Quiz Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Largely due to this man's efforts, Christianity was defined by a single set of beliefs and documents.
Select one:
a. Constantine
b. St. Augustine
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. St. Paul
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Largely due to this man's efforts, Christianity was defined by a single set of beliefs and documents.
Select one:
a. Constantine
b. St. Augustine
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. St. Paul
Which of the following did occur during the Dark Ages (c. 400-1000)?
Select one:
a. the Christian church became increasingly weak
b. the dogma of the Christian church became challengeable
c. Arab philosophy, science, and theology flourished
d. in the Western world the question concerning what is true became very important to determine
Aquinas' great achievement was the:
Select one:
a. conversion of a large number of Aristotelians to Christianity
b. demonstration that Christianity was not the only correct religion
c. application of scientific method in solving theological problems
d. reconciliation of faith and reason
During the period before the Renaissance, which of the following was not true?
Select one:
a. astrology was extremely popular
b. superstitions characterized most all people including peasants, kings, and the clergy
c. nonbelievers in the church were treated poorly and were dealt with severely
d. scientific inquiry and reason were encouraged
Events following the death of Aristotle created a situation in which people sought:
Select one:
a. answers to questions concerning problems of everyday living
b. the first principles or universals that underlie physical reality
c. philosophical certainty
d. a solution to Zeno's paradox
The fact that St. Paul ___________ would have been abhorrent to most Greek philosophers.
Select one:
a. valued faith above reason
b. valued reason above faith
c. valued intuition above empirical observation
d. valued Epicureanism above Stoicism
Which of the following did St. Paul add to the Judaic tradition?
Select one:
a. there was one God who created the universe
b. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent
c. humans fell from a state of grace in the Garden of Eden
d. God sacrificed his Son to atone for our shared transgression, otherwise known as original sin, which allows humans to reunite with God
The attempt to synthesize Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology was referred to as:
Select one:
a. Neoplatonism
b. Averroism
c. Scholasticism
d. Paganism
Who was responsible for the ontological argument for the existence of God?
Select one:
a. St. Augustine
b. St. Anselm
c. Lombard
d. Abelard
All of the following were true of Averroës' philosophy except:
Select one:
a. it was basically Aristotelian
b. it was basically Platonistic
c. it denied that anything personal survived death
d. it was severely attacked by Christian theologians
For St. Augustine, God can be known through:
Select one:
a. the Scriptures
b. introspection
c. the study of nature
d. the Scriptures and introspection