from the opposite side, any democrats on this and then the people that you say that you met with that your announcement comes from are only from the republican side of this, only from mitch mcconnell. so that is one it's rather bizarre but, two is i don't think the president is going to have any effect on the nation and for two reason, first a majority of the country
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disapproves of this president. his job approval now has fallen to 37% or 38% and, two, two-thirds of the country doesn't trust this president so when a president stands up with those kind of ratings and talks to the american public, it's very hard for me to believe he's going to be able to move anybody when a majority is already resoundingly against him. >> let's talk about the other big story this morning, that buzzfeed report. overnight as we saw that extremely rare statement from the office of special counsel. let me just read it again. i want to get into it a little bit. buzzfeed's description of specific statements to the special counsel's office and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony are not accurate. that doesn't seem like a blanket denial. they're not coming out and saying this story is full on false, so what do you make of what they're saying? >> well, i think the special counsel wants to make sure that, one, that they -- they're demonstrating they weren't the ones that leaked anything. two is you're exactly right. they didn't say anything
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or that everything that buzzfeed reported was untrue or false but said theents of the s weren't accurate. it's not as you say a blanket denial in this. i think bob mueller wants to protect his own integrity and the process' integrity when we finally have a report on this. i think so many people are so anxious for that report and temperatures unlike the weather that we're seeing coming in this weekend are very hot around this, so anything around this becomes overheated in the process. so i think it's best if everybody just pauses and calms down before we launch into these things. >> and, again, what buzzfeed was reporting was that the president allegedly told his former lawyer, michael cohen, to lie to congress. the fact that here we are 36 hours after this report first surfaced and no other journalistic organization has been able to confirm those allegations, what does that say to you? >> well, i think we're in a time where our politics and our journalism, we ought to do it
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methodically, and we ought to do it in a process that doesn't get out in front of what's going on. again, everybody is so anxious and on pins and needles about the report, and it's been now obviously the investigation has been going on almost two years, i think it's best everybody do this in a calm and reasoned manner, and i think that applies not only to our politicians but journalists as well. >> absolutely. matthew dowd, really appreciate your analysis on a saturday morning. have a great rest of your weekend. >> thanks, you too. stay warm. >> we will. the northeast where they're bracing for blizzard-like conditions, brutal cold in some places, several feet of snow. >> really not looking forward to this. this is the scene in chicago. windy and snowy conditions there. rob is off this morning but we brought in a ringer, sam champion. right here tracking the storm from central park. what's the latest this morning? >> good morning, everyone. good morning, dan. yeah, we can pull out all the big descriptive winter terms because this storm has them all. let's start with the fact this is the biggest winter storm of the season so far and get right to the board and show you what's
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going on this morning and tell everyone what to expect. rean powstoreven on the stn i you're getting some in michigan as well. northern indiana getting some snow. look at these warnings, watches and alerts. just take the pink, the winter storm warning, and there's about 116 million people involved in those watches and warnings there. when you take the entire storm even the tornado watch that's well down into louisiana, mississippi right now, you've got almost 200 million people under the storm so let's watch it move because there's rain, there's storms, there's ice, there's snow. by the time we get to 6:00 p.m. on saturday, we already have a band from memphis all the way into albany, new york, and practically into boston with the snow falling. now, overnight is when the snow really starts to collect in northern new england. it just pounds there. but we will get a mix along the coastline so don't worry. throughout the morning and throughout the day we're going to tell you when that changes and what your snow totals will
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be. some people will get more than two feet of snow and right now it's already snowing in chicago. that's where our kenneth moton is. >> reporter: sams we are getting hammered. lake michigan behind me. the wind is gusting at more than 30 miles per hour. the visibility is not any better and it is at three-quarters of a mile as this major winter storm impacts the region. this morning, whiteout conditions across parts of the midwest as this major winter storm strengthens. near kansas city, snow blowing sideways making for treacherous travel. cars abandoned on the side of the road. in chicago, heavy snow is blanketing the city where nearl. in wisconsin, plows are at work as crews try to keep the roads clear. some cars still spinning out. in southern minnesota, this tractor trailer in a ditch after nearly a foot of snow fell here snarling traffic. in omaha this southwest plane slid off the runway after arriving at epley airfield in
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icy conditions. >> southwest, he went off the end of the runway down there. >> reporter: luckily, none of the 156 passengers were hurt. also this morning, avalanche warnings in three western states after the storm dumped feet of snow in parts of the rockies. in colorado rescuers jumped into action after authorities say a skier at a popular resort outside denver caused an avalanche. while no injuries were reported, officials urged residents in the area to remain on high alert. this morning, emergency crews across the northeast are bracing for this dangerous winter weather as the storm marches east. here in chicago, this will be the scene for much of the morning again. this area expects to get a half a foot of snow. the other big story, guys, the temperatures dramatically dropping. the windchill expected to be in the teens. dan. >> that does not look like a fun live shot, kenneth. go inside and get warm, please. >> that storm is causing some headaches for travelers at the start of what is a holiday weekend. >> abc's erielle reshef is at laguardia airport. luckily for her we've let her
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stay inside. laguardia is right here in new york city. erielle, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys. that major wintestng aim and threatening travel on a very busy weekend. tsa estimating at least 8 million people will pass through its checkpoints nationwide. more than 1,100 flights have already been canceled, and as for the airports most affected, chicago o'hare airport where the storm is already hitting boston's logan airport and jfk here in new york and as the weather continues to deteriorate, the situation for travelers could get a lot worse. and it's not just air travel that is being impacted by this. it is also amtrak. amtrak is saying it's operating on a modified schedule so you're going to want to check your train schedule before you head out to the station. guys. turning to president trump getting ready for a second summit with north korean leader kim jong-un to discuss denuclearation. the white house announcing that the meeting will take place at the end of february with the location to be decided on a
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later date. now, that announcement came shortly after president trump and secretary of state mike pompeo met with north korea's chief nuclear negotiator kim jong chul on friday. that happened in the oval office. the pentagon has released the names of the four americans killed in syria earlier this week. they have been identified as army green beret jonathan farmer from florida, navy interpreter shannon kent from upstate new york, former navy s.e.a.l. scott wirtz and defense contractor valiant has named the fourth victim as ghadir taher. isis has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing. president trump tweeting this morning that he will be heading to dover air force base to meet with the families of those four victims. we turn to the breaking story overnight out of mexico. a deadly fireball as an illegally tapped pipeline goes up in flames. >> abc's lana zak is in washington with the details. good morning, lana. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the images coming in from mexico are stunning. the death toll jumping this
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morning to at least 66 killed. more than 70 others injured in this massive fire in a small town in the state of hidalgo, mexico, about 62 miles north of mexico city and authorities say a fuel pipeline ruptured by thieves exploded causing the pipe of line to spew fuel dozens of feet into the air. ambulances and doctors were sent to the scene immediately after the deadly explosion. the injured were rushed to hospitals in mexico city and all of the inhabitants in the area have been evacuated according to state oil company petroloes mexicanos. fire trucks are now tackling the vicious flames. mexico's new president andres manuel lopez obrador has been waging a campaign against fuel thieves and he has called on all branches of government to lend assistance to the victims. whit. >> all right. lana zak for us in washington. incredible images. thanks so much. we want to transition and go back to sam champion who is with us from central park this morning. sam, just hours away from the first snowflakes coming down
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hammering much of the northeast, right? >> oh, yeah, whit. there's no doubt about it. by the way, look at that gorgeous sky behind me right now. so, folks are waking up this morning in new england and we showed you it's already snowing in chicago the last time we were on the air but in new england and the east coast people going, what, what are you talking about? it's not happening. yes, it will. don't worry about it. let's show you what happens as a matter of fact. by 5:00, 6:00 tonight we begin a long band of snow that runs from memphis all the way into close to boston. that will include the new york city area. but let's break it down for you because there's some mixing along the coastline and there's an ice danger here with this storm that could really mean you need to shut down travel for awhile overnight into sunday morning. there's going to be a lot of power outages, and you've just got to see where the ice will be a quarter of an inch accumulating ice. from monticello, new york, springfield, mass, so i really feel strongly about this border of connecticut on into massachusetts that could be the accumulating ice zone. leen right about saturday at 8:00
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p.m. where we begin to get that icing in and we get the changeover into rain, there's one other time that i'm very concerned about, and that's the flash freeze after everything ends. this moisture will wrap up and start pulling out very quickly. but you're going to get these temperatures that are going to be 13 below zero. that's the weather around the nation. good saturday morning, i'm meteorologist frances dinglasan. we'll see light scattered showers but mainly confined to the north bay today. highs generally in the 60s, but we're well above average in many areas. san francisco 61, oakland 63, san jose warming up to 66 degrees today. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. so we've got the scattered showers in the north bay, mild temperatures tomorrow. it will be cooler and windy as another storm moves through, but drier and cooler for monday martin luther ki >> so if you're waking up on your saturday morning and you don't have the snow yet, don't worry.
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it's all the mess that's going to come. you have today to get things ready, guys. >> just for the record i want to make sure everyone knows we didn't put sam outside. that was our executive producer. >> i think sam might have wanted to be out there because he didn't want to get picked on. >> perhaps. perhaps. >> looking good, sam. >> we do miss you, sam. >> yes, it's great to have you here on a weekend with so much weather news, so thank you very much, sam. appreciate it. well, some thieves in colorado didn't know what they were in for when they decided to try and rob a house in pueblo. surveillance video shows the three armed men entering the home, one even checking out the refrigerator, then they notice a woman at the front door. >> that's when i ran back across my street. i picked up my gun, and i went back again, and that's when i started to tell them that i had a gun. >> i have a gun. >> oh, yeah, she ran right in. the homeowner's brave mother-in-law scaring the
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robbers away. one of the suspects was taken into custody. police are still looking for the other two. >> she's kind of calmly walking through with that pistol like she'd been there before. >> she is. >> well, she was ready. >> she was prepared. >> she was definitely ready. yeah, well, i'm impressed she got there before the police did. >> true. >> because he called the police and he called his mother-in-law. so, thank you, momma. a pittsburgh man is recovering after a successful kidney transplant thanks to a complete stranger. listen to this. this is an amazing story. the good samaritan happened to be listening to a police radio on wednesday night when he heard a call from a doctor who was carrying the organ to the hospital. so the doctor's car broke down and he needed help. brad dostlik offered to drive him the more than 100 miles to the hospital. just in time to save 63-year-old tom loree seen right here after the surgery with a big smile i'm sure this morning. >> incredible. precious cargo. yeah. >> maybe the most, maybe the most precious for that moment. >> adrienne, thank you very much. >> no problem. >> appreciate that.
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and coming up here on "gma," emotions running high during the sentencing of an officer convicted of murder for shooting 17-year-old laquan mcdonald. caught on camera, disturbing images, the toddler with her hands up who wandered out of a truck during an arrest. what police are saying this morning. and the unexpected bachelor party guest arriving in style. follow one man's journey across the country after he accide accidentally got an invite to the celebration for a groom he'd never met. we'll be right back. "good morning america" is sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family so feed them like family with blue.
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good morning, everyone. i'm chris nguyen. happening today, several women's marches are planned here in the bay area and expected to draw thousands of people. the rally starts at civic center pla plaza. in oakland events start at 10:00 a.m. the march begins at 11:00 a.m. down in san jose, the march begins at 11:00 a.m. at san jose city hall followed by a rally at
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arena green. let's get a check of the forecast now with frances dinglasan. >> it's looking dry for all the web's marches around the bay area. where we will see more rain is parts of the north bay. you can see live doppler 7 some scattered showers will be moving through throughout the day. right now temperatures are mainly in the 50s, but this afternoon we'll see some warmer temperatures, in the 60s, even 66 in san jose, but cooler showers in the north bay, chris. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring.
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welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. happening right now, president trump promising a major announcement this afternoon on the crisis at the southern border as we enter day 29 of the partial government shutdown. even with the shutdown the special counsel's office is hard at work taking a rare step and challenging parts of a buzzfeed article that reported president trump allegedly directed his former attorney, michael cohen, to lie to congress. buzzfeed saying they stand by their reporting. also right now, women's march. thousands of women gathering at freedom plaza in washington, d.c. for the third annual women's march. several sister marches are also being held across the country and abroad. on friday thousands gathered at the national mall for the 46th annual march for life rally against abortion. >> this morning, a chicken recall. perdue farms announcing it's recalling more than 68,000 pounds of chicken nuggets because they may contain pieces of wood.
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the gluten-free organics breaded chicken breast nuggets were sold in 22-ounce plastic bags with a best buy date of october 25th, 2019. ancoming up this morning, the stunning scene. police arresting two men when suddenly a toddler gets out of the truck with her hands raised. how police are defending the way the situation was handled. but first emotional testimony in the sentencing hearing for a former chicago police officer convicted of murder for shooting 17-year-old laquan mcdonald. >> all of that emotion spread outside of the courtroom with protesters yelling at jason van dyke's family after his sentence was handed down. abc's alex perez has the story now from chicago. >> reporter: jason van dyke learning his fate in a chicago courtroom. >> an appropriate sentence would be 81 months in the illinois department of corrections. >> reporter: a nearly seven-year prison sentence for the former chicago police officer who was convicted of second degree murder back in october after killing 17-year-old laquan mcdonald.
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the 2014 incident all captured on police dash cam took place when van dyke responded to a call of someone breaking into cars. it shows the cop shooting the teen 16 times as he appears to be walking away with a three-inch knife in his hand sparking months long protests. during the trial van dyke rebuked prosecutors' allegations of racism testifying he believed mcdonald was lunging at him with the knife. >> i was yelling at him drop the knife. i yelled it i don't know how many times. >> reporter: laquan mcdonald's uncle delivering a message to the former cop on friday in the voice of his dead nephew. >> why should this person who has ended my life forever be free when i'm dead forever. >> reporter: van dyke's wife also taking the stand pleading for leniency. >> there was no malice, no hatred. it was simply a man doing his job. >> reporter: van dyke the final person to speak before the
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judge's decision. >> the last thing i ever wanted to do especially october 20th, 2014 was to shoot laquan mcdonald. >> reporter: van dyke's attorney who asked the judge to sentence him only to probation says his client accepts the decision. >> he's certainly not happy about going to jail. he's certainly not happy about missing his family but he's happy about the prospect of life ahead of him. >> the mcdonald family says the sentencing is not just about laquan. >> this case represents a victory for all of the families across this country that have never gotten justice. >> reporter: alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> and van dyke's attorney has said he will appeal this case. >> let's turn now to weather and sam champion. he is outside. we have a huge storm heading our direction now. >> hey, yeah, it really is a big one. there's so much of the country that's covered. if you look at the northeast we're talking about snow, ice, rain, wind, coas but let's concentrate on the south a little bit because we've had some tornado watches early in the morning.
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we have some tornado watches, warnings that have already happened and so we've got some powerful storms lining up down south. here's your watch zone. baton rouge, you're in it, hattiesburg, you're in. as my grandfather used to say, bato low, this is the big storm driving the northeastern snowstorm and it's really in arkansas and missouri right now, so we've got a lot of ground for it to travel. so this morning during the day today, one of our problems will be these storms that light up into the south, new orleans into pensacola. dothan, alabama, columbus, georgia, you're involved in this. birmingham as well. for those strong storms, there could be more tornado watches that are happening today. more warnings as well, so keep an eye on that but what everyone is going to be talking about, the kind of shutdown weather situation that will be going on saturday night into sunday will be this snow and this ice and this storm will have accumulating ice. we'll have power outages and no doubt about it, there will be times we just need to get you off the roads completely and that is likely to be saturday into sunday.
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so be very careful about that ice accumulation and the snow, the wind, all of it. good saturday morning. i'm meteorologist frances dinglasan. temperatures in the 50s right now. w'll still see some spotty sprinkles throughout the day mainly in the north bay. we'll warm up to the mid-60s for many locations and the sprinkles continue through >> now, all that weather was brought to you by united health care. flash an nt to forget this arctic blow-out that comes behind this storm so get ready for a prolonged period of very cold temperatures, guys. >> sam, while we were watching you, eva commented that you didn't look cold enough. is there anything we can do about that? >> i was just saying -- >> don't worry, tomorrow -- >> it was impressive because i would be freezing. >> i took it a different way. >> tomorrow at this time when it's icy rain it will be miserable enough and everybody will be happy. >> got it, okay. >> i will say if you want to warm up, just go to sam's instagram page because the beach
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excursions from brazil to south florida, all the pictures will warm you right up. sam, we do appreciate that. >> he also knows he's going back tomorrow. >> i know. >> live vicariously through sam and his winter adventures if you need to. coming up on "good morning america," police now responding to this image showing a toddler with her hands raised as an arrest was taking place. what led up to this shocking scene? and the ring's the thing. ariana grande's brand-new video and its message ahead in "pop news." ♪ my hair, gee thanks ♪ just bought it it ♪
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this beneful grain free is so healthy... oh! farm-raised chicken! that's good chicken! hm!? here come the accents. blueberries and pumpkin. wow. and spinach! that was my favorite bite so far. (avo) beneful grain free. out with the grain, in with the farm-raised chicken. healthful. flavorful. beneful. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it! moving? that's haitis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness
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so imagine seeing this play so imagine seeing this play out in front of you. a toddler emerging from a truck with her hands up walking toward the police. >> yeah, this morning authorities are defending how the officers acted during that situation. >> oh, this baby got out. >> reporter: this morning police are defending the actions of officers seen in this video. >> oh, she has her hands up. >> oh, my god. >> this dramatic cell phone video captured by a nearby driver showing a toddler walking over to officers with their weapons drawn with her hands up as if she was surrendering.
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body cam video showing it started with tallahassee police responding to reports of armed shoplifters arresting two men in the car and then this stunning moment. a child suddenly climbing out of the blue pickup truck hands in the air. >> as they had suspected armed adults stepped out of the truck when unexpectedly a 2-year-old girl climbed out of the truck and imitated her parents by walking to the officers with her hands raised. >> reporter: stunned witnesses couldn't believe what they were seeing. >> wow. >> reporter: the tallahassee police chief defending how the situation was handled. >> and we're proud of how our officers handled the situation, how they adapted when they became aware of the children and the level of concern and compassion that they showed for the family. >> reporter: the department also releasing this body cam video showing another angle. in it you can hear the officers helping the girl to a woman who appeared to be her mother. >> sweetie, you can put your hands down. you're fine. you're fine.
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go to mommy. nd thi the tallahassee police safelyeturd to her family. officers also found another younger child inside the truck as well but no way you look at that that it doesn't disturb you in some way. >> poor kid. >> yeah. >> no matter what happened, who is at fault, the child, terrifying situation for the kid. that is for sure. >> yeah. coming up on "good morning america," the man accidentally invited to a stranger's bachelor party because of a typo. how he's gearing up for one heck of a time. and why you will reportedly be seeing cardi b on super bowl sunday. the details coming up in "pop news" with adrienne bankert. pop news" with adrienne bankert. you could take the treatment of your ulcerative colitis in a different direction. talk to your doctor about xeljanz, a pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. xeljanz is the first and only fda-approved pill for moderate to severe uc. it can reduce symptoms in as early as two weeks, improve the appearance of the intestinal lining,
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what started as an accident
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led to a fast friendship that no one ever expected. >> i love this story. a guy receiving an invite to a bachelor party because of a typo then hopping on a plane to make it happen. this is will novak from phoenix, arizona. this is will novak from brooklyn, new york, two men on different sides of the country brought together by a single typo in an email address. devin onello was running out of time sending out invitations to his brother angelo's bachelor party weekend in vermont when he accidentally emailed the invitation to a total stranger. >> i got a response from this guy i never met, never heard of. >> my email was just kind of, hey, guys, you know, i live in arizona, vermont is a long way away. i don't know how to ski, all that said, count me in. i'm there. i'm there for my man angelo. i love angelo. >> i said to him, listen, man, if you really want to come, i'm inviting you. you better show up. >> reporter: will turned to the crowd funding site to try to finance the journey.
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within hours he had met his goal. will says it's been years since he put on skis but revealed this festive ski suit he plans on hitting the slopes in. a sure hit with his new buddies. >> red, white and blue, baby. >> reporter: was will setting off on his cross-country the donations kept pouring in making sure will had adequate transportation. >> if someone can google how to turn off the heated seats in a maserati. >> reporter: at the bachelor party would stay well hydrated. and as will from arizona looks forward to partying with his new pals, the other will is just hoping he won't be replaced. >> this is the first step in their new friendship so i don't know. i'm hoping to -- that he doesn't fully replace me. i got this just so everyone knows, you know, the real william novak shirt. >> got to have the t-shirt. got to clarify. >> i love this. >> this is like a movie. >> absolutely. >> it's got to take a dark turn, though. >> no. >> no. >> we got an update to the movie here.m arizona finally made it to vermont to angelo's
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bachelor party and he posted this photo on twitter. that's angelo there in the middle, the groom-to-be and the caption reads, i rolled in about 2:30 a.m. it's 3:30 now. up at 6:30 for skiing so they are going hard right out of the gates. >> look at that wig. seems like he's in good company there with that outfit. >> seems like the dark turn has already been made. >> i think so. >> i smell a netflix special. >> perhaps. by the way, all these people giving money, he was trying to raise like 700 bucks or so. it's now up to $4,000. he's going to give the extra money to the bride and groom. so big wedding gift to go along with the party. >> that is so awesome. >> there may be better causes out there. maybe. >> just maybe. >> i'm all right with the $4,000 gift for my wedding. it's okay. bring it on. >> fair enough. >> there need to be more will novaks in the world, dan. still ahead, we have more gifts that keep on giving. cardi b, why you could be seeing her at the super bowl even if she's not performing. that's ahead in "pop news." metastatic breast cancer is relentless,
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but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. verzenio + an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. serious liver problems can occur. symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling
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"good morning america" is sponsored by prudential insurance. it's time for "pop news." it's adrienne bankert. i hear you brought us some food. >> i did, but we'll get to that at the very end. >> i have to wait? >> yes, you have to wait for dessert first. hi, everybody. ariana grande moving on. her brand-new single from her upcoming album shows she's doing fine on her own. female empowerment the message in "seven rings," which is inspired by "my favorite things" from "the sound of music." listen. ♪ i got it i want it i got it i want it i got it i want it i got it ♪ ♪ you like my hair gee thanks ♪ just bought it >> do you like my hair? gee, thanks, just bought it. >> just bought it, all right. >> grande's best friends are all featured in the video in real life. she said the song was inspired by a trip to tiffany's she took with them after her breakup with pete davidson where she bought them all friendship rings.
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>> i love that. >> as one does after a breakup. >> uh-huh. >> yeah? >> i'm not speaking about their breakup or anything else after that. okay. cardi b may not be performing at the super bowl but that doesn't mean you won't be seeing her. multiple sources reporting that usually a must see and is watched by hundreds of millions of people online even after it airs. tmz reports the commercial has already been shot. other major stars who made their mark in pepsi commercials include the one and only britney spears, beyonce and one direction. so we will see. also now to the bride, she took her wedding dress on the road. nick and zoe on their very first date joked about traveling around the world. after getting married in december 2017 they quit their day jobs to live out that dream. here's zoe in her beautiful v-neck ferrara gown all over the planet from bali to rome to dubai to mt. everest. last year they traveled to 33 countries all in that wedding dress looking newlywed fab. in every single shot.
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the couple tells "people" magazine life is too short to only wear your wedding dress once. our hope is when people see our pictures they feel inspired to explore a new place, try a new hobby and fulfill that dream they've always had. >> also, those dresses are expensive. geez. >> you've always been thinking about what do we do to break tradition and make it seem whimsical? >> can't you shorten, tailor it and dye it. >> tie-dye. >> there are people who do that for you, dan. there are people. leeanne marshall, i know she does that, fashion designer shoutout. time to celebrate this holiday that pops up once a year. it's national popcorn day. >> a solemn day. >> did you just eat some popcorn? >> i did. >> you can have popcorn? >> i can have popcorn. >> it is vegan. that one is vegan. our spread today provided by garrett popcorn shops, so thank you, thank you, we love you. we have your signature chicago style popcorn, which is that sweet and savory, the cheddar with the caramel. butter flavor and some hot cocoa caramel crisp. you can get a free bag of popcorn at any of their participating stores. today, 20% online with code garrett for all.
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>> oh. >> can't help you there. >> so close. see you tomorrow, everybody. see you tomorrow, everybody. good morning, everyone, i'm chris nguyen. several women's march's are planned here in the bay area and expected to draw thousands of people. the san francisco women's march starts with a rally at civic center plaza then the march goes down to the ferry building. in oakland the events start at 10:00 a.m. with a rally at the lake merritt amphitheater. the march begins at 11:00 a.m. and in san jose, the march begins at 11:00 a.m. at san jose city hall followed by a rally at
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arena green. let's get a check of the forecast now with meteorologist frances dinglasan. hi, frances. >> hi, chris, good morning, everyone. we are going to see some light scattered showers in parts of the north bay throughout the day today and hopefully we'll try to get live doppler 7-up for you. there we go. most areas will be dry. we do see some sprinkles, though, with the live camera from mt. tam. temperatures are mainly in the 50s right now. a little bit of limited visibility with some fog through parts of the north bay like santa rosa three miles and four miles in half moon bay. for san francisco's women's march today, it will be mostly dry with only a 10% chance of rain. so cloudy throughout the day but temperatures will be warming up into the low 60s by this afternoon. look for mild temperatures around the bay area today, but also we have another storm on its way and that's coming tomorrow. i'll have details on that as well. chris. >> frances, thank you. up next, a natural gas pipeline explosion in mexico has killed dozens of people.
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what government officials say was to blame. abc 7 news at 8:00 is next. i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen. and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away
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if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it! it's saturday, january 19th. good morning and thanks for
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being with us. i'm chris nguyen. let's start with a first look at the forecast. here's meteorologist frances dinglasan in for lisa argen. >> good morning, everyone. we already saw sprinkles in parts of the north bay and live doppler 7 is picking up on that. santa rosa got 0.02 of an inch throughout the morning. we'll see sprinkles continue throughout the day. today's storm ranks a 1, it's very light with scattered showers mainly in the north bay. many areas won't get any rain at all and up to 0.1 of an inch through parts of the north bay. here's how it plays out with the forecast animation. at 9:00 you'll see light showers moving through but by lunchtime mostly dry for everyone. then we have our best chance of sprinkles during the early evening hours, possibly extending as far south as san francisco. those sprinkles continue throug


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