Really Good Face Mask Signs
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21 Stores That Had The Absolute Perfect Response To People Not Wearing Masks

"No mask. No Tacos." Very effective.

Last week, a vintage store in Phoenix went viral for their killing grandma face mask sign. This is clearly becoming a thing, so here's a collection of other stores with really good mask signs.


Sign reading No face mask no tacos


Sign reading you can choose not to wear a mask then you must remove all your clothes to enter it's all or nothing it's about choices


Sign reading mask required to enter, karen


Sign reading if you come into the store without a mask we will have to take your temperature ps we only have rectal thermometers


Sign reading COVID-19 is some real shit cover your fucking mouth stfu buy your shit and leave asap stand back at least 6 feet playa you cough and you are out


Possibly the best sign for all Missoula businesses during this time for the entitled ones who refuse to wear a mask. A friend of mine posted outside his store in LV. @MissoulaCurrent @kpaxnews #mtnews #montana #missoula #WearADamnMask #MaskUpMT


Sign reading screaming at employees for protecting their workers and customers does not make you a patriot it makes you an asshole


Sign reading no mask on your face you big disgrace spreading your germs all over the place


Much like the pandemic, this vintage store warning sign escalated quickly


@chrisilluminati @jovanystweets Just printed these off and put em up the road no lie


Sign in New York. Can't wait to go back one day. Telling people like it is 👍🏼😂


We assure you we’re open! A beautiful day to put on your mask, grab your best social distancing practices, and come snag some new music at the store! Keep an eye out while shopping for signs on how to best follow our reopening guidelines. Damn it feels good to be open again. ❤️📀


Sign reading if you or a loved one has been refused entry to a private business for not wearing a mask and would like to explore legal options our law firm is happy to explain how fucking stupid you are


"No Mask, No Liquor" -- sign in the window of the ABC store here on Oak Island, NC. Makes you yearn for the good old days of "No Shoes, No Booze." 😅🍾 #tcot #coronavirus #MasksOn


Sign reading put the motherfucker mask on your face


@chrisilluminati From my cookie shop in Templeton Ca.


Spotted this sign at my favorite pizzeria. #pizza #COVIDー19 #facemask #insidedining


Catch my brother at the anti-mask protest in NB today


Sign reading stop collaborate and listen 5 steps back if there's a mask you're missin


made a sign for my apartment complex so all my neighbors can see!! 🥰 WEAR A MASK!


Sign reading just wear a fucking mask