organ donation

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medical directive

End-of-life decisions A specific and comprehensive advance care document–being developed for health care at the end of life. See Advance directive, Durable power of attorney, Living will.
Medical Directive–optimal components  
Introduction Provides an explanation of the document's purpose
Paradigmatic scenarios Provides examples that help the individual understand various illness circumstances and evaluate the types of life-sustaining interventions that might be employed; the PSs would–in theory–help the individual designate his/her preferences with respect to specific treatments
Proxy decision-maker Section provides details on who would make the decisions in the event of the individual becoming mentally incompetent
Organ donation Yes/no, what, to whom, for what
Personal statement The individual's 'wrap-up'
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

organ donation

The removal of a body part from one person for transplantation into another, typically to restore functional capacity.

Patient care

Organ donation may occur during life, as when a matched individual chooses to give bone marrow or a kidney to another; or it may occur at death, by those who have agreed to donate their organs if they suffer fatal accidents. Health care professionals working with trauma patients have a significant effect on increasing the number of organ donations through prompt identification of possible donors and the provision of hemodynamic management to preserve organ function and health.

See: donor card; transplantation
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners
References in periodicals archive ?
The role of health professionals is important because they are the first link between the patients and the donors, or the donor's family.9 There is evidence suggesting that healthcare professionals' attitude can play an imperative role in rates of organ donations, promotion of organ donation campaigns, and its successes.10
In the lead-up to the change in law, NHS Blood and Transplant wants families to talk about their organ donation decision, with the campaign message "Pass it on".
"We, the SHARE, seek the help from the city government of Davao City to promulgate an ordinance and appropriating funds to promote public awareness regarding deceased organ donation and to honor the deceased organ donor," she said.
Anthony Clarkson, director of organ donation and transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: "Even after the law around organ donation changes in England and Scotland next year, families will still be approached before organ donation goes ahead.
The related trainings organized by their hospitals, the number of patients they provide care to in a shift, and the process hospitals follow in brain death cases are effective in order for ICU nurses to perform their roles in guiding the families/relatives of the brain-death patients to organ donation. In this context, these characteristics are different in public, university, and private sector.
It monitors the organ donation activities in India and has the following divisions - National Human Organ and Tissue Removal and Storage Network, and National Biomaterial Centre.
It means people aged 18 and over who have lived in Wales for more than 12 months - and who die in Wales - are now regarded as having consented to organ donation unless they have opted opt.
They have been funded by Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust's organ donation team and designed and produced by NHSBT.
Organ donation is and will always be, a precious gift and one donor can save or transform the lives of up to nine people and help many more people if they also donate tissue.
As part of the annual Ramadan campaign, information booths staffed by Qatar Organ Donation Center (Hiba) representatives are providing members of the public with information about becoming a registered organ donor, including the process involved and the benefits.