Trade Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
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1 trade /ˈtreɪd/ noun
plural trades
1 trade
plural trades
Britannica Dictionary definition of TRADE
[noncount] : the activity or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services : commerce
see also free trade, trade deficit, trade surplus
: the amount of things or services that are bought and sold : the money made by buying and selling things or services
: the act of exchanging one thing for another
US, sports : the act of giving one of your players to another team and getting one of their players in return
: a job
especially : a job that requires special training and skills and that is done by using your hands
see also jack-of-all-trades
[count] : a certain kind of business or industry
see also rag trade

tools of the/your trade

: a set of tools or skills that are necessary for a particular kind of job or work

trick of the/your trade

: a quick or clever way of doing something that you have learned usually as part of your job
see also stock-in-trade
2 trade /ˈtreɪd/ verb
trades; traded; trading
2 trade
trades; traded; trading
Britannica Dictionary definition of TRADE
: to give something to someone and receive something in return : to give something in exchange for something else
[no object]
[+ object]
[+ object] US, sports : to give (one of your players) to another team in exchange for one of their players
[+ object] : to stop using (one thing) and start using another
[no object] : to buy, sell, or exchange goods or services often + with or in
: to buy and sell stocks, bonds, etc.
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] chiefly British : to exist as a company or business

trade down

[phrasal verb]
: to sell something you own and buy a similar thing that costs less money

trade in

[phrasal verb]
trade (something) in or trade in (something)
: to sell (something) back to a business as part of your payment for something else
see also trade-in

trade off

[phrasal verb]
trade off or trade off (something) US used to describe a situation in which one person does something, then another person does it, and so on
trade off (something) : to give up (something that you want) in order to have something else usually + for
see also trade-off

trade on

[phrasal verb]
trade on (someone or something)
: to use (something) in a way that helps you : to get an advantage from (something)

trade up

[phrasal verb]
: to sell something you own and buy a similar thing that is more expensive