The Second Great Awakening | Overview, Beliefs & Significance - Lesson |
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The Second Great Awakening | Overview, Beliefs & Significance

Katie Mantooth, Alexandra Lutz
  • Author
    Katie Mantooth

    Katie Mantooth is a writer who lives in Indianapolis, IN. She graduated from Marian University with a Bachelors in English. During her time at Marian, she worked at the Writing Center on campus where she helped run the social media and tutor at the collegiate level.

  • Instructor
    Alexandra Lutz

    Alexandra has taught students at every age level from pre-school through adult. She has a BSEd in English Education.

Learn about the Second Great Awakening. Discover what led to the Second Great Awakening, its major figures, and its lasting influence on American society. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Second Great Awakening known for?

The Second Great Awakening is known for spreading the idea of universal salvation and religious free will. Socially, it set the stage for major social change by introducing ideas of abolition, feminism, and temperance.

How was the Second Great Awakening different from the first?

The Second Great Awakening is generally seen as a continuation of the first, but there are some major differences. Mainly, the First Great Awakening focused on the spread of Protestant religion itself, while the Second Great Awakening focused on universal salvation rather than predestination and personal responsibility. The Second Great Awakening was also more politically minded.

In the early 19th century, America was going through an intense period of socio-political change and reform. Regardless of one's religion, race, or political leaning, it was a time of uncertainty and fear. America was still a young country, having gained independence from Britain in 1776, and the pressure of creating an entirely new government weighed on the politicians and the people alike. As an added stressor, tensions between slave-owners and abolitionists had begun to mount. Americans needed something to turn to and take their attention away from the confusing world around them. This created the perfect atmosphere for another Great Awakening.

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  • 0:10 The Second Great Awakening
  • 3:01 Spreading the Word
  • 5:52 Transferring Christian…
  • 7:51 Lesson Summary

The early 1800s was a time of immense change for Americans. America had only won its independence a few years prior, in 1776, and was settling into independence. Americans had begun to move away from the Anglican church, as they wanted a religion that would reflect their American values. Arguments were emerging among politicians about states' rights versus federal rights, and tensions among abolitionists and slaveholders were rising. Alcohol consumption was on its way up, church attendance had fallen dramatically, and social changes had brought about "sinful" lifestyles, though this era's definition of sinful differs drastically from the modern definition. Most religious leaders had become worried for the souls of the general population as the zeal from the First Great Awakening had all but disappeared.

The First Great Awakening, which took place 30 years before the Second Great Awakening, had primarily focused on the spread of Protestant religion, as America was primarily Catholic at the time. The first major revival worked to spread the ideas of a personal relationship with the Christian god and to make religion seem less impersonal. However, the Second Great Awakening was more focused on personal rights and education as they relate to religion and God. The Second Great Awakening also worked towards rejecting ideas of predestination, as religious leaders took the unprecedented step of preaching salvation to anyone, including slaves.

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As previously mentioned, the Second Great Awakening was a time when Protestant religious fervor swept the U.S. in the early 19th century, and it was mainly marked by its emphasis on social change and salvation for all. It mainly affected the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, but western New York became known as the "burned-over district" as religious fire reached an all-time high during this time. During the Second Great Awakening, established Protestant churches such as the Methodist or Baptist sects also experienced significant growth. For more information on key historical figures of the era, refer to the chart below.

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The Second Great Awakening changed American society and religion forever. Particularly in the northern states, beliefs of abolition, temperance, and women's rights were at the forefront of many conversations, while religious worship exhibited a sense of unity and passion never seen before in American society. The movement also inspired much socio-political and religious change in America, both in its time and in the future. In the short term, it gave people a source to look to for guidance and helped boost volunteerism. In the long term, the Second Great Awakening popularized the idea of salvation for all, which created unity among all peoples. This time period also set the stage for major social movements, such as prohibition, suffrage, and even abolition. It is notably credited with spreading support for abolition across the northern states, which eventually led to the Civil War.

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The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement in the early 1800s that took place primarily in Tennessee, Kentucky, and western New York. It came at a time of great socio-political change and challenged the dominant religious and political ideas of the era. Religion moved away from Calvinism and towards ideas of universal salvation and free will, and leaders such as Charles Finney and Lyman Beecher spread ideas of temperance, feminism, and abolition, setting the stage for later social change. There was also an emphasis on "good works," popularizing charity work and leading to an influx of non-profit organizations. Socially and religiously, America was never the same afterwards.

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The Second Great Awakening

The American Revolution left more than just a legacy of government. Not long after the war had overthrown the King and the social fabric of Europe, Americans turned their rebellious spirit to the church. If you're an American, the statistical odds are that you share the spiritual values the Revolutionaries fostered, even if you don't belong to one of their religions.

In the 1730s, the First Great Awakening had reshaped the traditional European churches into something Americans were more comfortable with. By the time of the Revolution, the largest denominations were the Quakers, the Congregationalists (descended from the Puritan tradition), and the Anglicans. But after the war, they wanted something that reflected their own values, something more American. First of all, it hardly seemed appropriate to support the Anglican Church anymore. So Americans kicked off their religious revolution by changing the name from 'Anglican' to 'Episcopal.' They selected their own bishops and leadership, and, of course, eliminated the king as the head of the church. The state of Virginia, which had previously supported the Anglican Church as a colony, led the way in separating church from government altogether. But it was more than that. The earlier denominations followed a Calvinist theology called predestination. Basically, God already knew from the beginning of time who would be saved from hell and who wouldn't. A person couldn't possibly change God's mind, so a Christian's job was to prove to himself and others that he was one of the chosen. This was especially true in the Protestant Northeast. But that theology didn't line up with the Revolutionary sense of national and personal achievement. It was time for a new religious revival, a Second Great Awakening.

Charles Finney was a leading revivalist of the Second Great Awakening
Charles Finney Image

Would you expect a revolutionary who believed that God had just helped him defeat the King of England to agree with a church that said he had no hope of making it to heaven? Post-war Americans embraced the Arminian theology of free will that gave them a little more input into their eternal resting place. Rather than being predestined to heaven or hell, this doctrine says humans are responsible for accepting or rejecting God's salvation. What's more, we have a moral obligation to do more than just prove we have a spot in heaven; we need to improve the world around us. Churches that taught this theology, like the Baptists and Methodists, overtook the old churches. Today they are still the biggest Protestant denominations in America.

The Second Great Awakening also spawned new religious groups, like the Shakers, the Latter-Day Saints (commonly called Mormons), and Seventh-Day Adventists. Some non-traditional groups emerged, such as the Transcendentalists, who sought spirituality apart from religion, and the Communal Oneida Society. Though the religious fervor of the Awakening cooled around the time of the Civil War, its influence has been permanent.

Spreading the Word

The Second Great Awakening was very democratic - anyone could be saved, personal study of the Bible was as good as or better than being taught by someone with formal training, regular people could be called by God to become preachers, and God expected everyone (not just a special few) to do His work on Earth. Traveling preachers were called 'Revivalists,' and they applied the secular ideals of the Revolution - hard work and personal virtue - in a religious way. One of the most influential revivalists of the Second Great Awakening was Charles Finney. He urged people to choose God, immediately turn away from their sin as soon as it's pointed out, and then work to make the world around them a little better. When they did this, they were, as the Bible said, 'born again' to do good works. Such concepts are still central to the evangelical denominations, and they resonated strongly with Americans in the post-Revolutionary era.

In the same way that they had wanted to do something about Enlightenment philosophy, Americans in the Second Great Awakening wanted to do something about their theology. It isn't enough to just 'be' good; you need to 'do' good. Don't just change your heart; change your world! Does this sound familiar to you? These values are still characteristic of a lot of religious groups and even non-religious activists in America today.

Western New York was the site of fervent religious revival
Burned Over District Map

Some of these efforts were directly related to religion. Have you ever found a Bible in a hotel room? The International Bible Society started doing that in 1823. Have you ever been handed a tract with an explanation of Christianity? You can credit the Awakening for that practice, too. Revivalists also emphasized evangelism and missionary work to bring Christianity to any place that needed it. The movement was especially influential on the western frontier of New York, which was called the 'Burned-Over District' after the fire of religious revival burned so intently there. The Second Great Awakening was also important in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, where established churches were few and far between.

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