business law final Flashcards | Quizlet

business law final

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the sustainability movement grew out of what movement>
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the sustainability movement grew out of what movement>
the movement to solve climate change
what is sustainability?
a concept where we manage our life and our business in such a way to leave the world (planet and people) a little better than we found it
overall goal of sustainability practices
for everyone to leave earth (people and environment) a little better than we found it
goal of the earth summit
discuss ways to limit the growth of global warming and address issues of climate change
purpose of the kyoto protocal
reduce burning of fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide that attributes to global warming
true or false. the united states ratified/adopted the kyoto protocal.
false. they did not.

the US, china, and india not not accept the kyoto protocal -- wanted to support the goals but not be legally bound
cap and trade system
proposed system to provide incentives to reduce greenhouse gases
business should reduce their...
carbon footprint
the paris agreement
adopted december 2015, reduce carbon output asap and prevent global warming to well below 2 degrees C/3.6 F
why we should be interested in global warming
sustainability is a core value at GVSU, one of the top 25 green universites
Sanford believes both ethics and sustainability are related or both involve...
doing the right thing
triple bottom line (3BL)
financial performance, environment, people
-> profit maximizing with goals of sustainability so that people and the planet are considered during financial discussions
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
deliberate inclusion of the public interest into corporate decision making (usually considers 3BL)
aka benefit corps, recent development, third party assessment requiring companies to meet certain social and environmental performance standards and must be transparent to the public
vegetarians have about _____ the environmental impact as meat eaters because calorie-for-calorie, takes 10x less energy to grow veggies than livestock