DOW JONES FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026-2028 - Long Forecast

DOW JONES FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026-2028

Updated: 2024/04/25.

Dow Jones index closed at 38460.92 the previous day.

Dow Jones Predictions For Next Months And Years

Dow Jones forecast for April 2024.
The forecast for early April 39567. Maximum value 41667, minimum value 35729. Average Dow Jones for the month 38976. Value at the end 38941, change for April -1.6%.

DJIA index predictions for May 2024.
The forecast for early May 38941. Maximum value 42187, minimum value 34558. Average Dow Jones for the month 38778. Value at the end 39427, change for May 1.2%.

Dow Jones Predictions For 2024, 2025 And 2026

Month Open Low-High Close Total,%
Apr 39567 35729-41667 38941 -1.6%
May 38941 34558-42187 39427 -0.4%
Jun 39427 37117-42705 39911 0.9%
Jul 39911 37664-43334 40499 2.4%
Aug 40499 38494-44288 41391 4.6%
Sep 41391 40027-46053 43040 8.8%
Oct 43040 43040-50165 46883 18.5%
Nov 46883 43677-50251 46964 18.7%
Dec 46964 44093-50731 47412 19.8%
Jan 47412 44339-51013 47676 20.5%
Feb 47676 45915-52827 49371 24.8%
Mar 49371 47784-54978 51381 29.9%
Apr 51381 48132-55378 51755 30.8%
May 51755 49257-56671 52964 33.9%
Jun 52964 50180-57734 53957 36.4%
Jul 53957 50706-58340 54523 37.8%
Aug 54523 52153-60005 56079 41.7%
Sep 56079 50262-57828 54045 36.6%
Oct 54045 52943-60913 56928 43.9%
Nov 56928 56928-69242 64712 63.6%
Dec 64712 54611-64712 58721 48.4%
Jan 58721 52709-60643 56676 43.2%
Feb 56676 55592-63960 59776 51.1%
Mar 59776 52685-60616 56650 43.2%
Apr 56650 52422-60314 56368 42.5%

Dow Jones Forecast For 2027 And 2028

Month Open Low-High Close Total,%
2026 Continuation
May 56368 49650-57124 53387 34.9%
Jun 53387 43691-53387 46980 18.7%
Jul 46980 44227-50885 47556 20.2%
Aug 47556 44879-51635 48257 22.0%
Sep 48257 45868-52772 49320 24.6%
Oct 49320 47695-54875 51285 29.6%
Nov 51285 51285-59774 55864 41.2%
Dec 55864 51593-59359 55476 40.2%
Jan 55476 49623-57093 53358 34.9%
Feb 53358 48519-55823 52171 31.9%
Mar 52171 50244-57808 54026 36.5%
Apr 54026 52290-60162 56226 42.1%
May 56226 50770-58412 54591 38.0%
Jun 54591 51956-59778 55867 41.2%
Jul 55867 52930-60898 56914 43.8%
Aug 56914 50708-58342 54525 37.8%
Sep 54525 52155-60007 56081 41.7%
Oct 56081 50264-57830 54047 36.6%
Nov 54047 52945-60915 56930 43.9%
Dec 56930 56930-69244 64714 63.6%
Jan 64714 54611-64714 58722 48.4%
Feb 58722 52710-60644 56677 43.2%
Mar 56677 55593-63961 59777 51.1%
Apr 59777 52685-60617 56651 43.2%
May 56651 52423-60315 56369 42.5%

Dow Jones forecast for June 2024.
The forecast for early June 39427. Maximum value 42705, minimum value 37117. Average Dow Jones for the month 39790. Value at the end 39911, change for June 1.2%.

DJIA index predictions for July 2024.
The forecast for early July 39911. Maximum value 43334, minimum value 37664. Average Dow Jones for the month 40352. Value at the end 40499, change for July 1.5%.


NASDAQ 100 Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.

Dow Jones forecast for August 2024.
The forecast for early August 40499. Maximum value 44288, minimum value 38494. Average Dow Jones for the month 41168. Value at the end 41391, change for August 2.2%.

DJIA index predictions for September 2024.
The forecast for early September 41391. Maximum value 46053, minimum value 40027. Average Dow Jones for the month 42628. Value at the end 43040, change for September 4.0%.

Dow Jones forecast for October 2024.
The forecast for early October 43040. Maximum value 50165, minimum value 43040. Average Dow Jones for the month 45782. Value at the end 46883, change for October 8.9%.

DJIA index predictions for November 2024.
The forecast for early November 46883. Maximum value 50251, minimum value 43677. Average Dow Jones for the month 46944. Value at the end 46964, change for November 0.2%.

Dow Jones forecast for December 2024.
The forecast for early December 46964. Maximum value 50731, minimum value 44093. Average Dow Jones for the month 47300. Value at the end 47412, change for December 1.0%.

DJIA index predictions for January 2025.
The forecast for early January 47412. Maximum value 51013, minimum value 44339. Average Dow Jones for the month 47610. Value at the end 47676, change for January 0.6%.

Dow Jones forecast for February 2025.
The forecast for early February 47676. Maximum value 52827, minimum value 45915. Average Dow Jones for the month 48947. Value at the end 49371, change for February 3.6%.

DJIA index predictions for March 2025.
The forecast for early March 49371. Maximum value 54978, minimum value 47784. Average Dow Jones for the month 50879. Value at the end 51381, change for March 4.1%.

Dow Jones forecast for April 2025.
The forecast for early April 51381. Maximum value 55378, minimum value 48132. Average Dow Jones for the month 51662. Value at the end 51755, change for April 0.7%.

DJIA index predictions for May 2025.
The forecast for early May 51755. Maximum value 56671, minimum value 49257. Average Dow Jones for the month 52662. Value at the end 52964, change for May 2.3%.

Dow Jones forecast for June 2025.
The forecast for early June 52964. Maximum value 57734, minimum value 50180. Average Dow Jones for the month 53709. Value at the end 53957, change for June 1.9%.

DJIA index predictions for July 2025.
The forecast for early July 53957. Maximum value 58340, minimum value 50706. Average Dow Jones for the month 54382. Value at the end 54523, change for July 1.0%.

Dow Jones forecast for August 2025.
The forecast for early August 54523. Maximum value 60005, minimum value 52153. Average Dow Jones for the month 55690. Value at the end 56079, change for August 2.9%.

DJIA index predictions for September 2025.
The forecast for early September 56079. Maximum value 57828, minimum value 50262. Average Dow Jones for the month 54554. Value at the end 54045, change for September -3.6%.

S&P FORECAST 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.

NASDAQ Composite Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.

Dow Jones forecast for October 2025.
The forecast for early October 54045. Maximum value 60913, minimum value 52943. Average Dow Jones for the month 56207. Value at the end 56928, change for October 5.3%.

DJIA index predictions for November 2025.
The forecast for early November 56928. Maximum value 69242, minimum value 56928. Average Dow Jones for the month 61953. Value at the end 64712, change for November 13.7%.

Dow Jones forecast for December 2025.
The forecast for early December 64712. Maximum value 64712, minimum value 54611. Average Dow Jones for the month 60689. Value at the end 58721, change for December -9.3%.

DJIA index predictions for January 2026.
The forecast for early January 58721. Maximum value 60643, minimum value 52709. Average Dow Jones for the month 57187. Value at the end 56676, change for January -3.5%.

Dow Jones forecast for February 2026.
The forecast for early February 56676. Maximum value 63960, minimum value 55592. Average Dow Jones for the month 59001. Value at the end 59776, change for February 5.5%.

DJIA index predictions for March 2026.
The forecast for early March 59776. Maximum value 60616, minimum value 52685. Average Dow Jones for the month 57432. Value at the end 56650, change for March -5.2%.

Dow Jones forecast for April 2026.
The forecast for early April 56650. Maximum value 60314, minimum value 52422. Average Dow Jones for the month 56439. Value at the end 56368, change for April -0.5%.

DJIA index predictions for May 2026.
The forecast for early May 56368. Maximum value 57124, minimum value 49650. Average Dow Jones for the month 54132. Value at the end 53387, change for May -5.3%.

Dow Jones forecast for June 2026.
The forecast for early June 53387. Maximum value 53387, minimum value 43691. Average Dow Jones for the month 49361. Value at the end 46980, change for June -12.0%.

DJIA index predictions for July 2026.
The forecast for early July 46980. Maximum value 50885, minimum value 44227. Average Dow Jones for the month 47412. Value at the end 47556, change for July 1.2%.

Dow Jones forecast for August 2026.
The forecast for early August 47556. Maximum value 51635, minimum value 44879. Average Dow Jones for the month 48082. Value at the end 48257, change for August 1.5%.

DJIA index predictions for September 2026.
The forecast for early September 48257. Maximum value 52772, minimum value 45868. Average Dow Jones for the month 49054. Value at the end 49320, change for September 2.2%.

Dow Jones forecast for October 2026.
The forecast for early October 49320. Maximum value 54875, minimum value 47695. Average Dow Jones for the month 50794. Value at the end 51285, change for October 4.0%.

DJIA index predictions for November 2026.
The forecast for early November 51285. Maximum value 59774, minimum value 51285. Average Dow Jones for the month 54552. Value at the end 55864, change for November 8.9%.

Dow Jones forecast for December 2026.
The forecast for early December 55864. Maximum value 59359, minimum value 51593. Average Dow Jones for the month 55573. Value at the end 55476, change for December -0.7%.

DJIA index predictions for January 2027.
The forecast for early January 55476. Maximum value 57093, minimum value 49623. Average Dow Jones for the month 53888. Value at the end 53358, change for January -3.8%.

Dow Jones forecast for February 2027.
The forecast for early February 53358. Maximum value 55823, minimum value 48519. Average Dow Jones for the month 52468. Value at the end 52171, change for February -2.2%.

DJIA index predictions for March 2027.
The forecast for early March 52171. Maximum value 57808, minimum value 50244. Average Dow Jones for the month 53562. Value at the end 54026, change for March 3.6%.

Dow Jones forecast for April 2027.
The forecast for early April 54026. Maximum value 60162, minimum value 52290. Average Dow Jones for the month 55676. Value at the end 56226, change for April 4.1%.

DJIA index predictions for May 2027.
The forecast for early May 56226. Maximum value 58412, minimum value 50770. Average Dow Jones for the month 55000. Value at the end 54591, change for May -2.9%.

Dow Jones forecast for June 2027.
The forecast for early June 54591. Maximum value 59778, minimum value 51956. Average Dow Jones for the month 55548. Value at the end 55867, change for June 2.3%.

DJIA index predictions for July 2027.
The forecast for early July 55867. Maximum value 60898, minimum value 52930. Average Dow Jones for the month 56652. Value at the end 56914, change for July 1.9%.

Dow Jones forecast for August 2027.
The forecast for early August 56914. Maximum value 58342, minimum value 50708. Average Dow Jones for the month 55122. Value at the end 54525, change for August -4.2%.

DJIA index predictions for September 2027.
The forecast for early September 54525. Maximum value 60007, minimum value 52155. Average Dow Jones for the month 55692. Value at the end 56081, change for September 2.9%.

Dow Jones forecast for October 2027.
The forecast for early October 56081. Maximum value 57830, minimum value 50264. Average Dow Jones for the month 54556. Value at the end 54047, change for October -3.6%.

DJIA index predictions for November 2027.
The forecast for early November 54047. Maximum value 60915, minimum value 52945. Average Dow Jones for the month 56209. Value at the end 56930, change for November 5.3%.

Dow Jones forecast for December 2027.
The forecast for early December 56930. Maximum value 69244, minimum value 56930. Average Dow Jones for the month 61955. Value at the end 64714, change for December 13.7%.

DJIA index predictions for January 2028.
The forecast for early January 64714. Maximum value 64714, minimum value 54611. Average Dow Jones for the month 60690. Value at the end 58722, change for January -9.3%.

Dow Jones forecast for February 2028.
The forecast for early February 58722. Maximum value 60644, minimum value 52710. Average Dow Jones for the month 57188. Value at the end 56677, change for February -3.5%.

Tesla Stock Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026.

DJIA index predictions for March 2028.
The forecast for early March 56677. Maximum value 63961, minimum value 55593. Average Dow Jones for the month 59002. Value at the end 59777, change for March 5.5%.

Dow Jones forecast for April 2028.
The forecast for early April 59777. Maximum value 60617, minimum value 52685. Average Dow Jones for the month 57433. Value at the end 56651, change for April -5.2%.

DJIA index predictions for May 2028.
The forecast for early May 56651. Maximum value 60315, minimum value 52423. Average Dow Jones for the month 56440. Value at the end 56369, change for May -0.5%.

The forecast is updated on daily basis.