Quiz & Worksheet - Features of Unitary Governments | Study.com

Unitary Government | Definition, Characteristics & Examples - Quiz & Worksheet


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What is a unitary system of government?

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1. How is a unitary system different from a federal system?

2. What is a real world example of a unitary government?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

When learning about the different countries in the world, it is important to understand the different types of governments those countries can have. One type of government is a unitary government, and these assessment questions will go over some information about it. You'll be tested on points such as the differences between unitary and federal governments as well as current examples of unitary governments.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

This quiz and worksheet will test you on:

  • The definition of unitary government
  • The differences between a unitary system and a federal system
  • Contemporary examples of unitary governments
  • Advantages and disadvantages of unitary governments

Skills Practiced

  • Information recall - access the knowledge you've gained regarding the features of a unitary system of government
  • Distinguishing differences - ensure that you can differentiate between unitary governments and federal systems
  • Knowledge application - use your knowledge of unitary governments to identify examples of countries that use this system as well as advantages and disadvantages of the system

Additional Learning

Expand your knowledge of this type of government system by viewing the lesson called Unitary Government: Definition, Examples, Advantages & Disadvantages. This lesson covers the following topics:

  • Overview of unitary governments
  • Unitary governments and federalism
  • Current examples of unitary governments
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the unitary system