The Theory of Relativity Lesson for Kids - Lesson |
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The Theory of Relativity Lesson for Kids

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Elizabeth Foster

Elizabeth has been involved with tutoring since high school and has a B.A. in Classics.

Expert Contributor
Christianlly Cena

Christianlly has taught college Physics, Natural science, Earth science, and facilitated laboratory courses. He has a master's degree in Physics and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree.

Learn about the theory of relativity created by Albert Einstein. Discover the parts of the theory, including special relativity regarding motion, space, and time, as well as general relativity that asserts planets bend space and time.

Have you ever heard of Albert Einstein? He had some pretty crazy hair, but he also had some pretty great ideas.

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  • 0:04 The Theory of Relativity
  • 0:37 Special Relativity
  • 1:56 General Relativity
  • 2:33 Relativity in the Real World
  • 3:15 Lesson Summary

Special relativity says that motion is always relative. Imagine a baseball floating alone in empty space. How do you know if it's moving or not? You can't. But if you put a basketball in space with the baseball, you could see whether the baseball was getting closer to the basketball or further away from it. Then you could see if the baseball was moving.

That's why it's called ''relativity.'' The motion of one thing is always relative to the motion of everything else.

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Now let's go on to general relativity. General relativity explains why things fall towards the ground when you drop them.

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As you're walking around every day, you probably don't notice that the planet you live on is bending space and time. You don't notice that time can slow down as you move faster.

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Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, a scientific explanation about how space relates to time. Special relativity says that motion is always relative and that space and time exist in relation to each other. General relativity states that planets bend space and time the way a bowling ball bends a trampoline.

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Additional Activities

The Theory of Relativity: True or False Activity

This activity will help you assess your knowledge of the theory of relativity.


Determine whether the following statements are true or false. To do this, print or copy this page on a blank paper and write the letter of your answer on the table.

A. The theory of relativity explains how space relates to speed.

B. Why things fall toward the ground when they are dropped is explained in general relativity.

C. Albert Einstein developed the general and special theory of relativity.

D. Time slows down as a person or object moves slowly in space.

E. In special relativity, you may see the movement of a single object in space.

F. Mass is affected by speed according to the special relativity theory.

G. As time and space are connected, time speeds up as you move quickly.

H. An object's motion is always relative to the motion of the objects around it.

J. Planets are able to bend space and time towards them thus allowing objects on Earth to fall towards the ground.

I. The speed of light is relative to the objects around it in space.

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