Trademark Classes, Trademark Class, Trademark Classification

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Trademark Classes

Trademark classification is popularly known as classification of services and goods. There are several categories of trademark and they are classified into several classes. It is an orderly arrangement of documents according to the type and the description the goods and services. Trademark classification is classified into classes in almost all the countries. There are different classes for services and products. There are 34 classes for products out of 45 classes and 11 for services.

Trademark Classification

A trademark classification is a way by which trademark attorneys and trademark examiners arrange documents, such as trademark and service mark applications, according to the description and scope of the types of goods or services to which the marks apply. The same trademark or service may be classified in numerous classes, and some countries permit several classes to be registered in the same document. Trademarks are also classified in various classes in India. Trademark classification helps in precise and easy work.
